Why Mormons and Christians Can't Understand Each Other

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They don't mean what you THINK they mean. You'll find out about Mormons using the same vocabulary as Christians but having a different dictionary for what those words actually mean to them. Some of the terms we will cover are; God the Father, Jesus, Salvation, Create, Monotheism, Grace, and others.
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I was raised Mormon. I’m now a Christian. Much of my family is Mormon and they call themselves Christians. I often engage them and have discussions about the differences in our beliefs. Thank you for this channel. I’ve learned so much from you and pray that one day God will open my family’s eyes to the Truth


I was a Mormon for 32 years and the ONLY thing that opened my eyes was hardship. I was in a horrible marriage and had to get out, I was kicked out of my home and my community (Mormon “friends”) I lost everything including time with my children which KILLED ME. I had to hit rock bottom. My ex then hurt my youngest and the courts did nothing to protect her and I as her mother could legally do nothing. I really had to hit absolute nothingness. I had to know that no amount of “works” on my end could save me on earth or in heaven. I had to give myself to God and I didn’t know how. After I had fully left the church 3yrs later and I felt spiritually lost. I thought I knew EVERYTHING! Mormons really do feel like they know all when it comes to spiritual knowledge. Now I had nothing and I knew nothing and no one could help me but God. A friend across the street shared her Christian faith with me and sent me info from Mike Winger! I had no idea! Mormons DON’T KNOW what they don’t know if that makes sense. They have no clue that they aren’t following Christ’s word. They are so convinced. My point is that it has to be the right time for them spiritually. Just like everything else God is the ONLY one who can change their heart. You must pray to know when is the right time and then act accordingly. Don’t force, just do what God tells you to do in love and he can do marvelous things with you. Thank you for wanting to help your friends ❤️ I think if there is something we can do FOR God, it’s share his true gospel with his other children. I am eternally grateful for my sweet friend across the street and for my God who saves me. Mormons believe God loves us but it’s on condition. IF ye love me keep my commandments = he doesn’t love/save you unless you keep his commandments. This Christian God is endless love! No conditions! He just loves us! Such love boggles the mind. I feel so happy that I know ❤️


ExMormon here. I'm trying to purge myself of all the indoctrination and this really helps clarify what Christianity is.


Hi Mike. I am a current Mormon who has been having a faith crisis the past year or so. My husband and I have been learning to value truth more than feelings. We are transitioning out of the Mormon church, however, my family has NO IDEA. I think it might just kill them. We are working on how to break the news, plus are still trying to navigate the truth ourselves. You hit the nail on the head when you said that we value our feelings more than truth. We are 100% taught to trust the feelings of the spriit to know what is true. And if we don't know if it's our own feelings or the spirit - we are just told if it is good it is the spirit.... So hard to discern!

I really loved your video. My jaw dropped at your definitions - they are completely different. I didn't realize that learning Christianity after Mormonism is going to be like learning a whole new language. It's a lot.

A couple comments, first, yup I totally finished your sentence "we are saved...after all we can do." We are taught that Christians are wrong for thinking they don't have to do anything to earn eternal life. It's a new perspective to realized actually we are wrong for thinking we have to do ANYTHING to qualify for Christ's sacrifice.

Finally, to your question what can we do to help Mormons realize the truth...honestly not much. Continue to be loving and accepting. Show us that there are good people outside the church (we are seriously taught that we have a monopoly on happiness, being good, and having strong families). I can't really pin point to 1 thing that helped me "wake up", but definitely had to allow myself to even consider that the church may not have 100% all truth. Maybe ask your Mormon friends "what would happen if the church wasn't the only truth? If it wasn't true, would you want to know?" just to get them thinking. In the end they have to step away themselves. No one can "teach them out".


Ex Mormon here, now Christian. Before I had become a Mormon, I had seen an ad of how the Mormon church offers comfort and that praying to God for new scripture is alright. They had convinced me to sign up for missionary work. And they came to my house and gave me a Book of Mormon. I had thought that it could be another piece of God's Word. (before this, I read the Bible, but it was the King James version and was really hard for me to understand so when they showed me this, I didn't know enough scripture to refute it.) I had joined the church for a few months. Meeting new friends and what I had thought was studying God's Word. The night of Christmas Eve, I had saw a video from Allen Parr which said, "are Mormons Christian?" I found the title interesting and decided to look at it. When he went over that Mormons believe that they can become gods, I was shocked. I couldn't believe that since they didn't tell me about it. Thankfully I knew enough of the Bible to know that we won't become gods. I basically went down a rabbit hole of videos for a few hours. They went over Christianity and Mormonism differences. I couldn't believe it and decided to leave the church. There are still missionaries that try to talk to me and convince me to join the church back, but I have actually shared the true gospel with them.


