LOTR: War of the Rohirrim Trailer Where Hope Dies

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Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim trailer is out and showcases Helm Hammerhand defending his people. Except despite J.R.R Tolkien not writing about his daughter, War of the Rohirrim will focus on her as a central character. Narrated by Otto who played Éowynin The Lord of the Rings movies, this will be an entirely original story, unrelated to Tolkien's writings. Is a Lord of the Rings anime something the audience wants? Is War of the Rohirrim worth watching?

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Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim trailer showcased the worst of the news previously released. While the anime looked good and the trailer got off to a great start. Showcasing clips from The Lord of the Rings movies and actual canonical stories from the appendices. The latter half of the trailer went off the rails, not just giving names to characters to small and inconsequential to be of notice. But now making them the center of the story in a story they did nothing in, and going off to recruit tribes of people just like them to save a narrative they were never in.

Combine that with writers who have virtually nothing of note on their credits, and what you end up with a nonsensical story that would have Tolkien writing a strongly worded letter that could knock down buildings. The anime could have been great, the start of the trailer proves that. But unfortunately, it remains tainted by the same issues as the rest of Hollywood. And worse, they're proud of it. But what did you think of what you saw? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)


Tolkien gave the back story for a damn tree! This man didn’t OVERLOOK anything! The nerve of Hollywood


"I will have strong female character as protagonist"
>"How original"
"She is also a better warrior than most trained men"
>"Daring today, aren't we?"


Saddest thing is, their fem icon Eowyn herself learned in her journey that heroism and death in battle isn’t the only way to live and becomes a healer in the end. 😂


Oh, so Tolkien, the absolute master of fantasy, the guy who "invented" world-building as we know it, somehow "overlooked" a character? Yeah, I’m sure the creator of an entire universe, with its own languages, histories, and cultures, just forgot about that tiny detail. Good thing we have untalented journalists to point out what Tolkien clearly missed.


"Tolkien's version of the story" Wait, what? That is THE ONLY VERSION of HIS story!


Can we just agree that anything written after the death of an author is not canon?


How arrogant of them to think they could do better than Tolkien.


Its a real shame J.R.R. Tolkien's legacy is being treated like this. It just keeps getting worse and worse by the minute.


LotR: I am no man.

WotR: I don't need no man.


And the worst part; There are plenty of strong female characters in Tolkien's books, they just weren't strong in the way these guys wanted. When it comes to female characters, they only see value in masculine strength.


Tolkien is the author and creator. Saying he missed something is fucking lunacy. It's HIS STORY.


People should get sued for ruining someone else's work by inserting garbage into it....


The only thing Tolkien overlooked was his grandson's idiocy.


They're making something that they say Tolkien overlooked, using Tolkien's own work.

Sheer fookin hubris.


What also pisses me off is that by making her the "real" hero, they are basically saying that the Rohirrim purposefully erased her from history. They didn't write epics and songs and ballads of her mighty deeds, I guess their fragile male ego couldn't take it so they covered it up?


Final note but do these writers actually know how Eowyn's story actually ends and the moral and point of her arc. She is not a badass warrior after her fight against the witch king, after everything she suffered through. She realised that she would rather be a healer than chase after death.

There Éowyn meets Faramir, with whom she soon falls in love. Her outlook on life also changes: "Then the heart of Éowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. ... I will be a shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the songs of slaying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren."

Yeah they claim to know the stories so well yet always miss the actual point of her character arc.


Making an entire tribe of warrior women erases what made Eowyn so remarkable.


Parts Tolkien “might have overlooked”. The man who wrote entire languages, mythologies, religions, geography and more for his stories.


Tolkien would never name a character "Hera". He was more creative than that...
