Ham Radio World: 6 Things to Try for a Fresh Experience

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Here is 6 ideas you can try. Radio Direction Finding via KiwiSDR, Try sending an email over HF using Winlink, Have a go at some old digital modes, PSK31 or maybe MFSK16, try some new software - maybe FLdigi or Ham Radio Deluxe? Lots of people ask about the software I use on Fridays, it's N1MM. HGave a look at that? And finally, give yourself a challenge of getting on a new band or maybe at least 1 QSO per day? What ever you do, enjoy! Callum.
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Great Ideas! One of the things I love about this hobby is all the new things you get to learn. You never run out of ideas to explore! Cheers to you Colin


Good stuff! I think I might have reverse-depression -- I'm so overwhelmed with all the things to do in this hobby its hard to pick just one to do "now"


Part of the NW Harris County (Houston TX) Amateur Radio Emergency Service Training is to attempt WL check ins on Packet, FM VARA on 2 and .70m, VARA HF, Winmore, and PACTOR.


You know what you said about getting a contact a day (in the respect to getting back an investment) absolutely resonates with me. Not to mention a huge radio setup not used is a true shame to society. Everyone's got their own reason for getting into ham, for me it was very preppingish inspired but I'm a huge pusher of having a great radio that you never use means your not practiced with it, and in the sense of em-coms not knowing your setup intimately means your not going to be effective if you need to be. 1 contact a day is very realistic, even if you just hit and run with no long conversations. You do that, and you'll never know how practiced you'll end up being.


I've been doing the QRZ's 12 Days of QRZ (Sort of like the 12 Days of Christmas) ... trying to get at least 1 contact on all the bands ... 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, and 6M. So far I've done that twice. 6M is a bear. Aside from 160M and 60M, I do everything on my 12.4 Signature.


HaHa I never looked at it that way! The more QSO's the cheaper my FTDX10 will get!! Merry Christmas Callum.


We are equipping our church with 4 ham antennas, and the DX COMMANDER classic is one of those chosen. Looking forward to getting it installed !


Great short video! Merry Christmas and God bless!


Right on about trying new modes and bands! I’ve been doing a bit of FT4 in the last few days. I find there’s hardly as many people there, and in the early morning/night it’s neat to hear the signals fade in to where there’s a good number and then fade out to when I’m the only one calling CQ. Thanks for putting the idea of trying Winlink as well, I may have to do that today. Merry Christmas from Texas! Jeff, KF5KWO


Great advice and ideas. Looking forward to the 27th video. Happy Christmas to you and your family Callum
Motters M7TRS 73 👍🏻 🎄🎁


Happy Christmas Callum and thank for the great video. I know another ham who uses the digital voice keying in contests for medical reasons, his voice simply wouldn't be up to it otherwise.


I've tried the one qso a day and failed horribly but I constantly think about. I need to stop thinking and just do, right? Great TTD (things to do). Will probably try the kiwi bs and the 1 qso a day. Thanks Cal!!!! Hope you and ur family have a kickass holiday and a wick awesome new year!


I have tried most of those things. The other morning at sun rise I went to 7163. There were a couple of US stations but they were very weak. Then I heard VK9WX. He was 59. He’s on a weather station on an island off the NE coast of Australia. I didn’t get a chance to work him but I checked him on QRZ and there was a photo of a DX Commander in among the sat dishes. It’s doing its job. Being surrounded by salt probably helps. VO1OK


Some nice ideas Callum..
Fair play & Happy Christmas 🎄👌🏻


very wise words cal. i love the hobby it keeps me going. seasons blessings to you and yours .73 m3hnl


Great ideas. I have a use for the direction finding right away. My ARES group uses Winlink and Fldigi for our emcomm work and we train and test with it weekly. I love Winlink and check in several nets across the US every week. Fldigi is complicated and we're forever trying to fix issues with one operator or another. My primary radio activity is FT8 with a little FT4 thrown in along with some JS8Call. I work 10-80 on HF and because we have so many repeaters I can hit, our club has informal nets daily morning and at noon and formal training nets two nights a week on 2M. I'm always looking for new radio stuff to try so thanks for the suggestions. Jack K5FIT


Hi Cal,
Another fine video. You never disappoint. You and your family have a safe and happy holiday season. 73 WJ3U


Super Cal! Its been on my list to use winlink! Cheers beers n happy Chrjistmas!!!


Love the ideas Cal I ll pass on digital but will call CQ on a few extra bands instead ☺️
I also spread the cost of a rig over a few years to show the daily cost ☺️


I like it! Enjoy your radio Sir. Thank you for all the great content. AD6DB
