Can I Shoot An Attacker If They Don't Have a Weapon?

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Can I shoot an attacker if they don't have a weapon? As with most questions dealing with deadly force, there is no clear-cut answer on the question, "can you shoot even if the attacker doesn't have a weapon". In this video, U.S. Concealed Carry Association Director of Content Kevin Michalowski interviews criminal defense attorney Tom Grieve of Wisconsin-based Grieve Law, LLC. The two men discuss a recent incident where an unarmed man caused great bodily harm to a pair of homeowners in Chicago. Watch to learn what these experts think the couple could have done to protect themselves from a potentially lethal attack by an unarmed criminal. So if you're asking, "Can I shoot even if the attacker doesn't have a weapon?" then this video will clarify whether or not you're justified in your actions.

Are You Justified in Shooting an Unarmed Attacker?

00:33 Can you legally shoot an unarmed attacker?
00:43 Kevin tells a harrowing true story of an unarmed attack in Chicago.
01:30 As a general principle, you have the right to use deadly force to stop a deadly threat.
01:44 But what constitutes an imminent deadly threat?
02:06 How do different states define a potential deadly threat?
02:28 What defines great bodily harm?
03:00 What are victim-subject factors (aka officer-subject factors)?
03:34 Why are so many self-defense laws purposely vague?
04:07 Why is it important to pursue training and education on local gun laws?
05:16 Why is it so difficult to determine proper self-defense response levels to a threat?
05:54 How can you steer clear of potential legal trouble following the use of force in self-defense?
06:48 How can you improve the narrative surrounding a self-defense incident if you find yourself in the legal system?

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COMMENT BELOW: What other scenarios do you want Kevin and Tom to break down?


Any attack will cause great bodily harm, you don't know until you're maimed or dead. Stopping any attack is essential, especially when the attacker is bigger, stronger or multiple attackers.


Laws need to be adjusted to be more in favor of law abiding citizens that come under attack!


I’ll never forget the prosecutor in Rittenhouse arguing that “sometimes you just have to take a beating.”


If I am at the point that I'm going to lose control/possession of my firearm to an attacker, I draw the line. Would the attacker draw a line at shooting an unarmed victim? I assume not.


My brother has life long health issues due to being assaulted by an unarmed attacker. I seen and experienced first hand at what an unarmed attacker can do. I'm not about to let myself become a victim as well.


If an attacker didn't want to get shot, he should probably not be an attacker


As a fairly small man (5ft 6, 125lbs) I've always pondered this question.
When you watch videos of people getting attacked, sometimes they're knocked out cold after one good punch or kick, leaving them at the complete mercy of the attacker. How could that not add in to reasonable fear of losing your life from an unarmed person, especially when there is a physical disparity?


it's not "almost" a political issue. It is a political issue.


This is ridiculous… if someone advances or attacks a person with intent to cause any bodily harm, they have forfeited their life. I don’t attack people. And if I were to move on someone I would fully expect them to defend themselves as if their life was being threatened.

A law abiding citizen shouldn’t have to fear the government over defending themselves.


And these days a bite, mixing blood and saliva (both level 2 biohazards at a minimum) can be considered an attack with a deadly weapon.


You hit the nail on the head… it has become a “political issue”, a gender or race issue as well as the media influencing the trial.


The main thing I've always pondered is fairly straight forward. If I'm carrying concealed and someone assaults me, I'm thinking, "what if they get my gun and use it on me?" With that said, if I'm carrying, any forceful physical assault warrants me drawing the weapon. If the attacker continues to pursue and I cannot escape, lethal force is warranted, imho.


I'm too old to fight, and too crippled to run so it's my only option.


The most insane thing I've ever heard is a judge stating that if the assailant has a club, the victim is not allowed to use anything more than a club. And if the assailant has a knife, the victim can't use anything more deadly than a knife. And if the assailant has a gun... etc. Well, excuse me, but when an assailant attacks most people don't have the luxury of carrying around a club, a knife, a gun, just in case he needs to select the judge's appropriate response.


In a just world ruled by common sense, the aggressor waives his right to safety/life by initiating the attack. We need to instill that principle back into our laws (criminal and civil).


As a former Deputy, politics factor in more than most might think. Hope you NEVER have a self defense shooting in an DA's election year.


Stop asking permission to defend yourself. The only question is this: *“Must* I do this to prevent harm to myself or others?” Period.


In short, bad guy gets to decide the level of seriousness and can escalate at any time while we have to determine their intentions and danger level and act responsibly


I was fortunate to receive my ccw lc. training from the man who actually provided firearms training to the states police academies. He had also been a Sargent Major in the Marine Corp.
His opening statement to the class was, "one of the things left wing liberals hope you never find out is that 10 times more people are bludgeoned to death with hands and feet than are shot by guns."
And then he said, "for those that don't understand what bludgeoned mean, it means they were beaten to death". Anyone that believes that anyone at any time is unarmed is either a fool or a liar with an agenda.
