'Stage Zero Breast Cancer' Patient Believes She Was Over-Treated

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My mom is 81 and diagnosed with DCIS Stage 0 and still both surgeon/oncologist opinions advised mastectomy and pills. She asked for the pills alone (which I am just as afraid of side effects) She made her personal choice and I respect it. She has taken care of others with breast cancer so I know she has first hand experience. There is no guarantee to living her best life when she is so independent, faithful and full of life now. Her regular doctor even praised how well she has taken care of herself to get to her age. I guess the surgeon/oncologist feels she would do fine with their recommendation but how would she live out the rest of her life? and at this age>? I'm proud she at least got the information to make an informed decision about this.


I have a biopsy for calcification and if it’s stage 0 I will not do any of this


That is the same diagnosis the doctor gave to my sister. In December she went for a mammogram, and after that was sent for a sonogram because there was something suspicious. On January 2nd I took her for a biopsy of the left breast, and on January 5th received the final diagnosis of stage 0 DCIS. On the same day, they made all the arrangements for the surgeon. Now she was scheduled for a lumpectomy and radiation. Not even a month to make all the decisions and the sad part is that we don't have the time to process the bad news. I'll call(my sister doesn't speak English) the surgeon to postpone the surgery and go to the surgeon and ask for a surveillance time. They make it to see her diagnosis like a life thread. This is very sad all these sound like a business. I wish you the best Donna I'm happy that I found your YouTube video. Thanks, listening to you talk was a relief


I was diagnosed DCIS 5 years ago and I resisted any treatment after they tried to bully me into surgery and radiation. I did my research. I just sent them an email that says “I regret to inform you that I’m still alive after walking out of the consult where you tried to bully me into overtreatment. “ Lolol I am watchful waiting, no signs of malignancy. Take back your power


Treatment or not or treatment type should be an INDIVIDUAL CHOICE. No one should be reairoaded into doing something they don't want. I've noticed medical people diagnosed with DCIS tend to choose mastectomy over lumpectomy with ancillary treatment because mastectomy has low risk of disease recurrence. Further, people often think survival is the same as disease free survival when it isn't. Talking back power means not being railroaded and instead making an individual choice regarding treatment or not or type of treatment. Ancillary treatment given after lumpectomy (often, radiation and/or hormonal treatment for years) carry risks of serious and often permanent side effects which have great potential to seriously and permanently compromise health, as if DCIS wasn't enough. Who wants that? Do your own research and don't be reairoaded by doctors. Make your own decisions. After all, you must live with a DCIS diagnosis and all it entails, not the doctor.


Same here, experienced a full breast mastectomy as a result of a bunch of calcifications that look suspicious. I consulted 8 specialists including surgeons and radiologists and all advised the operation. Turned out found 2 tiny stage 0 lumps less than 3mm. I also think I am overtreated despite my wound recover quickly with no further treatment required.


This is very sad,
She went through all😢


Ladies do research this lady is still cancer free today!! I have the same cancer I'm with her!!


I am going through the process with stage DCIS and had two surgeries but also refuse radiation and Doctors encourage just regular yearly mammogram


I’m sorry inside edition, but I personally, if I found out I had something that raises my chances of cancer. And have to have 4 surgeries in 2 years, it is reasonable for the dr To believe you would have a better quality of life removing the breast. It has also been proven removing your breast gives a roughly 90-95% reduction in chances of getting breast cancer.

I understand everyone has the right to make their own decisions but to make it seem like they wanted to chop her breast off for no reason is grossly misleading.


I have stage 0, grade 3. I have a large group of calcifications. There is also another area that isn't cancer, but it needs removed. The surgeon suggested a mastectomy. My surgery is scheduled for January 20. I was told I won't need radiation or chemo. I'm more afraid of the recovery than the cancer.


Thank you Inside Edition & Donna for sharing this!


I was diagnosed with DCIS yesterday, Im so scared!


This was *EYE-OPENING*
SO much ***malpractice*** out there
Sometimes we feel so POWERLESS, relying on doctors!


I had DCIS 4 years ago & have just had my 4 year mammogram. I expect my results in approx 14 days. I had a lumpectomy & 15 sessions of radiotherapy here in the UK. I am astounded at this attitude to the treatment offered. Do you want to live ? Take the treatment & continue to live your life. Most of all be grateful that treatment is now able to save so more many lives than it could 10/20 years ago. I thank God every day for still being cancer free because of my treatment.


This is so similsr to what is happening to men with high psa’s - over diagnosis and over treatment.


Her confidence is really inspirational. People forget that cancer is a symptom caused by various diseases. It's not that you got cancer get ready to die. People live with cancer for years and years, it is NOT a death sentence. Educate yourselves like this woman did. She will be saving so many women from a lot of heartache. Fear in a human body can cause you to eliminate anything that can be a threat, so instead of dealing with it people tend to skip to just subtract it altogether. Major props to her 👏👏


Heck no I just went through this today I didn’t have cancer but atypical cells they just removed them. Yes the process was horrible and I assume recovery may not be easy but my 46 yr old neighbor just died from breast cancer and left her young children and husband behind. I don’t want to be her.


May not but it MAY become invasive and my mother passed from breast cancer. 🥴 you take the risk


I had DCIS 5 years ago. Had a double mastectomy. I now have stage 3 invasive breast cancer.
