Differential Equation:Non Exact first order ODE into exact form: Example Integrating factor RULE III
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Non-Exact First Order Ordinary Differential Equations: Example Integrating factor Rule III:-
If a differential equation of the form
M(x,y) dx + N(x,y) dy=0
is not exact as written, then there exists a function μ( x,y) such that the equivalent equation obtained by multiplying both sides of (*) by μ,
μM dx + μN dy =0
is exact. Such a function μ is called an integrating factor of the original equation and is guaranteed to exist if the given differential equation actually has a solution. Integrating factors turn non-exact equations into exact ones. The question is, how do you find an integrating factor?
Consider the differential equation M dx + N dy = 0. If this equation is not exact, then M y will not equal N x ; that is, M y – N x ≠ 0. However, if
xM+yN ≠ 0
Then reciprocal of xM+ yN will help us in getting integrating factor.
Non-Exact First Order Ordinary Differential Equations: Example Integrating factor Rule II:
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Integration by parts:-