Why NRG Were SO BAD & Then GOT GOOD!

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Recently I was punished by my mother. When she asked if I had finished the dishes, I replied FNS, and she got angry, because she knew they had not been washed.


NRG is the Valorant eSports depiction of every student at the start of the year versus a week before the exam starting. Doing rather bad at school in both cases, but at least they are locked in to at least try and pass.


FNS' low frag games feel like they're casting a bronze make-a-wish kid living out his dying dream of playing a VCT match. Every kill he gets is met with unbridled shock. There he goes, little Pujan, playing from his hospital bed with the shaky 1K spraydown, a one-off, a miracle, the hand of god at work.


NRG would def qualified for playoffs if TMV oiled up (for real)


The first round on lotus that you showed, NRG are actually completely setup for the c exec. They know Raze has ult so they’re trying to play back after the conditioning off Victor where he’s agressed DEEP through Mound and into spawn many round by now. With the Clove oneway at the start of the round it makes Sentinels cautious of pushing Mound early so Zekken decides to ult to clear but S0m is ready and is playing very far back.

What throws off the round is the fade ult and smokes on B, and Johnqt throws a deadlock wall elbow. FNS can’t rotate off C to help his team in time so S0m peeks to try to get a pick before they finish walking through the door. 3 players are still holding him because the B pressure was fake. S0m dies, Sentinels start executing C BUT now Ethan can’t rotate fast enough from B to C because of the Deadlock wall and Cypher dies on site because of this. This was a great round by both teams but the deadlock wall elbow is the reason NRG lost.


Maybe Chet haven't slept yet since Optic lost to LOUD with those eyes.
That's why he's having these weird ass comp and terrible map ban and selection.


40 deathmatch matches in a row on a tuesday morning Pujan Masterclass


I feel bad that Kru lost since they're my favorite team, but it's good to see NRG being somewhat back.


The Biden reference on FNS is criminal😂😂😂


7:37 it makes a lot of sense. You just criticized them for banning haven and picking lotus. With very good reasoning. Haven is new back in the maps pool so teams have fewer reps on it.

NRG recognized they made a mistake in the first series and corrected it.


the key to them winning on ascent vs bind playing the old comps was that FNS and the optic core were there when both of those comps were created. they were a large part of why those comps were meta comps at the time (arguably top 3 teams for well over a year). the difference is one comp is still meta and one is not. of course they’ll still be one of the best teams on ascent running that comp.


Another masterclass from Not Really Garbage E-sports

edit: 19:42 the funny part is that this rarely even works in ranked any more


If a lot of TMV criticism is on the comps and maps they chose for their first 2 games.. wouldnt that be on Chet? Isnt it the coaches job to make sure his team is playing / practicing correct agents / maps/ metas?


FNS saw the reddit post about his aim and locked in


In regards to the haven comp, I was listening to two interviews, one with Crashies and one with Chet, where they talked about picking the comp. They talked about how they had faced a different team who was playing the comp and was caught off guard by the comp so they stole it. The other big takeway i got was Chet praising Clove as an agent I who excels at lurking with their smokes.

Now I have my own personal opinions on the comp (certainly not defending it), but i just wanted to provide extra context to their haven pick.


I think if NRG played kj instead of cypher during map 1 gainst kru they would have done better since they would have more info. Cypher's cam is useful but i rather have kj turret watching an area as well as having molly that can help with post plus ur only losing the cage.


CheT is close minded he, he did the same old sage comps in 2024 even tho it doesnt make any sense.


18:02 Not really apart of the analysis, but can I just say that we are so blessed to have Bren and Sideshow as commentators? Bren is genuinely elite at calling play-by-play, and Sideshow provides amazing analysis, as well as both of them being super funny. They’re literally my favorite commentating duo in ANY sport/esport. Absolutely love these guys.


Fns actually said when the map came in that the meta comp will be fade breach cypher omen and raze


19:40 why bro throwing his own team under the bus
