Sean Feucht, Eric Metaxas, Julie Roys, and IHOPKC - Is Church Abuse a Political Issue?

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In this solo episode with Blaise, he addresses Sean Feucht and Eric Metaxas tweets regarding "church scandals" and IHOPKC. Blaise shares how the "believers" versus the "deniers" often fall within political lines when it comes to these issues and how as a conservative he had to fight to see through the political division when it comes to hearing and believing abuse victims.

Sean Feucht’s Tweets:

"Help us dig up dirt on all the believers we hate and spread unending division in the body of Christ. Your donations will go towards hard-hitting journalisming like discovering a bush-trimming violation from Sean Feucht 10 years ago that EVERYONE MUST KNOW ABOUT."

“There are biblical ways to navigate church controversy and hidden sin discovered in church leadership.

Those do not include running to leftist journalists with low integrity, bad character who hate the spirit-filled church.

We MUST do better than this. 🙏🏽”

Eric Metaxas Tweet:

“Everything I have read and heard over the weeks has me believing that the initial accusations against Mike Bickel are deeply vile lies. I hope @IHOPKC leadership has the guts to fully exonerate Mike, and to bring the false accusers to repentance. But not holding my breath.”


Welcome to our podcast!

Currently covering the IHOPKC and Mike Bickle scandal as Blaise spent almost 5 years in leadership at IHOPKC and gives context and breakdown to much of the controversy.


Music by K.I.P. Music
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I was a Mens Group leader at Churchome LA . I had to go through an extensive background check and had to legally agree to legal ethics regarding child abuse and sexual harassment and all forms of abuse. If i did illegal, i would have been prosecuted. I felt so secure with signed legal ethical boundaries. Many churches now are doing the same. Praise Jesus ✝️💜.


Its also the mindset of people that are caught up in a cult. Its like being trapped in the Matrix. People will fight for it when they have their whole identity wrapped up in something.


We need to realize that the Bible gives a good example of this situation. God chose and called king Saul, Saul rejected God and went into disobedience. God called and anointed David to replace Saul but it took years before Saul fell in battle and he was replaced. God had a place and calling for Mike Bickle, but he chose sin and disobedience, the Gifts and calling of God is without repentance. Sometimes God will let a wicked person stay in position for a season because of their ministry purpose and it was already prophesied. Obviously 🙄 much good came from IHOP, but now it’s Gods timing to remove this “Saul” from his position. This situation is not something man can regulate or prevent because God appointed and anointed Mike Bickle. Even Jesus had Judas as one of the 12 but it served a divine purpose.


As you and your wife continue to press in to truth, you will begin to understand that you have been associating with a lot of wolves. Sorry, but guilt by association is a real thing. Avoid “nice guy” assessments as a reason to hang out. The leadership by media presence is a false understanding of leadership. Too much personality worship.


As a Survivor I am suspicious of everyone’s motives at this point. Survivors can also be Exploited by Advocates!


I like Eric Metaxas, but when I see who he associates and partners with it really troubles me. There is a serious lack of discernment.


GOD is cleansing his church. IT IS a good thing. Many of the so-called leaders weren't raised by GOD, but propped up by men or by themselves. How "the leaders" all rush to defend "their kind" should be the tell tale sign.


I believe the revelations about Ravi Zacharias was a precursor to what is and will be revealed about some Christian "Stars". I, certainly, was totally blown away. I am learning that every christian who is relying on words of a man instead of the Word of God can be complicit. It is time for all of us to "get our houses in order". That means, in my mind, knowing the Word and getting into our own prayer closets. These two things are free.


I just can’t get over anyone not wanting an independent investigation. There are multiple victims, and multiple highly respected leaders who are saying there is enough evidence for an independent investigation. We should all hold our judgment until this investigation is competed, but if one is not performed the only right thing to do is side with the victims based on the preponderance of evidence as of now.

