*Colorful* Studio Glow Up ✨ DIY Work Table with Organization! | DIY Danie

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Paint Colors:
French Lilac, Benjamin Moore
Bahama Waters, Benjamin Moore
Lemon Meringue, Benjamin Moore
Starburst Orange, Benjamin Moore
Poppy Red, Spray Paint - Rustoleum

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About DIY Danie:
With her "MAKE IT MESSY" motto, DIY Danie uses her diverse creative skills to build unique one-of-a-kind DIY projects for around the home. Focused on the journey more than the end result, she aims to inspire her creative beast community to feel empowered to pick up a power tool and try something new. This channel is a place for all the creative junkies, DIY warriors, home decor inspirers and interior decorating seekers, who need a place to feel inspired and motivated to try new diy ideas in their home!

#DIYDanie #StudioMakeover #DIYWorkTable


00:00 Intro
02:07 June’s Journey AD
04:56 Creative Burnout
08:30 Current Studio Space
09:54 The Plan
12:56 Cutting Wood
13:56 Sanding & Assembling
17:05 Color Inspiration
20:43 Sanding, Woodfill
21:29 Picking Paint
23:01 Bring in the COLOR!
24:00 Assemble!
26:27 Final Touches
27:05 Reveal!
27:49 Outro

📍 O T H E R P L A C E S T O F I N D M E



Lisa Drupsteen

🎶 M U S I C A T T R I B U T I O N

All music sourced by licensing.

💌 🫂 C O N N E C T W I T H M E

📬 S N A I L M A I L

Attn: Danie Berger
975A Elgin Street
PMB No.128
Cobourg, Ontario, K9A5J3

»»»» All opinions are my own. Thank you xoxox DIY Danie
Рекомендации по теме

After hearing your story about the purple hair being your Armor. I think your creative work station being purple was a beautiful way to add your armor back to your creative space . 💜


Danie: suffering from creative burnout.
Also Danie: immediately begins another project that's creative af.
Us: continuously amazed but knowing everyone needs a vacation now and then.


Part of the wall art behind you could be a picture of you with the purple hair. Claim the super power back! Add some flowers, tools and DIY and we'll love it!! We are here for you what ever is going on. You gives us so much and please know it comes right back. LOL


Without creative burnout there is no creativity. Don't worry lovely Danie, take your time, take breaks, we will be here. You have big plans too soon after a traumatic loss. We love you whatever you do, whatever color hair!❤


Thanks for showing up. That's huge when you are going through life stuff. I felt the mood lifting within myself seeing those pastel colours. I can't wait to see the green house. I can put a plant on my balcony and that will be grand.


Thank you for sharing this and being so vulnerable! Your next spark is just around the corner… you gift us so much optimism and strength- all of what you’re feeling is temporary and your tenacity to push through is so inspiring!


You look perfect just the way you are naturally! You can express your creative self through your clothing and accessories. 🥰


Oh Danie, you lift your creative community up all the time. You are one of the nicest, kindest people on YouTube and you spread joy. But you don’t have to be “on” all the time for us. Hearing you talk about vulnerability shows us all it’s ok to be a little broken sometimes. Don’t push too hard girlfriend. We’ve all got you. I hope you have folks there with you to pick you up. So much love from australia- it’s getting dark and cold here too. Some bright autumn days but I feel the winter coming. Xoxo


To be truthful, I not a creative person, those genes bypassed me.
Yet, I enjoy Danie. I get IDEAS from her. As I do from her crafting.


I found you accidentally during the first lock down and you were the first person that made me say I love the energy that this person has and I immediately pressed the subscribe button. You have been there for all of us during tough times and always loved the "boop" in the screen and your smile, your positive vibe and your creativity. Right now I am in a similar situation where I am burned out from work, I get mails and I feel my breath stooping, my heart pumping like crazy and I want to get out and start walking till I relax. It is very difficult for you that you have a "promise" with us each week that you need to be here and you need to be happy, but it is okay not to be happy. It is okay to be fragile and it is perfectly fine if you cry or share with us what is going on. This is the real life, it has ups and downs, it has difficult times and good times. Take care of yourself and your health, that is important right now. You can always come to Greece in one of our beautiful islands like Syros, Corfu, Kefalonia, Zakynthos and Crete that will regenerate you and give you many creative ideas to work with.
Take care of yourself and get well soon ❤


Danie - good for you pushing through the 🔥🔥🔥- your a strong woman - thanks for inspiring 🙏🏾💕


We love you Danie!!! Take care of yourself! Saturday mornings wouldn’t be the same without you ❤️


Danie has this glow in her that is capable of lifting up any down soul...Thank you for making our Saturdays better Danie...


Thank you for being so authentic. I don’t have a DIY bone in my body but I LOVE watching you create because you are so real. Rest. It’s okay to rest. We weren’t built to go go go and hustle all the time.


Danie, LOVE the Curls!
Makes your smile happier.


I also suffered hair loss and thinning after my wedding last year (we actually have the same wedding date, neat), and it also highlighted to me the incredible burnout I was feeling last year. You're not alone and think you're so brave for facing this head on! Strength to you, you're such a role model and inspiration.


The new construction looks amazing! It looks like spring!


We are here bc of you! Whatever you decide to show us, we want to see it. Don’t make yourself go crazy, everyone gets in a funk ever so often. Don’t give up! And mad respect that you push through everything! We like you for you and are excited to see you change/stay/shift.


Danie- We are all feeling the same way as you. The last few years have taxed each of us beyond words! Sending big hugs your way!! You're beautiful, kind, hysterical & madly talented!! Every artist (whatever the genre ) has a time of where they're stifled. Just give yourself time & the license to tap into your child side again. If you get an idea for a project, approach it as if you are 8 years old. Then make your steps & decisions & let them run free! Don't follow the rules, just have fun with it!! Hopefully this will allow your creativity to flow naturally again. Love you girlie!!


Hey Danie, I love that glow up of your workspace! It feels so much like Spring now. Maybe for the backdrop you could use the same colors? Add some more awesome pastels?
And please don’t feel like you have to entertain us with nothing but sunshine all the time. I really appreciate seeing your real side, because it’s like my real side and italics to know I’m not alone. And take it from someone who knows; it DOES, in fact, get better! Much love! ❤❤❤
