What Psychological Tricks Do You Use in Daily Life? (r/AskReddit) #shorts

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What Psychological Tricks Do You Use in Daily Life? (r/AskReddit) #shorts
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The last one sounds like training a dog 😂
holy cow, i’m famous


The last one, even though it's bribery, if someone gave me my favorite candy I wouldn't just make of excuses to talk to them, I'd hug them every time I saw them!


Just straight up being nice lmao. The world already sucks, people are gonna be happy when they're around you if you act pleasant


Dude, the last guy Pavlov’d her... dayum


That Under promise->Over deliver one works frickin' wonders!


When someone tries to interrupt me, I just keep talking like they aren’t saying anything. They quit talking and let me finish. Being interrupted is one thing that really gets on my nerves and I hate talking to people that do it constantly.


Plot twist. The last one was actually the girl's teacher and is now being investigated 😬


i saw this vid once of someone suggesting you say

“thank you for waiting on me, ” rather then “sorry that i’m late.”

it works wonders


Had a couple of friends tell me their secrets. Never spilled the beans to anyone. Why? Because I immediately forget them anyway. If the secret was from a past experience that doesn't affect their current life, then it's okay to forget them unless the person talks to you about it. If the secret does affect their current lives, it's better to keep yourself distracted.

What do I get from keeping secrets? Trust and a deeper friendship I guess... but I think I like making people feel like their burden is a little lighter too. If you tell people your problems, they might not be able to help, but at least you'd feel like it eased a little because you talked about it.


I work at a gas station in germany, where smalltalk with strangers in public is considered weird and in stores you rarely ever do it.

I just talk about the weather with some older people and compliment people's clothes/tattoos whenever i see a chance. Gets me tons and tons of tips.


Whenever someone I don't like comes up to me to talk I generally stare at their nose and start rubbing my own periodically. Normally they get uncomfortable thinking they have something in their nose and try to end the conversation quickly.


I found that this works mainly with guys, but generally when they seem upset, i dont ask of they want to talk about it or explain to me whats up. I just ask relevant questions instead.

Most of the time, guys will say that they dont wanna talk about something, as to not be over emotional or feel embarrassed over their sadness, but most of the time they do wanna talk about it. So i just ask questions and try to validate whatever they say. Often they thank me afterwards for listening. I ofcourse will stop if hes uncomfortable or anything like that, but most of the time they say/ act like they dont wanna talk about their emotions because theyre not used to it/ was taught otherwise as a kid. So yeah, my psych hack is i guess let dudes be emotional and communicative without making a big deal out of it so they dont realize themselves hahah


The first one is legit. Always tell your boss (not too small) but a little less than what will actually happen, and then surprise, your am amazing employee who did way more than expected and works really hard.


Flipping a coin when you can't decide between two things generally works. Regardless of whether or not you're happy with the outcome, you now know what to choose. Ex: you have to choose between eating A or B for dinner. Flip a coin. Let's say it lands on heads which means you are eating A. If you're happy with the outcome of the toss, great! If you're disappointed with the outcome, then you know to choose the outcome. I dont recommend using this for serious things tho, like whether or not to unplug a relatives life support.


I for some reason unconsciously did the last one for years without noticing till now🤔amazing!


That last one isn’t simping. It’s being a genius.


Any scam calls I get are often with dumb ppl at the other end, so.. what I do is I say “Hi can I speak to sam please” which makes them think I called them and they hang up


lmao the amount of people who don't know what the Pavlov conditioning experiment is has me crying💀


This is just for fun but in a convo I just keep eye contact and hold my hand out. No matter what they are holding they just automatically hand it to me, also works when you hold something to them and the just take it for you. Each time they stop and look confused on what just happened and then have a good laugh


Funny thing about the human mind if you want specific information don’t ask for it just keep up a dialogue and it will come up naturally unless it’s hyper specific
