The Death Eater Guide: How To Become A Death Eater (Step By Step)

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The Death Eater Guide: How To Become A Death Eater (Step By Step)

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4:26 That "idiot" managed to spy on the Order of the Phoenix for over a year and it took 14 years for anyone other than Sirius Black to discover that... He managed to remain undetected by the likes of Dumbledore, Moody, his friends for over a year, while having intel on them to the Death Eaters. We know from Severus Snape that his own intel was crucial in the elimination of Emmeline Vance (which was more of a sacrificial killing), we can only guess how many members of the Order have died during the first Wizarding War as a direct result of Pettigrew ratting them out. The Potters, the Prewetts, the Bones, Fenwick, Meadowes, McKinnon... All of them were members of the Order and likely would have taken certain procautions not to be hunted down by the Death Eaters, yet still they were all found and killed in attacks that sounded like organized hits on them (aka with most, it didn't sound like they were killed in the field). And for a hit, you require intel.

Pettigrew was far stronger and more importantly far more dangerous than anyone, even his friends, gave him credit for and this failure made him the perfect asset for Voldemort. His unassuming nature and a character that was seen by most as cowardly made him the ideal rat as nobody would suspect him to even have the guts for it. Voldemort was the only one who recognized the potential. This is also the reason why Voldemort saw him as less useful in the second wizarding war as he no longer could use Pettigrew as a spy. (But with his he also made the mistake of treating him and others like garbage, decreasing their loyality towards him. We see this with Pettigrew but also with the Malfoys).


With the Dark Mark it sounds similar to the Unbreakable Oath in terms of creating a bond between you and another.

Snape likely dies from the Unbreakable Oath he made with Narcissus - he pledged that Draco shall come to no harm (it was never explicitly stated what kind of harm, most assume physical it could have been any form)

Draco did, he came under mental harm from his task, nearly killed by Fiend fire and he got punched by Ron.

It was mentioned in OOTP that the fake galleons used by the DA reminded Harry of the Dark Mark when Hermione said "You'll notice I used galleons instead of our members skin" she goes to explain before hand "I used a protian charm on these galleons so they'll burn and change when Harry changes them"

Given the subsequent parallels mentioned. Prehaps the Dark Mark is more similar to a Protian Charm along with an Unbreathable Oath type set up.


Him calling peter pettigrew an idiot is satisfying. I think all the reasons covered in this video make sense. I cannot think of anything else as to why someone would want to be a d3ath eater. One could be crazy individuals who have psychopathic tendencies and little to no regard for human life or just exploring their dark side. Or this desire to wield power over others and most were like that.


No way, thanks so much for this! I‘m writing a fan fic about Snape which includes his past and didn’t find any Infos on how to become a Death Eater.


I personally think there might have been a difference in the process between the 1st and the 2nd wizarding war. In the 1st war Voldemort was on top of everything, he was winning and people joined him voluntarily in great numbers. In this phase he would not have needed to demand the maximal sacrify from everybody and considering he was a skilled legilimence he could see what the motives were that drove people to him. Lucius was to be known to be like a old money networks „Don“ already in Hogwards, for example taking Snape under his wing and kind of shielding him from the Marauders but he also was sadist who had fun in some torturing once in a while and this is what Voldemort would let him do. Somebody like Regulus would have been a talented young wizard from a rich and influential family totally into the ideology but probably way to green to find enjoyment in killing and torture so I would asume Voldemort just let him praise the ideology in Hogwarts and go along with minor tasks.
Snape probably would have been similar, an introverted, angry young wizzard, highly talented in the dark arts but at that time not actually a badass duel champion like Bellatrix. I would think he would probably be tasked with making dark arts potions and cursed objects instead of going on a fight with Bellatrix and Barty Crouch jr. and there would not be a need for it either. Voldemort was winning, he had plenty of manpower, he could affort to be generous, even so much as offering Snape to spare the „Mudblood“ he had a crush on. Also keeping his followers individually happy made it more attactive for others to join aswell.
Voldemort when he came back was a very different story, he was hunted, he was paranoid, he was unhinged. People also did not join voluntarily anymore, he had to go after them like Slughorn, even so much as putting an Imperius curse on Stan Shunpike and other „wrong place, wrong time“ people to even fill the ranks. Voldemort was not generous anymore then and he would expect much more prove of loyalty too, especially considering the abandonment of his followers after his disappearance.


"The weak seeking protection, the ambitious seeking glory; and the thuggish seeking a leader who could show them more refined forms of cruelty"


The fact that Snape was as evil as Rockwood, Macnair, the Carrow bros and Greyback, always brings me to the reality that Snape was not this gentle soul the movies and his redemption arc make him to look like.


Another brilliant video, keep posting when you can xx


Hey Dean, can you make a video about how Peter Pettigrew found Voldemort's soul and made him a rudimentary body between book 3 and book 4?


Thank you for another interesting video


Fear Lord Voldermor. Even his followers feared him.


I wish someone actually compared them to Nazis in-universe. Voldy himself was in Hogwarts during WWII


Nice, I always wanted to be a wizard Nazi, lol.


It is never said when Wormtail received his dark mark. It may have been when he first turned traitor, or when he passed the location of the Potter family to the Dark Lord. Or perhaps he was branded with the dark mark after he returned to Voldemort.
To me it seems more likely that he only became a full deatheater after he and Barty Crouch Jr subdued and imprisoned Alastor Moody. By then Peter would have had some successful missions to his name.


Voldemort himself was a half-blood (Muggle father/Witch mother).


My Harry Potter Reimagined stories are almost complete


Currently two seconds in, great starter pack for my future career.


I just love your channel. Have your heard any New news on the tv series


I don't think Voldemort truly felt Pettigrew was "worthy" to be a death eater, but he knew a pawn with connections to those in the Order could have use. Even though there's no term for it, there were death eaters he considered completely loyal & trustworthy, part of the inner circle when it came to plans & such, vs those that were footsoldiers just there to do grunt work & terrorise.


One wonders if Crabbe and Goyle were talented? Their sons certainly seemed to have difficulty in walking and talking at the same time. I an sure they had some of the other qualifications you listed.
