My Mom Abandoned me but now I'm a MILLIONAIRE and she wants MY MONEY - Reddit Finance Podcast

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The second story made me shed some tears, the fact that the wife was literally offering to take a nap on the couch so they could continue playing video games makes me sad. And I'm really glad that the OP didn't let her sleep on the couch just for E. And by the way, the OP isn't the jerk, E was, because if E could've just understood the wife's situation better then none of this would've happened.


Story 1: No, not the jerk. Mom is clearly gold-digging here and OP needs to not fall for any of her nonsense. It doesn't matter if the stepsiblings are innocent, they're still not OP's problem or obligation.


Story #2...Sounds like you need better friends. Kick that chump to the curb and anyone else that isn't on you and your wife's side. Family first!


1) NTA. In that situation where you're basically abandoned as a kid and the "parent" only comes out of the woodwork when you have 7 figures minimum in the bank, it's 1000% positive it's because the "parent" only see you as an ATM. If I ever was in that situation, I'd only respond to the first call "That's odd. I don't have a mother, only a dad", hang up and block any and all communications with her.

2) NTA. I'm single, never had a relationship (not interested in getting into one either), but even I know that when you're married the wife takes top priority (until kids come along). OP need to cut E out of his life if this is how he treats friends.

3) NTA. I have a dietary restriction (celiac disease) which forces me to have a wheat-free diet. My family have learned and adapted to my diet fairly quickly (although I only learned to cooked for myself when I was kicked out). I think OP should reconsider her marriage to the husband since he seems to suffer from the infamous "Fragile Masculinity Syndrome" which causes the afflicted to feel an urge to control everything, being the Alpha Being in the household and anything/anyone he views as weak or undesirable are to be mocked and discouraged. This may be a cultural thing but from my perspective: let him sleep in the doghouse where he belongs. Also, be prepared to be the only grandparent to be allowed to see the daughters children when the time comes


In stories like some of these, I always hear the argument 'Family is family' but if you're Family is hurting you or using you, forcing you into situations you don't want to be in, it should be perfectly acceptable to cut them out of your life, sometimes, the family you chose, can be better, and more supportive than the family you were born with


story 2: not a jerk, full stop. the whole "bros before hoes" thing stops at marriage. once you are married you have more of an obligation to your wife/husband than you do your friends and your friends should respect that


To Story three: the ops daughter has the right to eat and cook vegan food as much as she likes!
I've read an article some years ago about a German Family who only eats convenient/fast food and one of the kids desired fresh fruits, vegetables, grains such as rice, noodles and so on. The other Family members, however, despised her and did not allow her to eat healthy food - at all!
I don't know what happened to her, but this story is pretty similar to the article I've read. The difference is, the mother encourages her daughter to cook and eat whatever the daughter likes! Kudos to the mother for accepting and supporting her daughters eating habits.


1st story: I wouldn't even bother trying to reunite with her as it's OBVIOUS that she's only interested in the OP's money. Though her kids are innocent, what makes the situation worse is that she's guilt tripping the OP with them and that should be taken as a red flag if you ask me. Seems like the OP knows exactly what fiction and reality is so i don't know why she's making an easy decision look hard. But, she's not the jerk in this.
2nd story: You're a married man. Your home comes before anything else. Heck, I'm not even married nor do i even have any kids yet at 28y/o and even i know this. Not the jerk.
3rd story: Not the jerk. That husband is a child.
4th story: I mean, I think the OP is just being spiteful here but at the end of the day, Like the mother said. Regardless of him being there or not, that is indeed her father and she should care. (Key word, SHOULD) However, as the case may be this looks like the typical abandonment story especially since it seems like the father cut ties to go and be with another family and decides to get in touch with them ONLY when he's in need? (At least to me as im still thinking while typing this). I can't blame her for the way she feels. Not the jerk.


Amazing Stories!! The mom in the 1st story is a mooch and you should ignore her!


