I Flew 8 hours to see my friend and was shocked.

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He invited me to visit him and I agreed as I've always wanted to check out his city. I booked my flight and Airbnb and flew over. A week in and I still haven't seen him. I asked about us meeting up and he eventually invited me out for drinks with him and his female friend I had never met before. I head to the restaurant and they're both finishing their dinner when I arrive. We're in a booth and they're sat together, I'm on the opposite side. The first hour was fine. Then things got weird. They began facing each other, flirting with each other, and ignoring me. Whenever I tried to signal to leave, Jason ordered another drink on his tab. But wasn't speaking to me at all. Jason then began throwing coasters and ice cubes at me randomly. I felt humiliated. Mind you he is 27. We finish up and I'm heading back to my Airbnb when the girl asks me back to her apartment with them. I said yes since Jason and I have barely spoken since I arrived. The same thing happened there. I'm ignored and then Jason starts throwing random stuff at me. I was about to leave and he asked me to come out onto the balcony with him. I did so. I told him I'd been asked on a date with someone in the city and he said nothing. He suddenly full on sprinted inside and left me alone on the balcony. Seriously, what. Is. Happening. I asked him when he was heading home - he said he was staying the night with her. Great. I then leave. Jason doesn't even look up from his phone to say goodbye. I texted him later asking if I just third wheeled and he insisted I didn't, that she's "just a friend". I asked if he wanted to meet up again, but he declined saying he was too busy. I just flew 8 hours for...that.
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That is not a friend. Go home. Dont call him ever. He wont call you except to feed his ego or soothe his conscience. Go be happy elsewhere.




bro befriended a chimpanzee 😂 throwing ice cubes and coasters is mentally challenged


I live in the Netherlands and I had a friend that lived at the very bottom of Germany. We planned to meet up for like 2 years now and we had known each other for like 3. At like midnight (I’m supposed to leave at 4 am cause it’s a long ass drive) we call and he goes “uh.. yeah idk anymore” so fuck that and fuck him. Mum was supposed to go see her cousin in Austria so I just went with her instead


bet you he invited you just to look “cool” infront of his friend. leave him
