Intimidation Fail Over A Parking Spot

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Mason City Police:

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Mason City Police:

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just remember if you don't want the cops to bother you just lock yourself in an elementary school classroom.


He's wearing his hat like he's selling fresh roasted peanuts at the ballgame.


When these cops realize that a person is living out of their car, they know these people are on hard times and they just can’t resist to finish ruining someone’s life!


Travis has a unique ability to confuse dumb cops. He comes across as slow witted, but he is not. His speaking style enhances his questions which are always on point and leaves the cops struggling for a reply. Travis has chosen his life style and more power to him to live as he wants to live. Back in the day I would have enjoyed meeting him. Retired LEO.


That cop is freaking creepy as hell! This interaction should completely disqualify him from every working in Law Enforcement.


The amount of harassment Travis gets at the hands of law enforcement should be criminal. It's such disgrace on themselves they should be ashamed of how they have lost all humanity and compassion for homeless people who may walk in life a little differently from their judgment.
It's a public road you very weird cop who knew exactly what he was fishing for.
Hate seeking Cop .


What is weird IS, this LEO. M. Tiedeman needs to learn himself some of that stuff called "situational awareness".


“It’s just strange that people are parked on a roadway”

Believe it or not officer, some people have to resort to living in their cars and vans nowadays due to the poor state of the economy all the while you enjoy your regular govt salary.


This guy is a legend. Every video he’s unfailingly polite and courteous - in the face of meeting some of the strangest police officers I’ve ever seen 😂


That is one seriously CREEPY COP. Just staring and not answering questions or responding at all makes me wonder if he is fit for duty. The department needs to give him a psychological examination.


It's strange to park on a roadway? Wtf. People need to mind their own business.


If you'd get that close to a cop, you'd be in handcuffs.


Another one of those few bad apples we keep hearing about. Strange how often we catch them on camera, being as how there are just a few of em...


I liked Travis' continual humorous banter. It was almost like he was hypnotizing the officer.


Everyone who argues that it's "just a few bad apples" should watch Travis' channel. From WA to LA, Travis has been harassed, intimidated, cajoled, violated, and arrested - for absolutely _no_ reason. The problem with that analogy is if you don't remove and throw away the "bad apples", pretty soon the rot spreads to the entire box...


I thank the officer for showing me what a reasonable distance looks like. I will use this information for my benefit.


"Criminal weird, General weird, what you got scientific theory?"

Dudes a boss lmao


Took a course to be certified to teach the MSF Basic Rider Course here with my local training org. One of my classmates during training was a retired motorcycle officer. Generally nice guy, thorough and easy to get along with. Suffice it to say he did have a lot of interesting insights to share however, including how he and his officer buddies would make a game of finding creative applications of traffic codes in order to pull people over. There are so many potential traffic violations, he asserted that if an officer wants to pull you over they will be able to find a reason.

A firearms instructor I train with is also a retired officer. One of the lessons he taught during his CCW class is that the police are not your friends and not to talk to them.


Travis is a master at exposing the illusion of freedom
