Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac - Bible Stories - See U in History

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Bible Stories: Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac

#SeeUinHistory #History #Bible
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Abraham: all right son let’s go home

Isaac: i’m not going anywhere with you

Abraham: why what did I do

Isaac: 😧


Abraham was lucky that there was no CPS in the Bible.


Imagine how Isaac felt when he realised that his father had wanted to sacrifice him.


If Abraham wants to sacrefice Isaac : Oh my god, he is such a honest beliver.
If I want to sacrefice my son to the voices in my head: You monster, how could you do this.
this double moral.


The angel sent by lord: LOL IT'S A PRANK BRO CHILL


Love this channel btw quick question do you believe the stories and everything in the Bible or you just see them as collective stories?


I always loved this bible story and how God blessed Abraham and his offspring ❤️✝️


I I always love this instance. Abraham, knowing (although there not being a written mosaic law yet) that God hates human sacrifice, would obviously be puzzled as to this request. It was quite a long walk to where they had to go, plus near the location, Abraham left the attendent, and went just him and Isaac; I just think if it was me in that situation. Obviously an order from God is to be followed unquestionably. Not out of fear but out of love. Why would God ask me to sacrifice my only son that he gave me as a promise, when He hates human sacrifice?? Abraham knew God, as the apostle Paul stated Abraham knew God could raise Isaac from the dead. Although knowing this, Abraham was faithful as Noah was and did just so. He may have had tons of questions, might have not understood the reasons behind any of this request, but faithfully went ahead to carry it out knowing that God would make things work out. That must have been the hardest thing to tie up Isaac, (Abraham likely told Isaac of the request, and Isaac being faithful went along with it) and grab the knife, and right at the last second before the knife went into Isaac God intervened and stopped Abraham. I really love what God said: “Do not hurt the boy or do anything to him. Now I know that you have faith in me, because you have not held back your son, your only one from me.” Although Isaac was not sacrificed, Paul said Abraham AS GOOD AS offered up his son Isaac. God later put Himself through the same experience when Jesus died: imagine this; Jesus, Gods son, the firstborn of all creation, the first being God created, who than gave him the power and privilege of creating all other things, and no doubt directed him through the creation like a father teaching his son how to fix a car or build a house or similar things, the two having such an immense bond of love from spending eons together….to later have to watch His son, on earth, beaten, whipped, being called a liar, a blasphemer, to watch his son hanging there in agony on the stake, than having to withdraw His Holy Spirit from Jesus so he could be fully tested to the absolute limits…then, seeing his son take his last breath, and die, and for three days, His dear son was not in existence. Gone. Just a memory. Although God knew He was going to bring him back, I can’t even imagine the heartache He felt. But Jesus sacrifice was needed- it was needed to repay the prefect life that Adam lost, and by Jesus death humans are given a second chance to live for eternity on earth in perfect health, disease free, war free, hatred and racism gone. No more problems that make life miserable today. All ruled Gods own government ruled by Jesus. Dead loved ones and millions of others being raised back to life again in perfect health with perfect bodies. Death will be gone. Living for eternity on earth, with our loved ones all in perfect health. These promises are all in the Bible.


We Muslims believe that Ibrahim (as) was ordered to sacrifice Ismaeel (as), though.


As a muslim its very lovely to see the Christian side of the story, in Islam the events occurred in Makkah in the boy who has been sacrificed is Ishmael . Thanks brothers


Never can a man after Abraham, make such an ultimate sacrifice! Only an extraordinary being. He truly is a man of great faith who loved God with the whole of his heart. He is the man i admire and have great respect for and am proud to be one of his many descendants.🤗😇


I just like to imagine how traumatized Isaac must of been when realized his father came close to sacrificing him to God. I mean Jesus this story.


I never did understood this story. Like, doesn't God already know one's heart? Why does God have to test a person to see if they truly love Him?


Isaac did not forgive his father
When they returned home he saw
In the sidelong glances of his father’s eyes
That everything had changed
Under the cold knife
That kissed his skin on the mountain
He knew they could never
Be the same again
“You were my father, ”
He wanted to say
“So why couldn’t you be
my father?”

(And My Father’s Love Was Nothing Next To God’s Will by Amatullah Bourdon)


👏👏👏👏👏, Peace be with you always ‼️🙏‼️💟‼️👍


Maybe it was because I was still young, but I remember one of the first issues I had with the Bible was this story in particular.

I never got a satisfactory answer to the question, "If he is all knowing, he knows the answer already, so why does he have to test Abraham’s faith?"

It wasn’t long after I saw the fallacy of what I was being taught.


Any god that would require a blood sacrifice is no God. Stop feeding the Archons.


I'd like to know what the trip down the mountain was like


Do we find the ethical in god? Or do we create it?


I struggle to see how to reconcile natural morality with this story. Are we sure to have understood the story correctly?
