Chemotherapy Doesn't Work - The Truth About Chemo Success Rates

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In this Video, Chemotherapy doesn't work - The Truth About Chemo Success Rates we dive deep into the world of cancer treatment, cancer research, and the future of managing this devastating disease.

Why Chemotherapy DOESN'T WORK - Cancer Treatment 2024

✅ The Key to a Cancer Cure: Join us as we explore the efficacy of chemotherapy, the cornerstone of conventional cancer treatment, and reveal startling insights into its limitations.

✅ Cutting-Edge Cancer Research: Discover the latest advancements in cancer research and clinical trials for cancer drugs, shedding light on promising breakthroughs in the medical field.

✅ Expert Insights: Hear from leading Cancer Specialists as they share their valuable perspectives on alternative cancer cures and their implications for the future of cancer treatment.

✅ Burzynski Clinic & Cancer Cure: Learn about the Burzynski Clinic's groundbreaking contributions to cancer management and the potential for finding a cancer cure that challenges the status quo.

✅ Medical Research Unveiled: We'll demystify the world of cancer drug clinical trials and explore the cutting-edge options available for patients seeking alternatives to chemotherapy.

✅ Empowering Insights: If you or a loved one are dealing with cancer, this video provides essential advice for cancer patients and sheds light on the journey to recovery.

✅Uncover the truth about chemotherapy, find hope in alternative cancer treatments, and get inspired by the possibilities for a cancer-free future.

We hope that by sharing this information, we can help those who are going through cancer treatment or support someone who is. Let's get started!

🌟Chapter Highlights🌟

Why is Dr. Glidden saying that Chemotherapy does NOT Work 97% of the time?
Why chemotherapy is still being used despite its low success rate.
Alternative treatments for cancer
Patient-cantered care
Side effects of chemotherapy: Overview of the physical and psychological effects of chemotherapy on patients.

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Disclaimer: The Healthy Bay channel serves as an educational platform, but it is crucial to consult qualified medical professionals before making any health-related decisions. While we exercise discretion in handling certain content exceptions, we remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring accurate and responsible information dissemination.

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Why Chemotherapy DOESN'T WORK - Cancer Treatment 2024


I'm happy for the survivors of cancer and chemo ❤ My Mother had one treatment and she said "Never again". She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2006 and lived a good life until 2017. With ongoing chemo and radiation I don't think she would've lived as long. It's a personal choice for all victims of cancer. May God bless all cancer victims and survivors ❤


The late actress Suzannes Somers was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. She had surgery and agreed to radiation therapy, but she refused chemo. Never took one treatment. She also changed her diet and lived another 22 years before passing away in late 2023.


I was told cancer cells live on sugar, and I watched few testimonials low carb + no sugar really helped
The purpose of intermittent fasting can repair damaged cells through autophagy. Actually, my lung completely restored from COVID-19 through intermittent fasting


Chemotherapy finished my father off with his cancer . I watched him doing his chemotherapy . It was very painful to him, just made me want to cry . I watched his health fall while in therapy .


My mate was treated for throat cancer died 24 hrs after chemotherapy.




Chemo was extremely damaging for me first round thank the universe and myself for saying no.


I had 2 rounds of chemo for lymphoma so many side effects & so sick I refused anymore I am in remission trying to get my body back to normal


Diagnosed with BC in 2005. Left mastectomy that September. Then came decisions about palliative therapy, radiation, chemotherapy, and oral medications. Radiation seemed like a no-brainier as results and side effects seemed tolerable. After 28 days of radiation came deciding about whether to have chemotherapy that my oncologist suggested. After some on-lone research I determined that since life expectancy averaged n increase of 2-3% after chemo, it didn't seem worth while, always remembering the adage that "treatment may be worse than the disease." I skipped chemo that seems a barbaric treatment. That Big Pharma does not care to do R and D on immunological treatments, as pointed out in this video, is due to the profits of the pharmaceutical manufacturers is true. (see CBS's 60 Minutes about "curing cancer" by injecting low dose live polio vaccine and treating brain tumors by turning them into a virus that masters tumors to death.) I consider myself an example of a person who avoided chemo and is 19 years out.


There are three main issues here:
ONE, is greedy (and increasingly greedy) drug companies which are only concerned with profits.
TWO, is their influence over doctors and spreading of false or misleading information about the best standards of care. They use doctors as sales staff to sell their drugs, often influenced by gifts and holidays.
THREE, is greedy modern day medical specialists who don't take enough time with their patients. They want to get people in and out of their doors as fast as possible in order to maximize turnover/profit.


Also herbal supplements and fasting and vegan diet. Helps a lot too. Chemotherapy is toxic. I was offered Chemotherapy after cancer surgery. I been doing my research and I am finding that Chemotherapy is not best way to go. I will have to make a decision soon but I am still looking for alternatives.


When my husband was in the hospital the chemo doctor was overheard berating the radiation doctor, because the radiation treatments had "used him up" and now was too weak for chemo...


Well my husband had almost a year of chemo and that gave him 20 years of good quality of life. So I guess he was one of the 2% . He had stage 3b colon cancer.


Chemotherapy is still used worldwide due to the fact that it makes billions of dollars for the big pharma firms who have created it. There is no other reason that it is still being used!!!


Immunotherapy, chemotherapy or any other treatment never works instead worsen the patient. All the medication are just milk making machines. Healthy diet, exercise, positive thinking, practice gratitude & most importantly remember & be grateful to the ultimate power the GOD .


I'll take fasting over chemotherapy any time


Thank you for the truth. My chemo pills 20 years ago were 2000 a week. My radiation treatments were 5, 000 a week. That was 20 years ago this week.
I almost died twice. I screamed at the doctors that it was killing me. Turns out my cancer was small, and I was over diagnosed.
God only knows what chemo costs now. I’m in Houston. I went to two famous clinics, both are about money. Big money. And I asked and they would not tell me success rates. I asked how many die from chemo. They make too much money off these harsh treatments on your body. I tried to sue, but all the papers you have to sigh. And tort reforms prohibited me from suing after all the damage to my body after two years. The surgery to cut out my body parts was 65, 000. I said hell no. I got the hell away from the trauma of major surgery. I could go on and on.


I lost my two best friends to chemo. Both died 3 months later after chemotherapy treatment. 😢


I think the success rate is higher than 3%. Late stage cancer might have a lower success rate, yet chemo at other stages success is higher. Please get second opinions . I am a 2 times breast cancer survivor and had chemo both times. I am a 28 year survivor.
