How to create and install your custom AI Slack bot

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Creating a Customized AI Bot for Your Slack WorkspaceIn this video, we'll see how you can create a customized AI bot for your Slack workspace to further personalize interactions and provide better support. Navigate to the Customize tab on the dashboard. Under the section labeled Bot Persona, click on Customize to start setting up your Slack bot. Setting up your bot is a two-step process. First, you will need to create a Slack app or bot. Then, paste the token to connect the bot with Thredo. Clicking on Create a Bot will redirect you to Slack. Select which workspace you'd like to create the app on from the drop-down. Follow the steps to create a new app for the selected workspace. Remember, you need to have admin access to that workspace to be able to create an app. Go to the Basic Information tab and edit the display information to customize the app. Give it a custom name and add a short description. Upload an icon and define a background color according to your brand guidelines. After you've saved changes, navigate to the App Home tab. Update the display name and username for your bot. Give it any name of your choosing. Next, go to the OAuth and Permissions tab. Click on Install to workspace in order to generate the bot token. Allow access and copy the bot OAuth token. Paste the token in your Thredo workspace. Save the changes to connect the bot to your Slack account via Thredo. Install the app on your Slack workspace. Get the queries answered via this custom bot.That's it! Thanks for watching!
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