I grew up as a Mormon until I just turned 29. I had doubts my whole life. It’s weird when you’re so young, you doubt your faith. Having grown in the church, everything is expected of you. I never went in a mission and that instantly makes you the black sheep. When I told members that through conversation, you could see how surprised they were without outright telling you.

I finally took the leap after reading the CES letter that solidified my doubts in the LDS church. Before actually leaving, I did my research, real research. I would real exmormon blogs, I read the CES letter, watched videos like yours, and talked to family and friends that had left the church and their reasoning as to why they left. I would cross reference information, making sure the things that I read and heard were from legit sources.

I left the church and then, I left left. I removed my name from the church as well as my wife. When my wife and I talked about leaving, the questions she asked was, “Do you want our children to feel what your feeling right now?” I wanted my kids to be out of that church before they were really involved in a way that would make it hard for them to really understand something else other than LDS doctrine. I’m still on my journey to fully understand the truth and I’m sure it will take years to overcome the things I was taught in the LDS church. Right now, the Bible based church I’m attending right now is involved in doing daily scriptural study of the New Testament. I’ve read it before but I’m REALLY reading it now in a way that after reading the first 15 pages, have totally caused me to understand that the LDS church is totally wrong. One thing I noticed the most was that they spent more time reading about past prophets and comparing Joseph Smith to Jesus.

Knowing many Mormons, trying to convince them into your thinking and to try to tell them what’s wrong with their religion will cause them to shut down and not listen. Or they’ll tell you that we won’t know all that is true until the afterlife. Asking questions to my parents, who are still fully involved, would just say, “we don’t know that yet” or “we won’t know that until we see Him again” or my favorite “You’re thinking way too much about it”.

Anyways. Thank you for your video. It really helps me on my journey to know the truth and to expand my knowledge on the truth. I’m loving learning about the REAL Jesus and God and learning through reading the Bible.


4 years later, this is as enlightening and relevant, as fresh the day it was recorded. Thank you Mike, for being intentional in finding Truth and expressing it so all can understand.


I grew up in the Mormon church. It turned me into an atheist. Found my way back to Jesus.


Left the LDS for Presbyterianism. I even went to the MTC. They told us to either lie or misdirect people when they asked about one of the controversial beliefs. Being asked to lie was one of the things that started my movement to leave.


My family is mormon I was baptized so.
I can't say I ever bought the whole life. When I was told that I was working to be a God myself I knew it was all wrong. The mormon people are wonderful people but have been misled. I don't buy what they teach and have not for sometime. Your videos are great to watch and full of good true information.
Thank you
T.S. Jones


I am a former mormon. Full activation, temple attending and always truth seeking. I didn't find the truth within the walls of church or the temple. I found it after a dark night of the soul (which lasted much longer than one night). I was torn between realities in grief and pain. My Christian friend asked me if I wanted to know Jesus. I pleaded with her to teach me what she knew about him and we prayed together right there in the car. I felt something deeply moving within my heart. Two years later, I connected with my pastor neighbor who explained the real Jesus Christ and the principle of being saved by grace instead of works. I had not been taught that concept in my life as a mormon. How crazy! 30 years and I never knew that. It is truth. I've been studying truth from each religion and Christian spirituality speaks the deepest to me. I am not as much a literalist, but I believe anything is possible under the omniscient God. Love is the answer. Hatred is not the answer. I really enjoy your videos and I trust your sources of information. You are teaching the true doctrine of Christ using logic and reason, which is valuable. Thank you SO I will share your videos once I feel it's safe for me to do so. I'll start by sharing truth in person. I pray for God to give me more skill and wisdom as I continue in my journey as a born again Christian.


When I look back when I was a mormon, I’m amazed at how much idolatry was in my heart.


