5 Common Questions about a Return to Work for Employees - Employment Law Show: S5 E28

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5 COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT A RETURN TO WORK FOR EMPLOYEES on the Employment Law Show with employment lawyer Lior Samfiru. Discover your workplace rights and learn everything you need to know about employment law in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta on Season 5 Episode 28 of the only employment law show on TV in Canada.

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0:00 - Intro

🔹 Options for employees on a temporary layoff - 2:07
I've been on a layoff since last year due to COVID-19 and my business was impacted. I contacted my employer and they have no idea when they will be bringing me back. What do I do?

📞 Limitations to severance after signing a contract - 5:18

❓ What to look for in an employment agreement - 8:44

▶️ 5 Common Questions About Return to Work for Employees

1️⃣ What happens if I am brought back to a different job? - 12:59

2️⃣ Can my employer lower my pay? - 14:32

3️⃣ Can I choose to work from home? - 16:55

4️⃣ What happens if I am not called back to work? - 18:20

5️⃣ Can my employer require me to get a vaccination before returning to the workplace? - 19:39

📞 An employee was replaced after a return from medical leave - 20:42
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: I discovered that I had diabetes after collapsing at work and spending 6 weeks in hospital. During this time, somebody was brought on to take my job. When I tried to return to work, my employer said they had no projects for me.

📞 Severance after less than a year of work - 24:20
EMPLOYMENT LAW SHOW Caller: As per my contract, I was only able to work 4 days per week due to medical reasons. When I refused to move to a 5-day schedule at my boss’ request, he fired me. Am I owed severance if I only worked there less than a year?

📱 Pocket Employment Lawyer - 26:00
I was let go after 10 months in an administrative role and offered no severance. I'm 53 years old. What am I entitled to?

❓ Responding to an employer outside or regular work hours - 26:55


#EmploymentLawShow #SeverancePay #SamfiruTumarkin #EmploymentLawyer
Рекомендации по теме

I’m a stage 4 cancer patient who can no longer complete my job as nurse assistant without excruciating pain. My oncologist wrote a letter stating that my job is to be lighter or he recommends a job transfer to another ancillary position. I work for a hospital that have several ancillary positions open however they are forcing me to compete for those positions. They currently put me on light duty for a couple of months. This was decided by our insurance carrier. Is this legal? My boss keep recommending that l go on LTD. I’m 47 years old and I’m still useful. I feel like I’m being forced out of the workplace.


Good afternoon maybe you can answer a question my husband's unemployment is in adjudication and there's a mistake on their part and then I fast enough to fix it as of January 20th 2021 can you tell me how long approximately it would take to release the money's there on hold
