The Most IMPORTANT Survival Kit YOU Should Have!

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The most important survival Kit EVERYONE should have is their "Shelter In Place Kit". This is because, during most natural disasters and emergencies, your best course of action is to "shelter in place". During a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, blizzard, ect. You should be sheltering in place.

Your shelter in a place survival kit should include at least the following:

- Local Maps Of Your Area

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A lot more focus should be placed on stay home kits like this than bug out bags.


Lest not forget to mention, anything battery operated should not have batteries in them as they can drain and go bad and corrode. Keep the batteries in a separate protective container


Heres the list.
Watch the video for info about each

1. Water proof container
2. 72 hour food kit (per person)
3. Solar latern
4. Emergency Radio
5. Extra phone charger
6. Power bank (battery bank)(solar)
7. First Aid Kit
8. Dust Mask
9. Duct Tape
10. Roll of plastic
11. Thick trash bags
12. Toilet paper
13. Hand sanitizer
14. Glow sticks
15. Bottled water
16. Local road maps
17. Deck of cards, games


I would add emergency blankets or sleeping bags to help stay warm in the winter into this as well, and candles, oil lamps and 🪔 lamp oil, and electrolytes, and water purification. And some ways to protect yourself from intruders.


Another helpful item to have it wet wipes for bathing yourself… whether that be face wipes, baby wipes, etc., they would all get the job done!


Working in Oil & Gas country, I keep a shelter in place kit in my office as well. It is mostly the plastic sheeting and duct tape (for those chemical leaks that seem to happen a lot around here), shelf stable food, personal hygiene items, a change of clothes, sneakers and socks, a few days of prescription medicine, a blanket & camp pillow & a yoga mat, and a deck of cards. I have been stuck in the office for quite some time before.


As someone who is medically trained (ER doctor) I think everyone should have at the bare minimum a trauma kit including 2 high quality (CAT, SoftT-Wide) tourniquets and at least one SWAT-T tourniquet (for smaller diameter limbs like kids, dogs, elderly people etc.), chest seals, hemostatic gauze, and a splint. This things are all easy to use and to train on. They could save the life of yourself or someone you love if medical resources like EMS are delayed by an emergency.


Maybe small foldable solar panel is a good idea for kit like that. It will charge electronic devices quicker than build in panels.


I would add a pot or canteen and waterproof matches to boil water. You can find water by nearby stream, river, rainbarrel, lake...ect You need to purity the water. 3 days without water, you could be in serious trouble. Thanks for the share 👍


A great addition to a shelter in place kit is cheap moving blankets. You can get them for less than $10 and they are multi-use


The Google map callout is a hell of an idea. This sort of thing is so simple and makes perfect sense. This is why I am subscribed to this channel. Solid no nonsense ideas.


I would add that the individual maps printed out- should be laminated, to make it waterproof or ink will run!


I have a three tub SIP kit (1 Food, 1 first aid/warmth/comfort/ electronics, 1 cooking/hygiene), that I originally built after 9/11/01, and have kept updated, and I also have two sealed 5-gallon water jugs and a hand pump. I can also throw it all in my SUV (which I also bought after 9/11/01, and have kept updated 🙂) and bug out if necessary.


I don’t want to spend my whole life and all my money preping, but it is definitely a good idea to have a backup plan.


You could add some calcium hypochlorite for a water purification method that won’t lose it’s effectiveness. Many, many gallons can be purified using this method and it lasts much longer without downgrading.


I prefer the common small 80's radios that use AA for some reason i think there wont be wifi in the great tribulation :)


Instead of playing cards, I have a good-sized library of prepping, survival and homesteading books. If I'm sheltering in place, I'm not concerned about something that is small and easy to carry like I would be if I was evacuating. I can also work on improving my drawing skills if I need to shelter in place.


Keeping kids busy is vital. They stress out easy and so can parents.
Dollar stores provide,
Crayons 🖍
Activity books
Word searches etc.
Their emotional state will help the entire family. Cheap and easy.


Tarp, hammer and some nails to cover that window blown out or leaky roof until a more permanent fix can be made. Water filter, even after the disaster boil water notice is in effect for days after; without electricity many have problems boiling water to purify. Set of gloves, both rubber to clean and leather to work. Multitool and a rage helps. Just a couple of items to consider as well.


Shipping tape works in colder Temps than duct tape can. Some of each in kit .
