Build a Slack Bot that gives Cryptocurrency Updates

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0:00 Intro
2:06 Create a new Slack app
8:40 About some code prepared
15:56 Getting the Bot online
20:05 Make the Bot greet you back
20:38 Write API client code
26:05 Initialize list of coins
29:37 Write code to ask bot give updates for all cryptos
33:37 Write code to ask Bot to update you for a certain crypto
36:24 Run code
40:39 Write code to ask bot for price of a crypto
42:29 Final run
Рекомендации по теме

3:08 First, Add a legacy bot user option is no longer available, what to do?
Update - Okay got it as New slack app don't support to rtm.connect, you will need to use Create a Classic Slack App with


It's difficult to follow instructions with corporate workspace 😅
rtm-api:RTMClient:1 A websocket error occurred: unable to get local issuer certificate