Also you have touched on it quite a few times but these accusations are not just that there was sexual immorality but also pastoral abuse. Even if there was no sexual abuse we as a church have to stand up against the abuse and manipulation of leaders. A lot of this was evidenced in the email exchange between Mike and Jane Doe’s husband. This is almost worse than any sexual failings as it is harder to identify and is more prevalent that any want to admit. It is also the first step in grooming victims for sexual abuse.

I believe these leaders who are championing these victims are on the forefront of a move of God that is going to sweep through the church bringing the secret sins to the surface! They have done a terrific job of not casting judgment but rather saying there is enough evidence that it needs to looked at in the light. And they are staying faithful in the pursuit of truth, keeping the ELT’s feet to the fire and not allowing excuses.


Appreciate so much of your reporting of IHOP in this scandal… Would just hope that you *would* care (“I don’t care”) about those who had discernment about MB for years. Many of us had proper discernment and were offering heartfelt warnings about IHOP and that leadership and were thrown under the bus. We don’t need to be thrown under the bus again- now. If you believe the gifts of the Spirit are alive and active in the church today- I would hope that would include a gift of discernment. It might not be flashy and exciting- but it’s very important to the protection of the body of Christ. 🕊️


some things are just a sin. somethings are a sin and also a crime. he is not above the law. the cover up is worse than the crime. all the defenders are part of a conspiracy to cover the crime.


I’m just doing this play-by-play, but I’m not disliking you. Never have a hero again. There’s no heroes in the body of Christ accept Jesus himself. Let’s grow up out of this man worship and man, exaltation nonsense that people have for celebrity leadership.


Conservative woman here. I believe the process needs to be allowed to proceed ethically. You are certainly not woke. There's a broken system in place and we've GOT to heed the wisdom from above. Good for you both. Well done being transparent.


I have an idea. Everyon take 2024 to stop watching bible teachers and then spend that year reading your bible. In 2025, see who you think is a false teacher.


Bruh I had the SAME thought when I saw Dr Michael Brown gave an IHOPKC update a few hours before or after the RoysReport article, basically reaffirming his stance that the ELT is a reliable source and body of actors. Like why would you send that out NOW of all times smh


I really appreciate your nuance in this. If we only lean on political view points as the lens through which we view abuse allegations we will never see things clearly. Critical thinking is a must.


Blaise thank you for approaching Sean. I pray he will hear this. You are such a clear advocate for truth. God bless you and your precious family.


After six plus weeks of this it’s apparent this is not about guilt. The IHOPKC ELT has as much as admitted guilt by first severing ties with MB, then lawyering up with actions to minimize liability exposure (limited information release, NDAs, etc). This is about accountability. From MB’s emails it seems he believes he owes no one accountability but himself. He is pleased with his devotion to the “purpose”. The current ELT has taken the same stance. Anyone who follows this type of narcissistic leadership is a peril unto themselves. Please keep bringing the information and commentary as you have the grace to. Thank you.


Within the last year, or so, there was a professional — and probably personal — friendship developed between Metaxas and Bickle. Similar to how national minister Francis Chan has befriended Bickle and his ministry. What I'm assuming is that Metaxas has been charmed and seduced (purposeful choice of words) by Mike Bickle, and that he's blinded by his friendship. I'm all for "innocent until proven guilty, " but I'm also street smart and my gut says "where there's smoke, there's fire" and it's not looking good for Bickle. I could be wrong and I'll gladly admit it if events turn out differently, but I think he's guilty. Anyway, all that to say that I think Eric Metaxas will be truly shocked and heartbroken once the truth settles in.


Thank you for this. I've been listening to Sean's worship since back in the good ol' days. I always loved his heart...but his comments on this were a low blow. All he had to do was simply read the article and/or observe what has taken place here objectively to see that. If he couldn't do that, why would he even speak to it? If he did, shouldn't his question be aimed at Mike who is playing Ostrich (with his head in the sand) instead of obeying Christ' words in Mathew 18...that he (apparently) liked to use in manipulative/controlling ways? Christ said if he refuses to hear his brothers, that he should be named among the publicans and are pagans too good for Julie Roys to report on as well? 🤨
