I keep getting rejected by girls!

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I keep getting rejected by girls. Is there something wrong with me?

What's up, guys! Welcome to yet another episode of the Myles Show. In today's talk, I will be talking about something, we are all too familiar with. I recently got a question from a guy who attended my last webinar, which goes as follows: “I keep getting rejected by girls. Is there something wrong with me?”
Now, it is really unfortunate, that rejection is the price most of us have to pay for seeking out love. Having gone through a good number of rejections in my life, I am familiar with the devastating pain that comes with it, which renders one a, crying, ceiling staring, couch laying, bag of emotions trying to edit everything that we could have done differently, mentally.
Trying to correct your situation, mentally, is a normal reaction at this point. However, as your self-compassion slowly erodes, you stand a high chance of wallowing in negative self-criticism instead of trying to make the situation work in your favor.
To avoid going down this dark path, take a breath, and reclaim your power over your situation. Claim your happiness back as opposed to leaving it in the hands of another person. We cannot control what others feel or do. Being able to detach yourself from rejection gives you a whole new perspective.
To answer the question that was asked, therefore, nothing is wrong with you. It's just that rejection is part of this game so you better learn how to change its impact on your life: Here is how
Learn from the rejection.
Every experience brings along a lesson. Better still, lessons. When you teach yourself to look at rejection from a positive, rational, and objective view, use the positive experiences you learn from it as a motivation factor to grow and become a better version of yourself. The apparent lesson that comes from every rejection is that you have become more durable than you are; you learn that you have more resilience than you ever thought you have. With every rejection you handle objectively, you become more and more resilient.

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Iain Myles is an executive dating coach of Kamalifestyles. He specializes in coaching men who have been looking for dating success and chronically unlucky with women. He publishes regular infield dating videos and social experiments in KamaTV. He’s highly experienced in live training of our clients on streets, coffee shops, in bars and clubs. Iain teaches the core principles of the approach that every guy needs to know to become successful in dating including confidence, conversational skills, connection and mind sets. He has been featured in top radios and newspapers in UK and Ireland.

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Рекомендации по теме

I've been rejected so many times. I basically stopped trying and just left it at that. Last time I approached an attractive woman, I already knew she was going to reject me before I even made the attempt. I've read books, worked on myself. But I guess I'll never be anyone's type.


The problem is where all you have is rejections


Thanks my 13 rejections will not stop me 😎💁🏻‍♀️


Some girls will leave for NO reason. No need to waste time here.
Some girls leave you for a reason. Real deal is to avoid those mistakes next time.


You can spin or philosophize what rejection means but in reality there is nothing more personal than being rejected because you are being rejected for being you.


Wrong. Rejection should NEVER be a "price to pay "


Just don't try at all then you won't get rejected save yourself pain


There is no good in rejection. I’ve been rejected too many times and I’m already down that dark path of hatred, betrayal, worthlessness, hopelessness, etc. I’m just unloveable I’m the scum of the earth and would be better off dead. My walls are going up and I’ll be damned if I ever bring them down again. F*** life f*** everything


Rejection's part of the game.. Guys need to accept it, go through the numbers and just enjoy the process. Looking good Iain 👍


I keep getting rejected . I know I'm ugly but being told that every day by my family and friends does not help. All the media tries to show that your values gets you love. But all my life I kept from making fun of others scared of hurting someone's feelings so that no one feels like me stopped myself from speaking freely but no one seems to follow that except me. I don't even have a decent friend to vent to cause they all insult me at some point making me vent to random people in the internet 😭 . I don't get what should I even do... Stop being nice to everyone? Stop talking? Wear a mask or a hood all the time? Self love is tough if the world tells you to do otherwise


This only works well when the guy did not like the girl or was not in love, otherwise it is very painful. There is nothing positive in rejection. Moreover many girls will sue you for sexual harassment because the law says anything a girl does not like is sexual harassment. Moeroever a big problem is public shaming and humiliation Once rejected all girls will look at you and ridicule you. My advice: have some sentence short but powerful to retort back when a girl rejected you. This way the public shaming will be her part!


The only thing I'll push back on the "everything happens for a reason part". There's no grand plan or the universe controlling anything. Whatever happens, happens. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. It's just the way it goes. Good video overall, though.


Lessons without paying a penny, thanks Kama tv


Really wish this sort of of thinking works for me.


Rejection is part of the game nothing good comes easy


Does anybody know what this 🔐❤️ emoji means? I got it from a girl that I like, but I don't know if she likes me back.


I been turned down by at least 200 women in 5 years, still no date, am I wasting my time n my environment? Still working on it, but sometimes I feel am I wasting my time?


Observe their character with the first interaction - be honest to yourself and ask if that's really what you want - if yes then go for the kill - don't rush guys


I been rejected over 2, 000 times now. No bull


Every guy gets rejected by women the biggest mistake they make is giving up and not approaching other women because they think that they will reject him too when that is false there will definitly be a girl out there that will go out with you eventually
