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Old Cut vs Bulk Vid

If You Can Only Take One Supplement

Previous Video on Sleep and Weight Loss

What is Cutting?

What is Bulking?

TDEE Calculator (remember this is only an estimate)

Bulking and cutting might not be necessary for beginners. There might actually be something better: maintenance. Other similar forms of maintenance, like recomping, maingaining, or gaintaining achieve maintenance in different ways, but they are aim for the same goal: improve muscle growth, reduce fat, and keep weight the same. So how much better is maintenance compared to cutting and bulking? Let's see if it's worth it.

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Any information in these videos should not be taken as personal healthcare advice. If you have questions about your health, please speak directly to your personal healthcare professional. #cutting #bulking #recomp
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I love how you get more and more comfy with your videos!! More power to you! 💯


Great video. You’re exactly right yeah you don’t need to bulk or card you can Build muscle and just eat and slowly lower your bodyfat will building muscle at the same time. If you’re not overweight you don’t need to cut and if you’re not under wait you don’t need to book people are allowed to just leave their normalize and train and not worry about every little detail


In the past, I tried strength training with cutting, and I always quit because it is too hard. Now I am doing maintenance+ strength training for 7 months. I only lost 2 kg so far, but my body changed a lot. I can see muscle definition and my lifting improves. It is a slow process but like you said it is a lifestyle, no need to rush things.


My advice to a newby at the gym is don't bite off more than you can chew. I'm coming up to having been training for a year so I've recently moved past the newby phase. Prior to the last year, I'd tried getting into training loads of times. It tended to involve me investing loads of money into supplements, planning a 5 days a week routine, overdoing it the first few days and ending up with crippling DOMS, getting demoralised because I've already flopped my attempt at 5 days in the first week, then going back to the comfort of spending my evenings getting drunk instead of at the gym. This last time, I just told myself that going from 0 days training a week, even to 1, was an improvement. I started off aiming for 3 days a week, but not punishing myself if I did 2 or 1. for the first 3 months or so I did this, and even though my gains weren't as noticeable as they would have been with more consistency, they were there and it helped me get into the habit of going to the gym. After those 3 months i was consistently going 3 times a week, and aiming for 4 which i occasionally did. At this point people started commenting on my gains, and there is nothing better when you're first starting out than hearing 'have you been going to the gym?'. This gave me further motivation, and as i started hitting weights that I used to enviously watch other people lift, it just made me want to go more and more. Now I'm consistently going 5 or 6 days a week and have been for a few months (the only week I didn't was over Christmas). In terms of diet, my gains were most noticeable when i started maintaining my protein intake on my days off. Your body needs that consistent intake of protein, and it will do wonders for your gains.


Appreciate that you mentioned at the end that this advice is primarily for beginners and quite possibly suboptimal for anyone that has already gone through their newbie gains phase (intermediate/advanced lifters).
-Someone who only added 10lbs to his bench in an ENTIRE YEAR of consistency while "maingaining"


Warning to anyone cutting. It sucks. I am fairly lean to start and had to drop about 10 lbs for a powerlifting competition. I found I was irritable, couldn't sleep and lost my drive. I was also very emotional and all around not myself.


Problem with maintenance for a beginner is it's so hard to gauge progress. I've just started back at the gym after a long long break. I started at 220lb 30% body fat, my plan was a body "recomp" with a slight deficit (250kcal). I know I've been making good progress because I've done this before, but on paper I've dropped about 4lb in two months... Seems like a body recomp should include things like measuring your waist; an idiots guide to body fat % etc


I think most people underestimate how much protein they need. When I was younger I used to work out super hard, and saw pretty minor gains (at least in size). 20 years later, I'm eating 2-3 times at much protein (>120g), doing a quarter of the work, and have actually seen significant muscle size increase.


Yes! I had this discussion the other day maintenance is the most crucial part of fitness and make bulking and cutting easier


This video is so wholesome. I'm so happy you are talking about maintenance. I've applied for this 6 months ago and lost 30 pounds just by doing maintenance! 🥰


I love this channel. Your channel was one of the main sources of information I used when I started lifting. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. Thanks for everything!


i'm 12 days into my 6 week cut and thank you for this! I have been going to the gym for almost 3 months now (regularly, 3x a week) and I havent lost weight yet. But I see progress on my body. I cut because I wanted to shed pounds but I guess I'll just continue until 6th week and maintain my calories from then


Respect for admitting your wrongs, and providing your new knowledge. I highly recommend this for new peoole


I just started noticing my newbie gains and it is SOOOO motivating to see results I know they will slow down but it feels amazing


A lot of people seem to be caught up on what constitutes a beginner in order to decide whether they should maintain or not. I think what is more important is your current body fat percentage.

In my personal experience as a naturally lean guy with a small appetite, sometimes you do need to intentionally bulk. Ive stalled out plenty of times on my lifts, only to realize that If I had just ate more, I could have kept improving.

The body has a really hard time giving up stored fat to build muscle if you are already skinny, and it can be really hard to gauge how much you need to eat to stay at maintenence without that crutch. There's also just the obvious note that you can't be 180lbs jacked if you never gain weight from 130.


your channel has helped me with understanding the science behind fitness so much, thanks


If you want to start eating healthy food that is aligned with your fitness goal, be it bulking or losing fat, Next Level Diet has got you covered. It's not a secret that many guy who were searching for advice/knowledge about fitness here on youtube, just like you and me, got their first meal plan created on Next Level Diet. Drop a like if you are one of them 😀


I’m currently one year n 5 months into lifting and I never liked the idea of bulking and cutting phases. I’m actually doing this approach and I feel much better. I think this is 100% the way to start off, and then doing a small lean bulk in the future


I’ve been on maintenance since I first started working out 6 months ago. I didn’t want to cut to hinder muscle growth and didn’t want to bulk since I’d be even more overweight. Recomp is slow but I have seen way more definition and slimming down even at the same weight now. I think a lot of newbies would benefit from this since they don’t have to dedicate themselves to multiple things at once. Yes it’s probably slower and if you’re overweight like me, you’ll probably be discouraged but I swear you’ll look better the longer you stick with it


Personally, i believe a lean bulk is the best, because you are gaining slightly more muscle than a maintenance phase and also having higher strength gains due to the extra nutrients giving you more energy. The stronger you get, the more you can progressively overload, so it seems like a better option
