Coronavirus press conference (10 April 2020)

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The BBC reporter doesn't congratulate the government on what's it's doing NOW but criticises what they DID. How is this relevant to people at home or working that needs the PPE?

That reporter should have asked a question on what the government is doing not what it's done. Absolutely useless questions.

Second reporter obviously hasn't been following the situation as shown by her asking about the lock down as those questions have already been answered multiple times. Another wasted opportunity by the press because they ask stupid questions.

Ben Celtish LBC asks a very good question, it's relevant and informative and shows an awareness of the wider issue. Well done mate.

Charlotte at talk radio asks a question that gives us new information and help builds the story of those on the front line. A very good question.

The telegraph reporter asks an old question on the economy but in a new relevant way that is informative to the wider public and not just asking about the economy and jobs and businesses which has been repeatedly asked.

Tom Newton at the Sun asks a question which we're all interested in followed by a question that shows awareness of the problems of saying when the release of lock down can occur. We all know it will be about the time when all the curves go down whenever that will be. What I don't understand is why reporters don't understand that?

That woman from BuzzFeed ask a question about testing that is very complicated in answering yet she wants a sound bite for an answer. This is an old question that has been answered before and is repetitive and not informative. Another useless question.

The same applies about the oxygen question. It's been asked before and reported on. These reporters never seem to listen or really understand the answer they get.

Dave West from the Health Journal,

Shows a level of investigation that no other reporter has shown and asks questions based on what he's found out. Good questions.


This is when they said normal life would be on hold for 18 months & that annoyed me hearing that & i will never forgive being told that


I call bs when are they going to tell the truth 🤔


Every single country is going to be in financial trouble.
They need to do a financial reset using digital currencies.

Also, billions are held in nostro/Vostro accounts via swift.

Get rid of swift and use ripple technology. This will free billions, probably trillions


Starts at 5:50. Please trim your videos of you care about your viewers


So what the hell do we do in Neighbourgh hoods where parents are allowing children from other homes to play with their children! And allowing their children out to play! What do we do about that ay! What happens with that! People are not following the advice!