Who else ran to the comments section when he said “there will be comments in there of Mormons saying ‘we don’t believe this’”


Your knowledge of the scriptures, and also of Mormanism, just has me in awe. About a year and a half ago, I started to watch a Morman video on you tube, and got interested in what they believe and where their origin came from. I bought a few books and some Morman missionaries came to my door, and I wound up with a BoM, also. I was brought up in the Lutheran Religion, but as I got older, slacked away from going to church. After a year and a half of reading and learning about the biggest fair-ytail that has been ever written(Mormanism), my faith has grow more and more, in the good old Christian Scriptures! These poor people are walking around, with blindfolds on, and cannot see the truth. Maybe more of your exposure of Morman Doctrine, will bring more of those lost souls to Christ. God bless your efforts!


I really like your videos. I'm a Christian and wish to help these people who come to my door. Mormons in particular are such hardworking and good natured people who have been misled. God bless you for what you are doing to help them, and for the info you provide to everyone.


As a mormon, I wanted to be an advocate for plural marriage, and share with people the good in it, as long as people lived it right with God's help. I have a wonderful polygamist family, but it took work and God's help for me to love them all which I do very much.
So I talked to many people in the comments sections of many utube videos. There were some Christians that told me the error of my ways, and most of the time I felt like they had no proof for their claims in scripture. I would ask them a verse in scripture to support their belief. Many times what they showed me didn't prove anything, like it was taken completely out of context and stuff, but then a few people started showing me passages of scripture that definitely supported the idea that there were major differences between the bible teachings and the mormon teachings.
As a mormon, we always put more trust in mormon teachings, because the prophet Joseph Smith said in the articles of faith: "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly. We also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God."
So basically, when in doubt, go with what Joseph taught, because he brought us the restored true gospel of Christ, or so I thought.
When I read some of the things that people pointed out to me in scripture, I started to realize they were not just translation errors, but actual direct contradictions. One of them had to be not true, but which one?
After much battles in my mind, I decided I could not give up the words of Jesus in the bible. My husband told me to quit reading the bible. He takes it with a grain of salt. He said he would never read it, and that it would just confuse me.
I was upset. I could not except this, because I knew the words of life were in that book. God gave me a testimony of Jesus through the words of Jesus in the sermon on the mount. I prayed for truth, and when I read those words, I knew I found it, so I can never give it up. When I read it, I knew it was true. It was beautiful. My words can't describe it. Jesus was everything.
So, for my husband to try to make me give up the bible was like him trying to make me give up Jesus, and I couldn't.
Since then, I have found many more truths in the bible, and with help from good Christian channels like yours, I have come to believe that mormonism is not true.
I'm no longer an advocate for plural marriage, but I know God helped me in mine. Many years ago, I realized that as long as I couldn't forgive or love many of my family members, I was not going to make it to heaven, so I asked God to help me forgive and help me love them, and he did just that. It was a giant weight lifted off my shoulders and instead of only seeing the bad in them, I could see the good, and I was no longer crazy jealous and desperate for affection, but more content. I try to have more compassion for others.
I know now that plural marriage was not God's design to qualify us to go to the highest degree of glory on the Celestial kingdom and then become Gods and godesses of our own planets.
One woman, one man, was God's design and belief in him that we might be saved to everlasting life with him.
I don't want my own planet. I just want Jesus. I just want truth.


Thank you for this video.
There are two young ladies who have been coming to my door for the past few months.
Yes they spoke exactly as you said. I knew nothing about The "Mormon" religion.they claimed they are Christians, very sweet..
However after they left I have had a heaviness in my heart for them, The HOLY SPIRIT was letting me know this is a false religion..
I invited them back every week to come and talk.i talk to them about Salvation and The Gospel.
I told them I love them and do not want them to perish, GOD has a message for them both, so now after hearing you speak about their beliefs, THE LORD is leading me to show them The TRUE GOSPEL.
Thank you for posting .I know now what GOD wants me to tell them.


I’m sooo grateful for the grace of God. We shared about grace with some Mormons at came to our doors. I asked them to explain their kind of grace and I explained the grace of the Bible. It’s such a freedom. I told them that exact verse with them that you said. No one can boast.


This man is truly edifying me! I've learned so much from just a few videos I've seen. I'm looking forward to more! Thank you and may God continually bless you!


Hello. I just wanted to say thank you for making this video. So informative and also I can see the kindness in your heart. Please keep up the good work and please keep making videos
