What to Expect During Chemotherapy

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Before your first chemotherapy treatment, you may feel a range of emotions: anxiety, fear, or perhaps even eagerness to get started. Knowing what to expect will allow you to face the experience with greater calm and confidence. Hear from a patient in treatment, doctors, nurses and loved ones about the reality of the chemotherapy process.

Chemotherapy, often referred to simply as chemo, is the treatment of cancer with medications that can destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy works by interfering with the way cancer cells divide, preventing the cancer from spreading and helping to get rid of cancer cells in the body.

Our goal at the Maimonides Cancer Center is to provide our patients and their families with the highest quality care. This includes administering the necessary treatments as well as providing the education and support needed throughout these treatments.

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Cucumber water helps with the metallic taste if water. Bless the one who mentioned that tip..just passing it by for anyone else...💖


I'm a 9 year survivor and counting. I was under 30 and my daughter was just 2 years old. A positive attitude is the most important thing. And I'm now ready to share my cancer journey on my channel if anyone wants to know what I went through and how I overcame it all. You CAN too.


I have had 2 treatments . The first was the hardest because I didn't knowwhat to expect. I was so paranoid about all the possible side effects. My oncologist worked with me to help me reduce the side effects and I feel much more optimistic k owing what to expect and how to deal with it.

Everyone's advice was to advocate for myself. Ask questions. Ask for help. Let other people do favours for you. Knowing people are there to help is essential. I am single and live alone and don't really have family. The kindness and generosity of people is amazing.


Don't give up, it is easier to say than doing it...
When you have cancer yourself and have to go through chemotherapy, then you will experience all the sufferings and anxiety...
I had and is waiting for miracle to happen to me...
The feeling and knowledge that there is nothing I can do to change things is bad, I can only hope for the best outcome and for this cancer to never return...


Ngl I'm so scared, I just got diagnosed a few days ago and I'm so sorry for what my family is going to go through, I don't even know how I should feel about this


I’m a 2 time cancer survivor. First diagnosed when i was 12 and second time i was 15. This is a good video on how to “cope” with chemotherapy. Not really the aspect on what you “feel”. My chemo experience was awful. I was depressed, not allowed to go to school because of low blood counts, neulasta shots (WHICH ARE THE WORSTS); i have never gone through so much pain from this shot, the shot itself doesn’t hurt, but the HOLY SHIT.. I felt PARALYZED. This video makes you wanna feel good about chemo. Chemo is hell, it’s awful and i don’t wish my worst enemy to go against it. It’s so bad. Stay healthy peeps


Loved what these people had to say: The Nurse Practioner, the man and his wife. Very comforting.🥀


This is my uncle Charles Bouranel and my aunt Leslie Bouranel in this Video !!! I Hope this video helps with anyone going threw similar struggle. Its been 8 years since my Uncles passing and i miss him dearly words cannot describe the amazing man, father, person he was! Truly a warrior with a fighting spirit you cant imagine i hope one day to Be half the man he was! Life is such a blessing and we need to be grateful for every moment we have because we never know when our last moments will be ! To my Uncle Charlie i love you Man Thank you for teaching me so much and all the amazing times we will meet again one day in VALHALLA !!! 08/30/1955 - 10/26/2014


diagnosed with LP Hodgkins Lymphoma nearly five years ago at 18. Glad I'm taking the first steps to chemo in the new year.


I really hate it when I get told to have “reasonable expectations”. It makes me think... what aren’t you telling me. Getting suddenly random junk mail from funeral and cremation services doesn’t help either.


I feel like I've just joined a special club. After being diagnosed two weeks ago I've been on a roller coaster but abstained from Dr.Google. Now I know what the plan is so I'm now researching what I can expect.


This video is so important. I am glad there is such attention and care given to patients in terms of technology. In 2014, high quality videos that can be streamed onto a smartphone, tablet, or computer are the new way of giving care.

Moving images, voices and the faces of those faces are so important to feeling comfort during a trying time for such patients.

I only have the ability to like this video, but if I could - I'd "Super-Like" it.

Great job!


I have my first chemotherapy in the infusion center in a few days, and I am terrified. This will be the second infusion, the first was given in the hospital. I shouldn’t be so scared of the next session, but I am not handling it all as well as everyone thinks.


Hi it's so crazy that i run across this i just finished chemo this sunday my last treatment I'm so happy now i just gotta wait 4 weeks to make sure they got it all and if they did i will hear that word Remission i do suffer from Neuropathy due to chemo in my hands and feet but i got my life ..keep up the good work very informative video..


My dad starts tomorrow. I’m so nervous and worried for him. He’s dealing with a few brain tumors in different parts of his brain. The doctors don’t know if they are cancerous or not, but they are doing chemo and radiation anyway. We are very lucky because he will be taking the chemo pill instead of doing a normal treatment (IV). Does anyone know more about the pill and the side effects? are the side effects the same as the ones described in the videos? Also, will the radiation make chemo more painful/will there be more side effects?

I’m really scared, I’m only 14 and i’ve never had to deal with anything like this before. I’ve always heard about things like this happening to other families. But i’ve never imagined it happening to mine. This all just hit me way too hard.


I have managed to go through the treatment and the after affects and discomfort and operations very well and very bravely, far better than most people could, so far. But when it comes to asking for help and getting people to co-operate, yes that is when it is a problem.... because of the fact that the people that helped me *had no f*cking clue what they were doing* and *they argued with each other and with me about how to go about it all* and some people made a total mess of everything. So yes, the most difficult part is asking people for help, that's for damn sure!


It would be the Nausea and Vomiting would be the worst part of it for me by far.


Watch from 5:15. Really good advice from there !!


Excellent video and well put. Stay in the fight, but learn relaxing is number 1!


I’ve seen what chemo has done to my grandma if I get cancer I’ll just accept that I’ll die
