Amateur Radio -Having Fun

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The 'Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service' has been working with ham in foreign counties for the past 21 years and started in 1991. The organization has grown in size and has members in many foreign countries as well as US. You can join up with FAIRS at is web site and be a part or just follow the action and receive the news reports & newsletters.

We have many members who just like the work that FAIRS is doing are members & supporters. This is a rewarding activity for the amateur radio community here and in many countries.

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Hi goldie - thank you for the nice comment. We still have a lot of fun with the ham radio. Lots of radio things going on here in Floyd VA - Why just this morning the radio club did its annual cleanup of 2 mile of highway here in the county. Actually this is not all the fun but sure makes the place look better. Our Floyd Amateur Radio Society club is working with the High School radio club and that is fun. We have special event station N4USA at Chantilly Farm on the 25th of may - Dave KK4WW


Hi WA4AOS - Thank you for the comments and so sorry I did not reply when you made the comments. I will try to do much better. Don't know why I missed them at the time - Have a great day - Dave KK4WW Computer Collector/Historian


congrats on the highway project.i wish I lived in VA sounds like a great bunch you folks have.i work a lot of 10 and 40 meter.i will keep my eyes open for your special event elmer NZ5L works all bands and does a lot of CW also.he is my ham radio inspiration.but you folks are doing the honorable work in this hobby.say well is good but do well is better and YOU are doing great.congrats again and deepest respect!!!!
73, KB3AUM


Hi KB3AUM - Thank you for the nice comment- You will find our Special Events for May in the last issue of QST on May 11/12 and May 25th. Dave at Chantilly Farm.


Hi Dave,
I have seen some of your videos earlier regarding the RARE Apple 1. I once owned a PC shop in CHarlotte, NC. I got in on the early days building a HeathKit H8 and learning Heath Assembly Language that we affectionately called HASLE Hi.
I never had anything exotic like the A1 but have had some IMSAI and ALTAIR time.
Sounds like your community in Floyd is a nice place.
I do have a video cam and plan to make some R 390A videos'

Glenn WA4AOS


don't listen to that sad old lonely man bert.brag about anything and everything you want sir.God bless you and your wonderful efforts.


It seems each year much of what I hear on phone is more like CB and far less like what Ham Radio was like when I was licensed as a teen in 1970. If it were not for my interest in CW, I doubt I would have any interest left in the hobbby,
It's a REAL shame that probably 10% of so called Hams ruin it for the 90% who try to keep it clean.
I do applaud your efforts to promote Good Will I would love to see more of it on our bands.



@lcfgroup You really ought not brag about 25, 000 meaningless QSOs particularly since you are clearly quite accomplished at doing great good in the world. Stay focused on the great work you do. I looked at your vintage computers, mine was a Tmex Sinclair


25, 000 DX contacts I bet you really got to know them?
Look at my video "Truth in Ham Radio", for a different view
I don't doubt the good ham radio did for you but you are the exception.


Great video, however, tuning across 75 meters most evenings and now even 40 meters will reveal many amateurs, new and old that seem to respect no one including themselves. A recent listen to 3.910 MHz was particularly discouraging with ops up and down the East Coast using every vulgar word in the book and threatening each other.
Riley Hollingsworth made progress cleaning up some of this mess but the new enforcement person has done little to nothing to rid the bands of trash. MORE
