3 Redpill teachings Debunked by a *Blackpiller* - Terrible Dating Advice

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Approach-maxxing also known as playing the "numbers game" is commonly brought forward by redpill dating coaches - "Just do 500 approaches", "don't be scared", "the worst that can happen is she'll say no". In this video I'll be giving my blackpill perspective on why "numbers game" doesn't work - unless you're attractive ofcourse.

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 - Intro
00:36 - Warm approach
04:14 - Online dating *Tinder Algorithm*
08:46 - Cold approach
14:36 - Conclusion
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I remember a guy who's a 2-3/10 said he approached 2000 women. Ultimately he got rejected by all of em.


The gossip shit is way too accurate. Like, EXTREMELY accurate. I had no idea how hive minded women were. It’s a joke to me.


The way to easily avoid this issue is NEVER "ask" any women out. Only ever suggest them to join you for something you are already gonna be doing anyway.
A subtle difference that makes all the difference. NO ONE ever "asked out"
People just joining you in what you are doing.
"Feel free to join me"
The 5 most useful words in dating and in life.


I didn't even know about the shadow banning that's soul crushingly BRUTAL. Just image uploading new photos thinking this is it I'm finally gonna get matches but you've been shadow banned for months.


I think poisoning the well also involves female hierarchy. If one woman says no she is implying she can afford to be picky and is proving herself to be very desirable. And if the second or third woman says yes than she is implying she is not as attractive as the first woman and is taking cast offs. To maintain hierarchy position she has to say no or else lose face.


Numbers: There was a farm boy in my high school class named Fred. Fred was nice, but he didn't have a handsome face, dressed like his grandmother made his clothes, and lacked any social skills. He literally asked out maybe 100 of his female classmates and they *all* turned him down. After a few, word spread and they knew it was coming. I felt sorry for Fred.


In warm environment, you can ask one girl per year out, at best! In fact, at your workplace, you should ask out zero.


Good job boy you keept it short clean and with facts everyone can agree on. Keep on the good work


I have a theory about dating apps, may be wrong, but just a theory. So I used to be on dating apps last year and I would describe myself as average looking. I was constantly shown women who I thought looked ugly and got likes off ugly girls all the time. Anyway after I came off the sites I decided to do an experiment, so I took a really tall nice looking male instagram model and created a profile out of him to see what results I'd get. What I first noticed was that the apps seemed to be recommending girls who were super hot, whereas with my real profile they were recommending girls who we're average at best. This made me believe that the apps are kind of judging you and placing you in a category. Also, as you can imagine, the fake profile was lighting up with constant likes and matches, wheras my real profile got about 18 likes in a whole month, which I didn't like the girls anyway.


Your response to the "numbers game" on Tinder and cold approaches reminded me of the photoelectric effect and how no matter how many photons you send at a metal, they'll never excite any electrons if they don't have enough energy. Sociology mirrors science I guess.


It's not worth the effort these days. You need to get a phd in dating to even get a foid to say hi to you if you're not Chad


Wow. I didn't get the poisoning of the well back in high school, so I literally asked everyone out I found cute. Yeah. Not much success and word got around, not to me though, not until a guy friend of the gossip girls told me that i'm a slimy desperate guy that no one wants.
So you're absolutely on point. I'd watched too many redpill cold approach vids, and somehow thought it'd be easier in a school environment.

Funnily enough, before the poisoning,
i got my first long time girlfriend from there. And prior to her i hadnt asked anyone out from the school


Never thought about the whole poisoning the well theory, this makes me even more content on the fact I didn't bother asking most of the girls I liked in high school. Good analogy there


Thank you for making these videos, people like us would go insane thinking we are at fault for not having the will to approach women like the dating coaches tell us. Our fear and reluctance to approach women doesn't stem from laziness! In our deepest subconscious minds this complex of not being attractive enough is what really pulls us back. Your analysis makes this burden a tad lighter!


Same thing happened to me my crush rejected me I moved on then asked out her friend who told the other girl I liked her and then the other girl. The girl told all her other female friends. The girl told 2 of her exes who were my friends and she was telling them "He doesn't have a chance with me." First called me a weirdo and creep and so did the second girl. Yup the well got poisoned.


Any man who doesn't learn after 10 rejections that his looks are not the way to attract just can't affect his position in life & learn from it


Nowadays it's better to just have a life and some true friends and just live it by travelling alone or with your friends, have hobbies, , play instruments, meditate or whatever just don't get in this shaming game unless some woman get's the courage and shows signs that she might like you. Otherwise let's not validate them anymore, Gents.


