Earthquake Evacuation Kit (EEK)

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Check out my version of the Earthquake Evacuation Kit (EEK). Gear links below. This idea can also be applied to areas where tornadoes, rapidly spreading fires, and other immediate threats make for a situation where you need to get out of your residence immediately. The idea is to be able to get out to your vehicle with a full set of clothing along with a modified EDC system. Your vehicle should contain a Go Bag or Bugout Bag, which should get your to an alternate location. Please like and subscribe.

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I think this kit is an excellent idea. I have been in a couple of very heavy duty earthquakes and one happened while I was still in bed, in my PJs. Your instinct, as stuff is shaking and falling, is to get the heck up out of there as fast as you can and having a kit like that ready by your bed is genius. If it isn't night, you can grab your BOB. I also live in a rainy area so might include a rain poncho.


Having a kit with the essentials ready in case of emergency is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and family. This is a well-thought out kit, thanks for sharing! - Justin @ Vanquest


Nicely prepared. I like the full clothing pack especially.


One suggestion would be to add a bottle of water to each bag and a few snacks, since you may be out of the house for a while…


First of all: I like the idea behind the bag. Most BOBs are equipped in a way that you have to dress first and than run out.

I know that you call it Earthquake Eva. Kit, but wouldn't it be nice to beef it up a bit in case of a fire, as you already mentioned that case? I'm thinking of a thumb drive with copies of important documents and a small notebook with some important informations like phone numbers of friends, family who you could contact to stay maybe a night or two. And some cash.

While thinking about it: in case of an earthquake you might want to be able to shut down the gas to your building – if you have gas, that is. So the tool for that might be handy. No gas makes it way safer to enter and get more stuff ;)


I would add:
- attach outside, with a clip or carabiner, a mask and a protection glasses.
- inside the pants, some money and 2 sheet printed with copies of photos and ID.
- inside the bag, a little bottle of water and 2 energy bars.
- inside the pants spare set of car and house keys and some money.
- inside the bag, walkie-talkie with fm radio for comuication.
All those thing can be forgotten in that situations and it's better to grag your kid and only one thing that has all you need.


great kit, no nonsense. I might add cash and documents (maybe in a USB).


You might want to consider adding water and some snacks. You can keep them in a separate bag next to your pack, along with any non-essentials you'd like to take anyway.
If you put in a small roll of microcord, you could use that mylar blanket as a small tent so all three of you could stay out of the rain and you keep everything dry. It can also be used for a bunch of other things to tie together or hang.
I know it's more room but you should consider some way to communicate with your wife if the cell towers are down and you somehow get separated. A small GMRS pair would solve that but there are other ways. If one of you isn't home and it's a wide-scale earthquake you either need comms or a plan with a few places that you'd go to or leave a message at.
A thumb drive with copies of all your IDs and important documents (or stash them safely in your pack so they're ready to go) might be useful. Your whole apartment might collapse completely and you wouldn't have access to any of that.
If you're going to use a ferro rod, make sure your knife or something else with you throws a lot of sparks. If not, they make a super small and lightweight striker you can pack super cheap that will throw a lot of sparks.
Being in the city, you'd probably have access to some kind of tinder that will catch with your ferro rod. I'd try to wargame that by trying several different things you can easily find and see if they will light or can be modified (like shredding). If not, if you're wearing cotton, you can use the knife to scrape it and gather small fibers. You're packing the ferro rod for a reason. Might as well know you'll be able to use it. Few things that most people would think of will take a spark to light but if you think it through, there's a lot you can use. Bonus if it works wet.


Great Kit. Lots of good ideas. Keep up the excellent work. 👍


Great kit. I always have a hard time finding and putting useful gear in different bags and pouches because I feel like I’m missing out items but I know I can’t fit everything. It’s a strange thing I need to figure out


Really love your videos! They always make me think.
I think I might add a few things in case you got trapped while trying to escape: a hard hat, pry bar, dust mask, and whistle. If you added a emergency fire escape mask, this kit would be able to do double duty in the event of a fire.
I know you plan to use this kit in conjunction with other kits, but it might be wise to include some backup cash, quarters for vending machines, and a flash drive with important documents in case you became unable to safely get to your other kits.


We also live in earthquake country. I would add a map with important places (hospitals, family, etc. highlighted along with emergency contacts with their addresses in written form, bottle of water and purification tablets., sturdy gloves (to deal with rubble, broken glass) very nice and lightweight kit.


Just saw this video lol. I take it your wife is carrying the babies bag? Clothes, blanket, food & bottle? Hopefully you have kits for the wife and baby. lol 😂


Any compass suggestions ( with adjustable declination )


Why not just keep that bag in your vehicle so you can just grab the little one and get out? One less thing you have to worry about.


That's really a well thought out very basic kit, for non-preppers, but honestly, why wouldn't you and the wife just grab your BOB's and be done with it? I can see doing a video like this for those who aren't really into survival and getting them to start thinking along those lines. Again, well done video. Keep up the great work.


That's what's in it no food or water Packets but there's Shoes in there this is not a good kit


Yeah, no, make a better kit! You may not be able to get to your car. I also found fault with you saying safer outside (it's not).
