I Bought ALL the Fable DLC So YOU Don't Have to! - Fable Anniversary DLC Review

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In this video I review (mostly critique) all of the DLC available for Fable Anniversary (Scythe Content Pack & Heroes and Villains Content Pack), and go in depth into why it is a huge waste of money, and a disgrace to the gaming community as well as a giant middle finger to the decades old modding community for fable. DO NOT buy this DLC. It is not worth your money, and you can absolutely get all of it for free as free mods (that have existed for close to 20 years now).

Anyways hope you enjoy the video :D

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I like how the thunder helm says pre owned cause he had to sell his armor after losing twice xD or someone looted his corpse after you steal his soul. Either way absolutely beautiful


This is my gripe with remakes in general. If they add nothing other than "improving" the graphics, then what is the point. All of these extra costumes could have and indeed should have been included in the base anniversary edition; maybe even add some exploration, alignment or renown locks behind them e.g. you have to become Jack of Blades in order to get his suit.


Intersting thing with the Heros pack...some of the stuff in it was cut content from the original release of TLC. Super weird they didn't just include it Microsuck just being Microsuck....the Clucking Hammer and the Wasp weapon for examples.


DLC fake quests at the beginning! Give us what we really want!


The rise of the Fenix is the Butcher cleaver from Gears of war 2, in the description for it, it says like Biffy C which is gears OG Cliffy B


Ridiculous was going to buy the anniversary, but now that I know it's not ALL dlc included..I'm good. Thunders armor is the only thing I wanted and im not paying $8 for it.


You the MVP for this, I would of been pissed if spent money on that bs. You got yourself another sub this


Can you elaborate on changing the apprentice robe texture to look like graduate? I dont know where these files are or what the name of the apprentice robe WITHOUT the hood. I just want graduate robe with no hood. Also, is it possible to edit armor stats?


Man, thanks for remembering the game of our childhood, though it was Fable The Lost Chapters.

I consider it to be way better than Baldur's Gate 3, since it has an amazing antagonist - Jack of Blades. Unlike BG3 having only 5 minutes of antagonist screen time, 5 minutes Karl!\

Games used to have soul back in the old days ...

God bless you bro, and everyone reading this comment!



Do you know if it's possible to get into Bargate Prison early?
I've been trying the Summon-Assassin Rush glitch but can't get past The Circle Of The Dead


Nice video bro, you remind me a little bit on Slate from Dazed and Confused 😅


Mate, there is more work than you think. They can't just put the models that already exist on another character. They need to model it from scratch, create the textures again, and try to make it as similar as possible to a 3D asset that was made by another team with different capabilities and renderings 20 years ago. After all that, they need to rig the clothes to the character's rig. At this point, they may have already invested 100 hours into this, which might be a reason why they didn't make it better. In the final steps, they adjust the lighting and shading. At this point, you can't go back and start from scratch again.


It's in my Steam shopping cart RIGHT NOW. Thanks for posting this bcc I love Fable from Original Xbox and just discovered modding so do I really even need this garbage?
In their defense, you are paying for the convenience and time it would take to mod it yourself.


the way you raged on the guard armor had me rolling on the floor...


I liked the newer armour and stuff it would of been awesome if they would of came out with some more story though.


I bought all the DLC but can’t find any of the items in any of the shops. Anyone got any advice?


It doesn't have much to do with the video, but when i saw the Sophia's Sword in 16:16, i remeber a weird glitch that happened with me in the 360 version of the game, i was just walking arround in Bowerstone south, and then my wife give the that sword as a gift, and i was like wtf did just happened here, because a never bought any dlc in the 360, i never managed to this glitch to occur again.
I don't know if the dlc are already coded in the 360 version, and you buy they just for unlocking stuff, or if is a game version glitch.


I think with this DLC Extension, they wouldve revolutionized this game if all the "skins" they give you wouldve given extra power by example swords that change your combo or game play, staffs that increase your spell damages or give you extra spells totally unique or armour givin you extra toughness versus a specific type of monster you know ? That way givin' in 25 USD wouldve been way more "cheated" and insteresting to stop by !


Thank you for this! It's much needed insight on such an obvious cash grab. You have definitely ensured I don't have to buy it.


Man, this is so lame.... I was hoping for some new extra quest lines, bosses, mini bosses, etc etc. Whatever, great video though.

Btw, you pumped for Fable 4? Some information suggests Oct 2023 or early 2024 release
