UK and pandemic problems

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Cases, + 6,178 + 6,634 + 6,874
Deaths, 37 + 40 + 34

Adherence to the test, trace and isolate system
(National Institute for Health Research, Public Health England, King’s College London, University of East Anglia, 18th September)

Need for people with a persistent new onset cough, fever or loss of their sense of taste or smell to:
Remain at home for at least seven days from the onset of their symptoms
Request an antigen test
Provide details of their close contacts to a dedicated service if the test result is positive
Close contacts of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 to remain at home for 14 days from the time of their contact
2 March to 5 August 2020

N = 42,127

Identification of the key symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, high temperature / fever, and loss of sense of smell or taste)

48.9% of participants identified key symptoms of COVID-19

Self-reported adherence to self- isolation if symptomatic


Requesting an antigen test if symptomatic


Intention to share details of close contacts


Self-reported adherence to quarantine if alerted that you had been in contact with a
confirmed COVID-19 case


Non-adherence was associated with:


Younger age groups

Having a dependent child in the household

Lower socio- economic grade

Greater hardship during the pandemic

Working in a key sector.


Practical support and financial reimbursement is likely to improve adherence

Targeting messaging

Covid-19 sniffer dogs

ET, Kossi, Miina and Valo

Anna Hielm-Björkman of the University of Helsinki

Four dogs working at Helsinki airport

State-funded pilot scheme

If it works, it could prove a good screening method in other places

After dog indicates infection, PCR testing is carried out

Nearly 100% accuracy, even days before symptoms

Dogs are also able to identify Covid-19 from a much smaller samples than PCR tests

Dogs can sniff 10-100 molecules to detect the presence of the virus

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Good Dr. John, love seeing you as always! Keep us updated! You deserve all the best in this world!


Had a little laugh out loud today when there was an article on my news app announcing the benefits of taking vitamin D to fight the effects of covid.
Thank you john for giving us this potentially life saving information about 6 MONTHS AGO!!!!
Your a legend.


Six dogs are currently being trained in the UK.
Let's hope Norman, Jasper, Asher, Star, Storm and Digby can paws Covid!


Cheers Dr John, I've been watching your videos since Feb. I could tell straight up your info was very useful and your still helping us all. A big thankyou from my family and me.


WE deserve a medal? No one deserves a medal more than YOU. Thank you for all your hard work. K. Moore RN


Those 4 dogs became world famous in days, at least here in Helsinki everybody is talking about them :D hopefully the study brings good results


As comedian George Carlin once said, "Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are stupider than that."


Thank you Doctor Campbell! Been here since beginning and you make my day!


A neighbor of mine tested positive after he returned from being on a ship (he's a marine). His wife and children headed off the next day to meet others at the beach. I also know of a neighbor who's husband was COVID positive and he stayed in the bedroom while his wife and kids had friends over!!

Another had a garage sale less than a week after testing positive.

No wonder we cannot get the numbers down!


I’ve been here all the way through too and I feel blessed to have found this channel! Thank you so much for your invaluable work in helping everyone through these hard times! We will get through this!


I also feel the rush and the pressure with TV intervius and prefer to watch you here.


Interesting isn't it. on the one hand we're being accused of "viral hysteria" and on the other, it's clear many/most of us aren't following the guidelines. At some point an open discussion will have to be had because the statistics and facts are not believed by most. Minds are not being changed unless a loved one has died.


A huge amount of people cannot self isolate due to financial or living conditions. I'm sure it's worse in the US


My partner and I went for tests today. The other 4 people in our household have been ill over the last 2 weeks with coughs, fever, etc. Now we too are ill. From day one we were encouraging them to isolate and test.

They wouldn’t. They simply didn’t think it was covid. One of these people even works in a pharmacy and said that it is only a dry cough, never a wet cough which is not right.

It has been extremely frustrating for my partner and I. We spoke to them about it but they STILL chose to go to work, go out etc.

People are concerned about getting paid, losing their jobs and a lot simply don’t have the information. With the new harsher measures as well people simply don’t WANT to be forced to isolate.

A HUGE public education campaign is needed.

On top of this, I personally had to deal with family problems because of how I was pushing them to do things they didn’t want to do.


As for the sniffer dogs in Finland, I love the idea that they chose an airport as the venue for their pilot test. ;-)


You done an exceptional job on public media, sir. We appreciate you.


I can see a Disney film in coming years about the pandemic where a band of Dogs, Rats and Monkeys save the world.


if they haven't got the message by now they never will.


Ive been watching you since January Dr John, you're the one who deserves a medal and more! Thank you again for all your great work.


Your viewers do not need a medal, however you do deserve a medal.
