Tourists Fined for Throwing Scooter Down Rome's Spanish Steps

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Tourists Fined for Throwing Scooter Down Rome's Spanish Steps

Two American tourists were fined €400 each after throwing an electric scooter down Rome's Spanish Steps.
The incident, came less than a month after a Saudi tourist drove a Maserati down the famed 17th-century staircase.
This time it was an American man and woman, who were attempting to reach Piazza di Spagna from Trinita' dei Monti - via the Spanish Steps - on their rented electric scooters.
The tourists were stopped by Rome police after the woman was captured on security cameras apparently throwing her scooter down the marble steps.
In addition to the fines, the pair received a 'daspo' temporary ban from returning to the area as officials from the Rome superintendency assess the damage to the Baroque landmark.
The Spanish Steps underwent a €1.5 million restoration by luxury fashion house Bulgari between 2015 and 2016.

Turistas multados por arrojar scooter por la Plaza de España en Roma

Dos turistas estadounidenses fueron multados con 400 € cada uno después de arrojar un scooter eléctrico por la Plaza de España de Roma.
El incidente se produjo menos de un mes después de que un turista saudita condujera un Maserati por la famosa escalera del siglo XVII.
Esta vez se trataba de un hombre y una mujer estadounidenses que intentaban llegar a la Piazza di Spagna desde Trinita 'dei Monti, a través de la Plaza de España, en sus scooters eléctricos alquilados.
La policía de Roma detuvo a los turistas después de que las cámaras de seguridad capturaran a la mujer aparentemente arrojando su scooter por los escalones de mármol.
Además de las multas, la pareja recibió una prohibición temporal 'daspo' de regresar al área mientras los funcionarios de la superintendencia de Roma evalúan el daño al hito barroco.
La Plaza de España se sometió a una restauración de 1,5 millones de euros por parte de la casa de moda de lujo Bulgari entre 2015 y 2016.

Des touristes condamnés à une amende pour avoir jeté un scooter sur les marches espagnoles de Rome

Deux touristes américains ont été condamnés à une amende de 400 € chacun après avoir jeté un scooter électrique sur les marches espagnoles de Rome.
L'incident est survenu moins d'un mois après qu'un touriste saoudien a conduit une Maserati dans le célèbre escalier du XVIIe siècle.
Cette fois, c'était un homme et une femme américains qui tentaient de rejoindre la Piazza di Spagna depuis Trinita 'dei Monti - via les marches espagnoles - sur leurs scooters électriques de location.
Les touristes ont été arrêtés par la police de Rome après que la femme ait été capturée par des caméras de sécurité, apparemment en train de jeter son scooter sur les marches en marbre.
En plus des amendes, le couple a reçu une interdiction temporaire "daspo" de retourner dans la région alors que les responsables de la surintendance de Rome évaluent les dommages causés au monument baroque.
La Place d'Espagne a subi une restauration de 1,5 million d'euros par la maison de couture de luxe Bulgari entre 2015 et 2016.

Туристов оштрафовали за то, что они бросили скутер на Испанскую лестницу в Риме

Два американских туриста были оштрафованы на 400 евро каждый после того, как бросили электрический скутер на Испанской лестнице в Риме.
Инцидент произошел менее чем через месяц после того, как саудовский турист спустился на «Мазерати» по знаменитой лестнице 17-го века.
На этот раз это были американцы, мужчина и женщина, которые пытались добраться до Пьяцца-ди-Спанья из Тринита-деи-Монти через Испанскую лестницу на арендованных электрических скутерах.
Полиция Рима остановила туристов после того, как камеры видеонаблюдения зафиксировали женщину, бросающую скутер с мраморных ступеней.
В дополнение к штрафам пара получила временный запрет на возвращение в этот район, поскольку официальные лица римского управления оценивают ущерб, нанесенный памятнику в стиле барокко.
В период с 2015 по 2016 год Испанская лестница была отреставрирована роскошным модным домом Bulgari за 1,5 миллиона евро.

Turistas multados por atirarem scooter na Escadaria Espanhola de Roma

Dois turistas americanos foram multados em € 400 cada após jogarem uma scooter elétrica na Escadaria Espanhola de Roma.
O incidente ocorreu menos de um mês depois que um turista saudita dirigiu um Maserati pela famosa escadaria do século XVII.
Desta vez, eram um homem e uma mulher americanos que tentavam chegar à Piazza di Spagna de Trinita 'dei Monti - pela Escadaria de Espanha - em suas scooters elétricas alugadas.
Os turistas foram parados pela polícia de Roma depois que a mulher foi capturada por câmeras de segurança, aparentemente jogando sua scooter pelos degraus de mármore.
Além das multas, a dupla recebeu uma proibição temporária 'daspo' de retornar à área enquanto funcionários da superintendência de Roma avaliam os danos ao marco barroco.
A Escadaria de Espanha passou por uma restauração de € 1,5 milhão pela casa de moda de luxo Bulgari entre 2015 e 2016.

Рекомендации по теме

If you are a person who destroys the Spanish Steps and a scooter for fun, stay in the US. In Italy, we are full of millenary cultural assets and we don't need rude vandals. What offended us the most is her laugh, as if it was her right to act in that way.


This infuriates me. Who the hell does she think she is? If you can't respect the places you visit, stay at home.


First I thought it was an accident, then I see she pushed it purposely. She deserved to get jail time in my opinion. Every place doesn’t need to look like your ghettos, “sista gorl”.


Lets see these people identified properly. Names and addresses and pictures too. They must be shamed and named immediately.




The Guardian reports that she has been fined $27, 000. Maybe the next time she will think twice before having a hissy fit.
Correction: e scooter gal and her companion for each fined €400. So maybe she won’t think twice next time.


This is a despicable action and indicates not only ignorance of art but disrespect for a monument that is appreciated by people all over the world. The damage is more than $25, 000 Euros.


Two things America makes the most of? - War and idiots


They should pay the damages to the marble. Why should Italian taxpayers pay for that?


Americans allways spreading love on their own unique way!


Was this woman arrested? Please approx 5 days in jail


Why did she do that? Just pure laziness or was she trying to prove something!?


Imagine US tourist doing this. Imagine what the US soldiers do in war...


It was an accident bro she didn't do nothing!


No wonder. Just look from where they are by origin.
