Everything You NEED TO KNOW When Training Your PUPPY!

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In this video, I'll be discussing everything you need to know when training your puppy.

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For your convenience, the information is also provided below.

1) You want to start training your puppy the moment you bring them home. You should try to get in 1 - 3 sessions each day. Each session should be between five to fifteen-minutes. When training a new puppy, I like to use mealtime as training time. In the beginning, you want to do continual reinforcement, meaning you reward every correct behavior. If you don’t have time to train, don’t feed your puppy out of a bowl. Instead, put the food into a raw bone or Kong and freeze it. Once it’s frozen, you can give that to your dog in the crate. I will help keep them entertained, but it will also satisfy the puppy's need to chew. Don’t try to increase the value of the food. If you do, that’s a lot like giving your dog a pay raise.

2) You’re going to want to start potty training right away as well. I would advise staying away from puppy pads unless you want your puppy to learn to go potty in the house.

3) Confidence building exercises and exposure. confidence-building is simply taking new experiences and associating them with something pleasant, therefore creating a positive association for the dog. Make your puppy believe he’s a super dog.

If something scares them, don’t comfort them while they are scared, but rather act like it’s not a big deal. Dogs will often mimic those they are around most.

A) Play tug and let your dog win
B) Have your puppy walk on different surfaces while being rewarded or making it a game.
C) Create a puppy obstacle course

Exposure: Take your puppy out into town as often as possible.

4) You want to make the training as fun as possible, creating a fun learning environment that the puppy wants to keep coming back to.

5) First, you want to start with markers/engagement training | Do 1 minute or so of engagement training before each session. This will help get the puppy into the mindset of learning.

6) Once your dog is conditioned to the markers you want to start implementing free shaping. This will help you create a pro-active dog.

7) Start shaping all the behaviors you would like your dog to perform by first using luring.

8) Next, teach all the behaviors using leash pressure.

9) Once you can get your puppy to perform all of the behaviors with either luring, leash pressure, or both, then you want to start naming all of the commands.

10) You want to teach multiple commands in each session. This makes the training more fun for your puppy and as a side effect, they will learn them more quickly.

11) Once you have a behavior down with the verbal command, then start working the stay command.

Links to episodes referenced in video:

Рекомендации по теме

The amount of information you give I would normally have to pay hundreds of dollars to receive. You are an excellent teacher and dog trainer! No if's and's or butt's


Everyone who gets a new puppy should watch this video. This is one of the best puppy videos I've ever seen.


I'm a 14 year old and I'm getting a german shepherd that I'm gonna train. Thank you for the help ❤️


I can't believe how, Not only do you provide excellent training videos for free on YouTube, but, you also answer most of your viewers comments and questions. That's is impressive since you have over 500 on this video! Very "Class A" professional, and generous of you. Your training videos are EXCELLENT and fun to watch.


Just got my first German shepherd puppy, 10 weeks old and her name is Luna, I had her 4 days and she already does her business on the leash outside. She loves to chew and is very spunky. I can't believe how beautiful and loving she is, I am so very blessed.


I respect the fact that Nate could very easily sell this important information on, but because of his love for dogs; we get it for free so that we too can love and enjoy our dogs as much as he does. It's not about the money, it's about the love! Respect from Ireland ☘✌


I work in wildlife conservation in Africa. It breaks my heart how poorly dogs are treated in our area (basically people think the only way to get a dog to do anything or be "tough" for personal protection or hunting/poaching is through beating them). I have been training my Belgium Malinois, Honey Bun through your videos and he is doing great! In Feb 2022 I will be using him as a demonstration for sensitisations to teach 1, 700 families about conservation and animal welfare and show that you can treat a dog with gentleness and kindness and they can actually be very well disciplined, confident AND an excellent personal protection dog, much more so in fact than if you beat him. Thank you for helping me to get him to the level where he is today!!!


Love to see the stories about dogs. In my experience, most dogs are by far more intelligent and more worthy creatures than most people. I never had a dog, until my daughter decided to get one when she started medical school. But soon, she figured it was not easy to take care of the dog while in medical school. So, I ended up with a most beautiful White German Shepherd called Bellissima. (There are pictures of her on my Channel).

With the first light of the day, I could hear her shaking herself, and waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs to celebrate the arrival of the new day. Just seeing her expressive eyes, and her long ears moving side to side, warms my heart. She is not only beautiful, but also very intelligent. She knows when I put down my reading glasses and pick up my regular eye glasses, it is time for a walk.


For anyone reading this: I know that dog training can be difficult sometimes, but you're doing great. Keep up the good work, and your dog (and your own sanity) will thank you for it! ❤️💕


I have a 6 week German shepherd puppy and this is helping.


every puppy owner should watch this ! I trained many dogs mostly Aussie Shepherd, this is the best 18 mn video I seen, nice job


One of the rare few trainings videos of an American Trainer that gets a Like from me.
Exactly this is the way I have educated all my Wolfdogs and German Shepherd Dogs.


I am a senior and I have obedience trained the dogs I have shared my life with. I found you recently on this channel and I am so impressed with your training methods. I am getting a Cane Corso next week and look forward to using your tips when training her. I love how you make it fun for the dog. I also appreciate how you make your videos compact and to the point without any long drawn out unnecessary rhetoric. In my opinion you are the best dog trainer and instructor I have seen to date. Thank you.


Training a dog and teaching it to be a perfect companion is a lifelong achievement for both the the trainer and the dog. There are so many things you can learn from the dog, one of the most important being learning to stay disciplined yourself. Everyone should train a dog if they want to be a better version of themselves. That's why I want to have a pet dog.


I am such a bad dog owner, but am using most of the things i'm learning on these videos. My girl was a hoarders dog. 7 months old and the runt, they told me the other animals all bullied her. she was never abused, but she was very rarely handled or played with by humans, they merely fed her the rest of the time i think she was hiding from the other dogs. zero reaction when i wave my hand in her face, she's very happy with the attention now, but it took a few days to get even a little reaction to our attentiion. She wagged her tail first time on the fourth day when i was trying out names, the one she liked that tail just wagged. I think she's brilliant. she is learning so fast. thankyou for your videos, but she will sleep with me and live most of her life on my lap or at my feet or on a leash outside.


The way you broke down how to build their confidence was amazing along with not buying training pads. Great Video🔥🔥


This is free?? This!! This much information??!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️


I have an almost 4 month old German Shepard and she’s so focused when I want to train her. Glad I ran across this training


All you guys are great. I’m sitting here reading the comments, smiling.
I’m taking my 16 yo grandson to pick up his 8 week old GS puppy tomorrow. I will help (guide) him train his puppy, as I’ve trained my GS and other dogs.
I came across this video, and it resonated with me, so I’ve subscribed and sent the link to my grandson.
Bravo for all!!!


I just adopted an 8 week old German Sheppard, which prompted me to look for these videos. Excellent info! Sub'd