First story: I think the OP should go to therapy to help him get over this "re-earn my mom's love."
Clearly this disgusting POS pathetic excuse of a mother really did a number on him and his sister. So sad 😞


Story#2 I would have kicked E out the moment he said "why?" Yeah i consider my wife's well-being more important then playing with the bros.


The story with the dad being sick hits me. My dad and I didn’t have a horrible relationship but it wasn’t rainbows and cake. He passed last year and I was not there for him when he was sick (cancer that he told me via text) or went to his memorial via Zoom. I was told he died via text. I felt like a jerk for awhile but remembered that when I was sick and needed him he wasn’t there and I ended up dropping everything when he had a heart attack around the same time. I had some mental health issues and he told me I couldn’t live with him bc my little sisters still lived there and him and my stepmom were trying to get them to move out. That was the last straw for me. I’ve gone through my whole life feeling like he always picked them over me or not even consider me and that statement put the nail in the coffin. There’s more to the story of course but that would be a post lol.


OP’s mom from story one, she doesn’t want to make peace and form a relationship with her daughter, she wants to make peace and form a relationship with OP’s money. Parents that abandon their children deserve NOTHING from them. Not the jerk.


Third story: the father is such a narcissist, my god! Poor girl! Glad the mother is on her side. She will always remember how her mom protected and deffended her.

Fourth story: Uuuurgh the shitty talk "he is still your father". NO. He is GENITOR, not father. A father takes responsability for his children, and this dude didn't. So OP has every right to deny giving this man anything.


i like the suggestion of setting up college funds for the half-siblings. i also like the idea of sending her an anniversary card every year on her new anniversary, containing a nice, new, crisp two dollar bill. she only wants your money for herself.


That last story is almost a carbon copy of my life with my father, and if my older step brother would ever try to do that (which he wouldn't, because he was the first child to be abandoned by my father before I was born), but if he did, I would say the same: "absolutely not".
I've been "talking" to my father since we kicked him out, mostly for his birthday, father's day and holidays, and only because I consider it a milestone in my healing of what he did in my childhood and teenhood, but that's it. It won't go further than meeting with him one day to talk some stuff I have left in my mind.


See, this is why I have never bought it when someone says that becoming a parent has made them a better person.

Becoming a mother didn't make the OP's mom a drop less selfish or into a remotely better person.

Seriously, of the people you know who became parents how many them really changed that much in terms of personality?

They are still as they always were. Good or bad.


Story 1: After I heard that the person was now rich and the mom wanted him more, I immediately knew it was for his/her money


The guilt he feels was purposely planted there by his mom. #2 E needs to go and never come back. That goes for his other friends too.


OP shouldn't reconnect with egg-donor. There's a bunch of reasons why:
1. OP doesn't any of egg-donor's new kids. They're not OP's siblings, they're strangers. OP doesn't owe strangers anything.
2. Egg-donor is obviously only interested in OP's money, not in OP as a person. She won't love OP if OP gives her or her kids money, so OP will just be left feeling like an ATM and a fool.
3. She hurt OP's father, and probably cheated on him. Giving egg-donor money would be a betrayal of him.
4. She hurt OP's brother. Giving egg-donor money would be a betrayal of him.

NTA. OP is a good husband and stood up for his wife.
Frankly, OP should break off his friendship with E, try to explain to the mutual friends who sided with E why E's actions crossed a line, and then break off the friendship with any of them who side with

NTA. I've noticed that parents who obsess over "respect" and "gratitude" are usually narcissists who just want to exert control over their kids to feel powerful.

OP needs to choose - her child or her husband. Make it clear to husband that his actions and attitude are unacceptable, and that if he doesn't knock it off, he's going to lose his family. Insist he also attend family therapy.

NTA. The sperm-donor chose not to be OP's father. OP doesn't owe him a damn thing, not even if his life depends on it. If OP ever feels guilty, she could instead spend the money on gifts for her younger brother or donate it to a charity that helps disadvantaged children or abused women.

I agree with OP; I hope sperm-donor goes to Hell when he dies. It's what he deserves.
