Is Atheism Dead? Eric Metaxas Interview - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 46

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In today's episode, Becket interviews Eric Metaxas about his new book "Is Atheism Dead?" Eric discusses how the fine-tuning of the universe and the Big Bang point to God. He also goes into exciting archaeological evidence that supports the historical reliability of the Bible. Eric also reveals the surprising stories of famous atheists, Sartre and Camus, who came to faith at the end of their lives because of the overwhelming evidence of a Creator. Make sure to pre-order this groundbreaking book by one of the best-selling Christian authors of our time. Your mind will be blown!

The Becket Cook Show Ep. 46




Becket Cook was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He attended Jesuit College Preparatory
School of Dallas. After graduating from Austin College in Texas, Becket moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of writing and acting, finding success in both. He eventually went on to become a production designer working with the top photographers and directors in the world on fashion shoots for magazines such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, and for ad campaigns such as Gap, L'Oréal Paris, and Nike.

Finding a new sense of freedom in L.A., Becket also fully engaged in his new life as a gay man. He had a series of many relationships with men throughout the next fifteen years.
In September of 2009, Becket met a stranger at a coffee shop in Silver Lake who invited him to his church in Hollywood called Reality L.A. Becket reluctantly agreed to attend the service. After hearing the sermon that Sunday, Becket was utterly transformed by the gospel and gave his life to Christ. He also knew on that day when God revealed Himself to him that homosexuality was a sin and that he could no longer live that life. Becket was more than happy to count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord.

Becket spends much of his time in ministry speaking at churches, universities, and conferences helping believers (and non-believers) understand this issue biblically, theologically, culturally, and personally. Balancing grace and truth when teaching on this subject is of primary importance. His goal is to challenge the current cultural narrative about sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular by demonstrating through his personal testimony and biblical truths that, yes, homosexuality is still a sin, and that following Christ is infinitely more satisfying and joyous.

He has lived all over the world in major cities such as Rome, Vienna, and Tokyo.

Becket graduated from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in 2017 with a Master of Arts in Theology.

Becket’s book, A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption, with a
foreword by Francis Chan, published by Thomas Nelson, released July 30, 2019.

#TheBecketCookShow #EricMetaxas #IsAtheismDead?

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Listening to you, Beckett, makes me happy. Maybe because it's clear that you are happy. A reason I was 'Christianity hesitant' was because the Christians I encountered were clearly unhappy, & just radiated negativity. I didn't want to be like that. When I came accross Christians that, like you, radiated joy, that was when I started to pay attention. If anyone can bring people into the fold its you because you don't just share the Word, you really live it & it shows.


I've admired (loved) Eric for years. Now, Becket, you are on the list w/Eric...and Prager...and (duh!) Peterson. Gosh I love our team soooo much.


I LOVE WHEW CHILEThis show gives me life every time Keep it up Becket. I hope we can pre-order in Canada cause I'm pre-ordering NOW!!!


From dismissively referring to “those pesky atheists” to outright calling people dishonest who think there can be such a thing as morality if God doesn’t exist, this interview is a classic example of how not to do apologetics. So uncharitable. So disrespectful. So closed minded. You can tell Becket has not scrutinized the best arguments atheist philosophers offer today. I don’t even know what to say about Metaxas.


GREAT interview!!! Two of my FAVORITE people! I could literally listen to both of you all day long… Separately and or together! In fact I think you guys should do a weekly show… And I’m not gonna charge you for that advice… Lol. Much love to you both and keep up the great work!


I also think that atheism is “dead” because of new age becoming so popular with the youth… it’s sickens me, that people are using spirituality derived from dark sources (if you know what I mean) rather than HOLY spiritual gifts and walking with God. There are more young people realizing that the spiritual world is real but through the dark side that can have serious consequences. Other than that, I’m glad that the new age has also woke people up, because some of them are turning to Christ after experiencing the consequences of dark and Godless spirituality


Great interview. Eric Metaxes and Beckett, and then together, always a win


““Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they exist, and were created and brought into being.””
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭4:11‬ ‭AMP‬‬


Thank you Beckett and Eric! Refreshing and insightful interview. So different from all the other viral stuff that’s going on right now. Makes me wanna jump into this rabbit hole!


Pre-ordered the book by Eric for Kim and I. Great interview bro! Eric is awesome!


Love Eric Metaxas. Pray for these guys who have a platform to counter the culture.


Eric Metaxas and Becket Cook are two of my favorite godly men! Love hearing anything from this intelligent man!


Great interview!! Fantastic information!!! It's hard for Christ followers to put their hands on this info so they can share facts. Eric Metaxas you have blessed us!!!! Thank you Becket for featuring this topic!


Oh I see, when Eric comes on we break out the fancy threads.


Good stuff, Becket, thanks for all the hard work!


I pre-ordered the book of course, to give to my atheist friends. Eric Metaxas, Becket Cook and Chynna Phillips are my favorites! Me and my friends pray the Jabez prayer for them!


I love Thursdays, great show gentlemen! My almost 12 year old is excited that you have another book coming out (he loved Seven Men)...this one might be over his head but I’m preordering anyway! God bless you both 💕


Ever since *Anthony Flew* - the greatest atheist philosopher in the analytic philosophy of the 20th century - ACCEPTED GOD in the 21st century (see the book "There is a god"), that took out a great deal of thunder out of (intellectual) atheism in analytic philosophy.

Additionally, *Jean-Paul Satre* and *Albert Camus* - two titans of atheism - also ACCEPTED GOD (as Metaxes has said numerous times in this video). This is serious blows to atheism.

Alvin Plantinga and his contributions to theistic analytic philosophy have also been crucial to the decline of (intellectual) atheism in analytic philosophy.


The bible is not a book to teach science but the bible is filled with scientific evidence of the existence of God.
