Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac

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I was not expecting to shed tears but I did

I honestly thought for a second the son was going to be sacrificed,

Thank you Abba for sending unto us the Lord Jesus Christ who was the lamb of our sacrifice

And just as Abraham shed tears for his boy, may we in humbleness shed grateful tears for Jesus and his sacrifice for us.

Amen 🙏✝️


God will provide a lamb and he provided the final lamb in the son Jesus Christ


Matthew 13:35
~ I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.

There are hidden things since the creation of the world emphasize that there are hidden secrets in the book of Genesis the book of creation and it was said it was hidden trough a parables, parables means a story which has two meanings, therefore the book of Genesis are parables and it is a prophecy about the events on the near future.

Abraham was test to offer his beloved son Isaac as a burnt offering, however trough Gods grace the lamb came for him to be the burnt offering, The lamb represent Jesus therefore Jesus becomes the burnt offering instead of Isaac.

If the lamb prophetically symbolize Jesus who is Isaac ?

Jesus the one who plays as the son to be Burt offering instead of Isaac was prophesied !

Isaiah 11:6-8
~ The wolf will live with the lamb the leopard will lie down with the goat the calf and the lion and the yearling together and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear their young will lie down together and the lion will eat straw like the ox.The infant (Jesus the lamb) will play near the cobras den and the young child will put its hand into the vipers nest.

Jesus the lamb plays as the burnt offering instead of Isaac, therefore the infant here who will play near at the cobras den was Jesus the lamb but in actuality it must Isaac the Mothers laughter.

Jesus call himself the lamb of God for what reason all about why he call himself the lamb it is to save Isaac Sarah's laughter, therefore this story was a Parable and it is connected to Jesus the lamb.

; )


Allah says, "" O my Lord ! Grant me(Abraham) a righteous ( son ) ! "   So We gave him the good news of a boy ready to suffer and forbear . Then, when ( the son ) reached ( the age of ) ( serious ) work with him, he said : " O my son ! I see in vision that I offer thee in sacrifice : Now see what is thy view ! " ( The son ) said : " O my father ! Do as thou art commanded : thou will find me, if Allah so wills one practising Patience and Constancy So when they had both submitted their wills ( to Allah ., and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead ( for sacrifice) , We called out to him " O Abraham ! " Thou hast already fulfilled the vision ! " - thus indeed do We reward those who do right . For this was obviously a trial And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice : And We left ( this blessing ) for him among generations ( to come ) in later times :   " Peace and salutation to Abraham ! " Thus indeed do We reward those who do right . For he was one of our believing Servants .  And We gave him the good news of Isaac -a prophet, - one of the Righteous "Al Quran(Sarah As Allah(God/Yahweh/Elohim )j
