Jesus, Full of the Holy Spirit - Bill Johnson (Full Sermon) | Bethel Church

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How can we measure if a cup is full? We can tell that a glass is full when it overflows. The kingdom is measured in the same way, and we can tell how full we are by the measure of the kingdom of God that is demonstrated in and through our lives. Bill Johnson breaks down Isaiah 61 verse by verse to encourage us to represent the Father by being filled with the Holy Spirit to the point of overflow. This message will invite you to be so filled by the presence of God, that cities and nations around you will be transformed by the glory of God.

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Scripture References:
1 John 3: 8
Hebrews 11: 1
Hebrews 1
Mark 1
Luke 3
Matthew 3
Mark 9
Isaiah 61
John 20

Originally shared at Bethel Church, Redding, on Sunday, November 5, 2017.

#Bethel #BillJohnson #HolySpirit
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I’m a Catholic priest and LOVE Bill Johnson! I learn so much from him. God keep blessing him and Bethel


Amen!! Formulas can become idols, and God wants us looking to Him, not a formula. We need to be absolutely dependent on Him and His direction.


Hello pastor god bless you, I want to share something’s highly important, I went to pray for someone in different culture as religions people, god used me powerfully, ur then one lady with very wearied and had demons, not one but whole legion ...during prayer THIER kitchen utensils start falling ...I felt different demons presence, but later after prayer she looks normal and talked to her about Jesus . I took phone number, start talking on phone about Jesus, she suddenly hanged her voice and attacked my verbally, I thrilled in my home and fear fell upon me . I saw and felt very deep demons presence around me day and night ( yes those days I had weak prayers life because very busy ) any way I had fight, could not sleep, faced demons terror, heard them, bad dreams, everything all pastor back off but one Indian Pentecostal church of God pastor prayed and said me one things ...just keep praising Jesus name and speak verses and pray ...I was praying keep using the Bible like MY SALVATION COME FROM THE JAHOVA, JESUS IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR, ,after one month I saw big huge darkness like tornado came out me and I started while I was sleeping then I awoke up ....but I was praising Jesus name and reciting psalms in my half awake situation ( I awoke up half but eyes were closed and lying on beds and fighting....not fully kind of awakens ) so I saw that bunch of demons moving like tornado went out of me and my room, pastor said no matter what kind of demons are ...just keep praising while u sitting, lying, walking ....demons cannot stand in the worship or in Jesus presence while u praise, he said many times we never need to keep hand upon people, they deliver themselves just by praising Jesus name ...demons cannot tolerate praise of Jesus,
I means next time if u cannot do p, ease give them solution to read psalms, praise the name of Jesus, recite the words or protection, thanks


Jesus was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit


Grant me courage, that I may unmask the lies of the enemy that limit my ability to inherit my true I believe FATHER, help my unbelief...


Lord fill me with Your Spirit to overflowing so I become a blessing to others Bless you Pastor


Thank You Bill for addressing the disappointment and sorrow when the miracle does not occur. When hope is deferred. When we can only helplessly ask the Lord, WHY??? and then continue to walk by Faith and not by sight. To continue to dwell in the Ressurection Life of Christ even in the midst of this dark and perverse age. Praise God and Pass the Salt


"I speak in tongues more than ye all" and I'm Southern Fried Baptist (No Joke) - The Holy Ghost (as we say way down south/at least some do) is moving in the SBC "big time".


I have got to experience a Bethel service atleast once.


Stay Filled with Holy Spirit, I never thought of it this way "it's kind of a command."


HOLY SPIRIT come.. Baptise
me afresh.. Make me to rebuild the desolate cities.. I Love You GOD! CHRIST our KING..Bless Your Holy Name JESUS!


We love you Pastor Bill and we pray for you and Beni Every day, especially for healing. Thank you so much again for sharing all of that wonderful wisdom that God has given to you to us. We are hoping to meet you someday in person. You have a blessed day and week. Bill and Jerilyn, South Dakota


"The devil is not the opposite of God, he's the opposite of Michael."


I love to listen to him and study the word with Bill Johnson such a blessing


So remember this. Had this opportunity when I got on the horse and it ran through orange groves eating oranges from trees


Such a Radical Life Changing Sermon By The Holyspirt...Daddy Always Your Bring us Glory To Glory...Thank You Lord For Your Word and Sprit filling Season In My Life Now... Thank You So Much Bethel Media Team And Father Bill johnson... Because By all of you and your works Am From Indian Tamil Small Village Boy Can Connect and Be a Part of Bethel Family In Bless You all with all his Blessings 🎉🎉🎉🙏🙏🙏


Love this so much. So many great truths!


It's going to be Biblical...Woohoo


I want to be "ruined" for Him to deliver from pain, spirits of infirmities and harassing spirits.


Why do I keep hearing about Angel Feathers and Gold Dust at BETHEL in Redding???? What up with that??
