Tim Keller - The Prodigal God - The Elder Brother

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In this video excerpt, Tim Keller teaches about the elder brother in The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

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I'm the older brother in this story. Please pray for me.


Wow. This explanation was DEEP! This parable was never explained in this way to me before. I knew that I am/was the younger, but I now see the elder brother in me in part also. Praise God for enlightenment!


WOW! I’m blown away form this explanation and meaning!! 💥I’ve heard the story so many times and I thought I understood the parable (about true and unconditional love), but I didn’t fully understand it.
This came up because my daughter doesn’t understand unconditional love and said that if she messed up she wouldn’t come back home because she thinks I’d “disown her”. She also thinks I prefer her younger brother and treat him better.
I explained to her why I did what I did with her brother (why I punished him differently than her for doing the same thing. … children respond differently to certain punishments) and that God doesn’t disown us because we have sinned and have now repented. I told her I will always love her. And asked her if she remembered the story of the prodigal son. She and her brother never heard of it, so I went online to find a cartoon that would explain it and I found your explanation. Praise God! As God led me to your video!
Not only did my children learn something, but so did I!!


Thank you for explaining this parable. It was uplifting!


I've had to repent of being that older brother because of all my self righteousness.
I've learned that I have access to all of God''s promises because ofJesus Christ is my Savior, not anything I have or have not done.


I understand this parable so much more! Greetings from Philippines


Keller is the greatest preacher of his generation, imho. May we take heed.


Thank you for explaining this parable. The first time I heard this, I really feel bad to the older brother because kinda relate to him. I always ask why God not listening to my prayers when I'm always good to him but I'm completely wrong. I'm so sorry 😔


Wow, what a wonderful explanation of the elder brother.


beautiful and mind blowing way to look at this parable


Am Martin from East Africa. What a wonderful explanation of this seemingly simple parable. I feel so blessed! Thank you pastor Keller


Absolutely love how beautifully this parable is illustrated here! Wow! Thanks Bro. Keller your work is shared all the way in Lebanon, Pa!!

Keep being faithful and true, till we see each other in Glory - Amen🙏🏼💒❤️

Pray that I stay faithful & true 🙏🏼


I keep in mind *who* Jesus is speaking to when he tells this parable. In context of the passage as a whole, he's answering the Pharisees. The beginning of the chapter opens with Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering round to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, ‘This man welcomes sinners, and eats with them.’
Luke 15:1‭-‬2 NIV

This is what Jesus was responding to when he answered by telling this parable. It's clear that the elder brother was an analogy for the pharisees who kept and enforced the letter of the law but it didn't reach their hearts. Meaning that, like the elder son, they had no love for the Father and just worked according to the letter of the requirements of the law for the sake of their own self interests.


God is building me as seeker of Juses Christ, my saviour and lord.
That involves breaking my ego, which is perceived as pain, humiliation, and separation.
But by now I do know He is behind me watching over me with great sympathy and love.
Thanks my God father.


I taught this parable at a Prayer Meeting a few nights ago and ran out of time to discuss the elder son. This video presentation is a brilliant summation of the most valuable lesson to be gained from this parable. Thankyou Tim for your wonderful thoughts on the parable. So well articulated.


Wow I never understood this story before until now. Thank u


Wow! This is a whole, new level of deep philosophy about Jesus' message. The story brought tears to my eyes earlier today. But, now I feel ashamed and exposed for perhaps having a part of the elder brother's arrogance and entitlement. I need to analyze why I'm nice to not only other people, but to God. I may be foolish enough to manipulate others into thinking I'm more righteous than I really am or to gain favor. But, if I'm doing this to Our Lord, God help me.


That was good! Religious people have always been this way, still are. When a new believer comes in especially if they don’t have a bunch of religious baggage and they ask God for healing or some miracle and they get it quickly. The older brother mind set shows up, I’ve been going to church for 40 years and God hasn’t healed me and such. No doubt there are a lot of people who go to church every week that are not born again yet. No worries so long as there’s breath we can change whatever needs changed! God can’t be fooled and the Bible works only when you do it accordingly. You can’t supposedly do all the right things and not have the relationship with Jesus and the father. The benefits of serving God only happen when you are genuinely serving God and putting his things first place. The older brother already received his inheritance when the younger did. The father in the parable explains all that he has is his and he could throw a party anytime he wanted to. Now we all know no matter how much we love God and strive to do everything correctly that none of us have ever accomplished that. Minus Jesus of course 😎. So the older brother definitely wouldn’t have done everything as he said even though it’s a parable. We absolutely can and should strive to live perfectly as Christ did. It is possible to never sin or mess up because Jesus did it as our example. Now that Jesus died and rose again if we have repented of sin and confessed Jesus as not only savior but lord we can. We have the advantage of the Holy Spirit living in us and IF we will always listen and follow his leading we will never fail to live up to Jesus example. Like I said nobody has since Jesus and I certainly wouldn’t claim to be resembling Christ like perfection lol. I’m not and not even close but it’s possible. God is so patient and forgiving, he loves us so much we don’t comprehend how much.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom, sir!


A few thoughts come into my brain upon the conclusion of this profound exegesis of the Prodigal Son parable: my motives must always be pure. And, the chant of the crowd in Krakow when Pope John Paul II spoke to the Polish people, who were still under communist control. The crowd chanted, "WE WANT GOD" and didn't stop until it sent the message to the world. Also makes me think of Saint Thomas Aquinas.

After writing on the Eucharist, St. Thomas entered into a great ecstasy. He then heard a voice from the crucifix on the altar say: “Thou hast written well of me, Thomas; what reward wilt thou have?” St. Thomas’ reply was: “Non nisi Te, Domine. Non nisi te. (Nothing but you, Lord. Nothing but you).”
