Simple tests for Pathology of the Lumbar spine of L4, L5 & S1 nerve roots

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John Gibbons is a registered Osteopath, Lecturer and Multi-published Author and is demonstrating how to simplify the testing for the nerve root of L4, L5 and S1 by dorsiflexing and plantarflexing the ankle. John shows you in his other neurological videos to assess the nerve root level of the adductors (obturator nerve through L3 reflex), patella tendon (femoral nerve through L4 reflex), semitendinosus (tibial / sciatic nerve of L5 reflex) and Achilles / plantar (tibial nerve of sciatic through S1 reflex) and a normal response is classified as 2++. Any reduced hypo-reflex (1+) or increased hyper-reflex (3+++) with Clonus and Babinski positive as might indicate some form of upper motor neurone lesion like Multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord tumour or brain injury. Any altered reflex will need further investigation as a possibility of disc or neural pathology. These techniques and more is taught on the Neurological Master-Class at the University of Oxford.

In terms of his courses he offers, you can attend one at a time if you prefer or book all ten and receive a discount. Once you have completed all the courses you will be able to call yourself a Bodymaster Method ® Practitioner and be registered on his website with the letters 'BmP' after your name.

John is the Author of the highly successful book and Amazon No 1 best seller called 'Muscle Energy Techniques, a practical guide for physical therapists'. John has also written many more books and these include:

1. A Practical Guide to Kinesiology Taping and comes with a complimentary DVD.
2. The Vital Glutes, connecting the gait cycle to pain and dysfunction
3. Functional Anatomy of the Pelvis, SI joint & lumbar spine
4. The Vital Shoulder Complex
5. 2nd Edition of Kinesiology Taping (released early 2020)
6. The Vital Nerves (released early 2020)

John now offers Advanced Training in all aspects of Sports Medicine to already qualified therapists (athletic trainers, sports massage therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists, physical therapists, personal trainers, pilates teaches etc) in manual therapy to 'Diploma' Level. You need to have attended all of his ten individual Therapy Courses before the diploma is awarded. His venue is based at the idyllic venue of Oxford University, home of the first four-minute mile by Roger Bannister.

1. Spinal Manipulation & Mobilisation
2. Advanced Spinal Manipulation
3. Kinesiology Taping
4. Muscle Energy Techniques
5. The Vital Shoulder Complex
6. The Vital Cervical spine
7. The Vital hip & groin
8. The Vital Knee
9. Advanced Soft Tissue techniques
10. The Vital Neurological system
11. Pelvis, SIJ & Lumbar spine
12. The Vital Glutes & Psoas
13. Acupuncture & Dry needling
Рекомендации по теме

Fantastic video - I love explanations on what is being tested and how it is conducted! This seems to be done by the new wave of doctors as a standard part of their bedside manner!!! A welcome change from the old regime as I feel it can put some patients more at ease and is a part of their education process


Thanks John. Hope you are well. Excellent content as always


I got diagnosed with a herniated disk after complain of numbness in my right leg, weak knee and foot dragging. I’ve had two injections. Back pain is gone but leg is now acting like it’s malfunctioning. My step is jerky like a malfunction. If I don’t pay attention I’ll hyper extend my knee and fall. No pain my leg but I get muscles twitching from my thigh to the bottom of my calf when I stand still or sit down. Some days I walk like I’m drunk or have a disability and need crutches.


Hi, if this test is postive, what kind treatment is there. Please give me some information about this.


