Elon Musk Unveiled Pre-Order on Dec! New Gen 3 Tesla Bot Optimus Ability Break All Industry! (MIX)

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Elon Musk Unveiled Pre-Order on Dec! New Gen 3 Tesla Bot Optimus Ability Break All Industry! (MIX)
00:48 Tesla Optimus New Tasks
06:36 Tesla Optimus Controversy
08:54 Tesla News
Elon Musk Unveiled Pre-Order on Dec! New Gen 3 Tesla Bot Optimus Ability Break All Industry! (MIX). Tesla might be slow with EVs, but when it comes to the Optimus humanoid robot, we’d bet that Tesla is making progress no competitor can catch up. And Yeah, the recent “We Robot” event was the clearest proof yet that the Tesla Optimus robot is in its final stages before it actually reaches customers or rather, before millions of customers start placing their pre-orders. It’s hard to pass up a robot that can handle a wide range of tasks, communicate with people, and respond to commands, all for a price tag of $20,000. But because it’s so impressive, Optimus is sparking a lot of discussion about its level of autonomy, with some speculating that it might have been remotely controlled. So, what’s the real story behind Optimus' impressive performance? Welcome to Tesla Car World!

Elon Musk Unveiled Pre-Order on Dec! New Gen 3 Tesla Bot Optimus Ability Break All Industry! (MIX). We won't deny that the Tesla Optimus robot really stole the spotlight at Tesla's robotaxi launch event. In theory, the "We, Robot" event was supposed to be all about Tesla's robotaxi, as it was the main focus of the event. However, when Elon Musk brought out a group of humanoid robots in front of the crowd, that’s when we realized the true stars of the show were those robots.

Elon Musk Unveiled Pre-Order on Dec! New Gen 3 Tesla Bot Optimus Ability Break All Industry! (MIX). None of us could have imagined that Tesla would be generous enough to bring around 50 humanoid robots and two brand-new fully autonomous cars to the event, giving everyone a chance to experience them firsthand. Yeah, and they were all impressive, beyond anyone’s expectations.
Although Tesla only brought around 50 Optimus robots, the company may have already produced hundreds. Musk confirmed that integrating technology already developed for Tesla’s electric vehicles into Optimus has allowed the company to move at a faster pace than usual. This means Tesla didn’t have to build Optimus from scratch, but rather leveraged existing technology to quickly ramp up toward the goal of producing thousands of units by 2025.
According to Elon Musk, advanced technologies such as battery systems, motors, power electronics, and artificial intelligence from Tesla’s autonomous vehicles can all be applied to the humanoid robots.
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Рекомендации по теме

We need one for our Mother. She's 89 and still lives alone. Having Optimus on site to help her would be perfect.


I hope my robot doesn’t get stolen while walking my dog 😂


As a disabled Army Veteran, I see boundless benefits to the Veteran community. Imagine having immense anxiety and PTSD negated by an objective, yet caring pseudo human to center yourself. I am hopeful that Optimus will be a game changer. Go Elon!


I don't care about the remote assist. The robot works and is still being developed. I want one.👍


These robots will soon be the new American working class. 😂


The number of bots in the comment is amazing. It seems some are talking specifically about optimus, all account created the 27 september...


The ability for Optimus Gen 3 to communicate verbally is a significant improvement. It could make interactions with robots more natural and intuitive.


I want a Optimus not for it to be my slave but a friend to do the chores


Im disabled and have to have iron infusion treatments because of blood not making enough red blopd cells and they have never figured it out? On top of all that i have disc degenerative disease and sciatica and shoulder problems never figured out. ANEMIA affects me in such bad ways where i can't stay up and function all day long. I would sure love to have such a robot if only my money tree would start growing more bills?


What if it gets stolen? Also this feels like Mr.handy from fallout


I wonder if anyone ever thought about elon musk running for president of this old USA. He certainly has the insight and incentives to make this world or rather usa a better place to live.


Hi Elon, I need one! Go Elon let me in the test program


will these robots be able to produce robots?


What are the implications for mental health if individuals become overly reliant on robotic companions like Optimus for social interaction?


I could have a Robot Friend. Yay!!!! I would name him J.A.R.V.I.S or Vision.


Can we give Optimus a kawaii face? Lol


I think a great use for business is companies like Target. Speaking as a former employee, there is so much to do and little time to do it that you might want to help customers, but a lot of the time you have tasks that make it too difficult to balance time management and trying to give people a good experience. And so Optimus could be walking around and if you need help finding something or need knowledge of a product, you can talk to Optimus while the employee stocks the shelves. I know that separates us as humans in a weird way that feels bad. But a lot of the employees at those types of places don’t want to deal with customers. Yeah it’s the customer service industry but that’s not the point right now lol It’s so hard to find people that care to work in retail. My just want the check, but understandably. So Optimus could help pick up the slack on customer care.

Because if Optimus’ connection to AI, I assume I’d assume he could tell you everything you want know about a product to help you with your purchasing decisions at some point?

I bet Optimus could be great at helping kids who get lost in the store find their parents as well.


What feedback mechanisms will be in place for users to report issues or suggest improvements for Optimus after purchase?


The videos are very redundant. I would rather see more new information and less redundancy. Also the information used to lure a viewing, was not even in the video itself.


I didn't catch it, they going to sell robots optimus 3 in this December and not in the next year? Plz someone explains me
