I told my MOM‘S FAMILY I don‘t OWE her anything… #shorts

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You dont lack compassion and understanding. You lack parental love and guidance.


"Mom also lacks compassion, so guess we know where I got that from."


Say “of course I lack compassion and understanding she didn’t teach me “

Thanks for the likes! 😊


Don’t blame the child. He didn’t ask to be here, you were the one who wanted children.


No. As a parent myself I can't see doing that to any of my kids. Your job as a parent is to care for your child no matter what. Even if you wanted 4 girls. That baby boy is still your baby.


If anyone lacks compassion and understanding, it's OP's parents. What they did was basically child neglect. They didn't teach OP to be "compassionate and understanding" and that's not his fault.


What a twisted family like deeply deeply disturbing to watch deliberate neglect and abuse and then blame the victim. What the hell


"You lack compassion and understanding" wouldn't be saying that the other way around, now would they? If the dad wanted boys and terribly mistreated his daughter.

That family was never ready for children, and do not deserve any.


I wanted a girl -
I got three boys.
I ❤ them!
I couldn't carry my girls..
All were miscarriages...
when I held my new child -
I was just so happy to be a mom, boy or girl!!
So, I learned that life has it's own plans and we just hold on for the ride!
Your mom is a monster who's undeserving of being called a mother!
Luvz and hugs


I am so sorry your mother and her whole entire family are horrible people. I'm sure you are a good person and you keep your head up. You are a valuable and you are loved, many people out there will love to know a great person like you❤ it's quite bizarre and really cruel that your mother and her family would do this to a child but I can only say you go out there and you create your own family you will do amazing in life and be happy😊 God bless you young man❤


Its alright if you were disappointed and upset that you didnt get the gender of the baby you wanted. What is NOT alright is treating that baby any less than how it deserves to be treated just because of something they couldnt control

You were right in this part


If you want a certain sex then go with adoption you never know when it comes to giving birth all girls or all boys should not be treated unfairly because of the sex is not their fault the sex they were born in if it's anyone's fault it's the parents maybe not for the sex that, the child was born but most definitely most definitely for the sex they want the baby to be you could get once your baby happy and healthy I love them regardless they are boys or girls.


Wouldn't it be a fine twist, when all the kids are grown, OP's sisters only ever birth boys. OP would have the only girl whom he names after his grandmother. And his mom never sees the grandchild because her son has not spoken to her since he turned 18 and left home.


I can't believe they think you lack understanding when clearly it's your mom who lacks it


You can argue "Compassion and understanding" all you like. Being treated like a wart on the family unit while one of your sibilings gets treated as the ultimate favorite is not good. They need to have compassion for the guy telling this story. And his mom needs to get over herself. If I ever have multiple kids, I want them to wonder until they die which one was the favorite. Or realize that I don't have one. Either way.


A wise cat once said, "Next time I'll check who my parents are before I'm born."


Not at all and your mother is wrong and her family is wrong for siding with her. It sounds like your mother is used to getting her way and when she doesn't and pouts about it, it was allowed which bled into her adult years. Now I have two children and though I was hoping my second child would be a girl, I was blessed with another boy whom is the sweetest boy in the world 😊and I love him to pieces ❤. boy or girl you should love your children


Nta! Don’t have kids if you can’t handle the possibility of not getting a girl/boy


Compassion, these people have a nerve to talking about compassion when they have nothing for him.
