Tara Brach on Facing Fear [Part 1] - Awakening Your Fearless Heart

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Tara Brach on Facing Fear [Part 1] - Awakening Your Fearless Heart [2020-02-12]

Fear is a natural and universal part of our incarnation, and, when it goes on overdrive, we get imprisoned in the suffering of separation. These two talks explore how the RAIN meditation can help us face fear, and discover the boundless loving awareness that includes but is not contracted by currents of fear.


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With thanks and love, Tara
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After decades of fight, flight freeze, avoidance and terror, I decided to be with it all as it is - as the Buddha instructed. I am seeing progress, still freezing but refusing to find cheap ways to cope, instead, trusting Tara and others who care about humanity. Thank you.


Tara, thank you so deeply for your insights, talks, guidance, and wisdom. The other night I woke up from a nightmare. In my dream, our house was filling with water so quickly there was nothing anyone could do to prevent it, everything was being destroyed, the water was moving quickly getting higher and higher, and my fear was that my daughter in her room next to me would not be able to get out. I woke me up in terror, feeling like I wanted to scream. I felt the immense fear and then took a step back consciously. I've been practicing meditation since I was 18. I am 50 currently. This practice helped me move into observation and out of the reaction. Then your words came into my mind so clearly: "This belongs". I consciously allowed the feelings, the experience of the fear, and let them be. I said to them, 'You are Welcome Here." This act of radical allowing let me calm down. I started to regulate and went back to sleep. I totally forgot about it until now. I am so deeply grateful for your teachings, honestly, you are one of my life heroes. Thank you for your amazing contributions to humanity. Thank you.


Tara, thank you. I've been finding myself in fear off and on over the last month. Looming human issues. I have always read and watched your talks but I've been really clinging to them lately to remind myself of what I already thought I knew. I am grateful for you and your willingness to be available to share your wisdom. ❤️


Fear has been a dominant emotion and imposes difficulty in my life. Thank you so much for the video that helped me to expand my capabilities to sit with it and allow it.


Hi tara am doing my best to sit with fear.
Today iv had fear sadness frustrated
Angry and suicidal thoughts it was so hard to sit with all this
I ended up crying most of the day..
I will remember to pause bring kindness in and do my best to sit with it. I would love to be able to sit with every thing that arises the I'd have freedom
Thank you tara
For your wisdom and humour
Peace love and light xx


Our issues are in our tissues. Love that. So rooted is fear inside me


There is so much wisdom in your speeches; I have aha moments every few sentences.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart


This is so appropriate for what’s going on in the world today with the corona virus. Thank you!


Thank you for your kindness and compassion


Fear has controlled me my whole life.. it made me quit everything.. karate.. baseball.. school.. swimming..college.. relationships... jobs... on the other hand .. I never started alot too.. im so defeated.... afraid and tortured.. I have no idea what to do cause now I am plagued with chronic illness.. I missed out on so much and I actually wonder if I am the cause of the disease I have.. pushing myself to run from everything... I dont know how I will go on


Oh wow so powerful to pause and feel what u wouldn't fear. Thx for this reminder powerfully exactly what I'm going thru st now.


Tara Brach- I wanted to thank you. You help me so much with my inner emotional work. The existence of which I hadn't known before. Often I got so sleepy because of the intense work that I just fell asleep. It shows that there is much work to do and that your courses are good sleeping aids for needy people like me;). Namaste.


Any fellow anxiety folks who get fear of fear? Fear that the physical fear you are feeling is going to cause a heart attack etc? So there's the original fear with more fear on top. Awful


Thank you Tara. I have so much enjoyed these and have gotten a lot from them. Namaste


Thank you Tara, beautiful and timely movement for me. 💜


I deleted an old friend off Facebook. I feared doing it for years. I wanted to make room in my life and move on. I know that people move on as well. I’ve been afraid that people I hold dear won’t remember me.


Especially useful nowadays. Blessings.


The correct quote from AA is "God's Will, non mine shall be done" NOT "Heart's will...", which makes no sense at all. I know that's hard to hear