I consider myself red pilled, and the red pill teachings you list are what I consider blue pill adjacent. The primary red pill teaching that I have taken in is to just ignore women and focus on things that are worth your time instead, as in your hobbies and your friends. The idea of having women in your life is nice and all, but as you said the reality is that the juice is not worth the squeeze.


Indeed, not only does 'not having the looks' mean you're getting less first dates, it also means you don't get to practice and build up experience and confidence.
Thus even if the sweetest possible girl you'd might ever get, gives you a real chance ... you're probably still gonna blow it.

And the hardest part is that that very same girl would have been your loyal and loving life companion ... if only you had had the experiences a Chad already has accumulated at the start of high school!

When I just started out online dating I would write very long opening letters, fully personalized to the girl and in rhyme.
I stumbled upon a girl who loved that.
She genuinely gave me a chance.
Blue pilled as I was, I considered myself a gentleman and offered to pick her up at her house in my car ... nowadays it wouldn't be done with 'metoo' and all that fun stuff ... but it was all before that crap AND she liked the offering and accepted.

However, I had never been on a real date before.
So I did my very best and it went very well for my standards ... I'm an INTJ ... social stuff is not my thing.

Yet ... I made some basic errors like chatting with her for hours at a time online, obsessing over when she's going to reply, answer her to quickly, being to honest and open, have a cinema as our first date, ... .
Combine that with the typical awkwardness of an introvert having to perform in social activities with a very important pair of scrutinizing eyes on him ... and you guessed it ...

By the end of the date I had held her hand and had failed to create any more sexual tension ... thus failing to get a goodnight kiss, which made for a very awkward ending.
On an intellectual level we had a lot of fun; I can talk about almost anything and draw on my vast memory and knowledge to make good "logical" conversation. Until this day I truly feel like she would have been an awesome and fun companion.

Yet ... she kept postponing the second date.
She had a lot of stress at the time with a very mean boss and came out of an abusive relationship for which she had moved to the other end of the country.

We clicked intellectually and if we had been in high school together we would definitely have been best of friends and probably each others first ... and maybe only ... partner.

But ... since in the grown up world it all comes down on looks first ... lacking the excellent face + missing the experience to create the perfect date, ment she decided that she wasn't ready for a relationship at this time.
Yet ... not long thereafter she proclaimed on her FB that she was in a happy relationship.

8 months go by and suddenly she contacted me again to ask how I've been.
I guess she wasn't all that happy after all.

Looking back, she might have been checking if she could come back to me ... however ...

At the time I was very down because I had just gotten fired because: I had asked a female client out after she had "shown" interest and we had end up enjoying a 1.5 hour talk.
She suggested texting her on FB. I found that strange since we could exchange everything in real life ... but didn't think anything of it.
The instant I send her a nice FB, she blocked me and send it to the parent company of my employer.
It was the start of 'MeToo' and the parent company is always in need of good media coverage ... so apparently they had a new zero tolerance policy and were looking to add proof of it being used.
So they terminated my indefinite contract.

Apparently while that client was definitely a bitch, she herself had not foreseen it going this far and tried to retract her statement ... yup ... didn't work.
Well ... they fired their only technician with 98% client satisfaction and 99.7% first time right solved cases who was always willing to help dispatch out by taking on that final extra case of the day. My direct boss wanted to keep me ... but the higher ups just wanted "proof" of their working 'MeToo' policy.
Like WTF ... I did nothing more than ask a girl who showed interest out and DM'd her on FB on her request!

Ah well ... I had an issue with work safety anyways and every few years a colleague would die because of them ... so I now could enjoy welfare while looking for a safer job.
Since my trackrecord was spotless and my boss liked me a lot, I was not "fired" but just had my contract not extended. So no paperwork exists of this "metoo" reason.
I eventually did find a safe job ... so all well ends well. And this full time job pays like the old one but I can do it with even less effort XD

But since it had just happend at that point I told her about this event and never heard from her again.
Stupid mistakes on my part.
And valuable lessons learned for the future.

Nowadays I don't trust any woman until she has thoroughly proven otherwise and professionally I no longer do small talk with them at all.
I also no longer help random women out when I see they have a problem. The risk simply isn't worth it.

I was lied to as a child ... I was made to believe that being a gentleman was something women loved ...

Ah well nowadays I focus on my own hobbies and interests and do the very minimum I can for this sick society.


very interesting video and i can relate. did about 1.000 cold approaches a while ago and got about two women who were genuinely interested in me, they sent me all the attraction signals you can imagine, but blew both moments because of my nervousness. i suppose the takeaway is, there's always some woman out there who might genuinely like you, but it's so hard to capitalize on the attraction and interest of someone if, due to all your rejections, you never built up the experience to handle the situation to your benefit.