Hi John. Can you explain what typical symptoms you would look for to tell if its a soft tissue problem or nerve


Hello John, came across your video after searching desperately for some information. I had a painful lipoma in my lower back that would get more painful and larger during my monthly cycle. It has caused me back pain for years. Finally had it removed, and the pain got worst! Felt like the lipoma was actually protecting a nerve and now whatever is there gives me a shooting pain when I move. Had facet injection with minor relief, 2x weekly PT for 6 weeks with no results, medial branch block with a little relief for a couple hours, and lumbar radiofrequency ablation of the L5 S1 two months ago all with very minimal positive results. MRI was normal before lipoma was removed and lipoma was biopsied. X-ray showed what looked like a small square chunk removed from one of my joints. The best diagnosis was facet arthropathy. We are now going to do an injection for the L3 L4, L4 L5. I am at a loss what to do and feel like nothing is going to help. Any suggestions that may not have been tried? I did try these activities-nothing caused any more pain than usual-was hard to walk on heels-like it would be to write left handed. Thank you in advance!


Doctor, I have a sciatica like symptons due to l5 s1 disc herniatiom compressing my s1 nerve. I Can't stand on my left toes, calf muscle almost has no strength in it, I am limping and my left hamstring (and probably gluteus) is greatly weakened. I have issues withbback since 2015 (weightlifter) symptoms started getting worse a year ago and I am 3rd day in my first sciatiaca case, 2nd day I started loosing strebgth. I ran to do another MRI and then to ER now have to wait Monday to do EMNG and get a neurosurgeons opinion. Can anything be done to regain leg strength without surgery?


I have recurrent sciatica pain . I first got it when I was 15 . I am 21 now . I still get it . For some months I am free from this pain completely then suddenly I get sciatica and this usually lasts for atleast 2 months . It's never on one leg . It keeps shifting sometimes on left leg sometimes on right . Somedays become so unbearable that I am afraid to sleep on bed . On somedays it is manageable. This time when I got it in my right leg I overused my left leg as a result got unbearable foot pain in left side . My pain was mainly on top of foot (L5) but is now on entire foot mainly on sides connected with L5 and S1. I can walk on my heels but I face huge difficulty on walking on my toes . I also can't do ups and down with my left foot when I put my right leg behind my calf . What to do ? I can't do exercises at 0:28 and 1:42 . I get huge pain doing this . What to do ?


i can do these but they made my butt hurt a bit, could that indicate lumbar problems


Hi john, following surgery 18 months ago, the symptoms which took me to the doctors before surgery have gotten worse, despite the surgery .
I have tried the tests which your assistant demonstrated, and am in too much pain to move forward on my heels, in addition my toes are numb, both feet .
I also have leg weakness . The pain from my feet seems to drain my energy . And I get tired very quickly .
I’ve been for tests, lots of them and they have informed me that I indeed have nerve damage at the S1 nerve root .
Any advice appreciated as I haven’t worked properly in two years. Symptoms have more recently kept me awake at night
Thanks for a very informative video


Hi Mr John, may i know that what is the different between nerve root test and myotomes test?


Hello so I hit the back of my foot with a lot of power and now my foot hurts a lot and i tried to do certain exercises to diagnose if i have an l4 l5 but i only have pain in my foot when i raise my foot upwards and walking on the back of my foot the pain mostly comes down from the shin and in my foot im 16 so i dont know what injury i may have


If you fail to one of these, is it permanent nerve damage?


I was diagnosed with L4/L5- L5/S1 after my fall at work.I was perfectly in shape till I fell.Cant walk far, can’t stand long, hurts mid back when wearing a bra or sports bra, can’t lean back .Shooting pain mostly on left leg, also left shoulders and mid back.Muscle relaxers doesn’t help.I just do stretches and go to massage therapy.


My doctor's didn't do any of these tests, but got 3 years of pain management out of me and then sent me to surgery.🤷‍♂️


Very informative. And such a true beauty she is.


What if I don’t have ANY of those issues but my calves are doing tiny twitches 24/7?


I performed all test i doesn't feel any weakness but i feel oain in calf and ankle and hip


Good video....lady is suffering from hammer means she is wearing high heal shoes....sooner or later will suffer from backache due to spinal sagital imbalance....shd be advised to avoid such shoes


So if you you struggle with walking on heels and toes up, it's l4 /l5?
