Things That Are Illegal In The Netherlands BUT Legal in America | American Living in The Netherlands

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Things That Are Illegal In The Netherlands BUT Legal in America?| American Living in The Netherlands
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Are The Dutch Lazy and Rude? Things I Hear from Americans/ An American Living in The Netherlands
Yoooo Welcome to the Vlog diary of an American Living In the Netherlands! Ive been on a creative whirlwind with the day in my life vlogs all while working full time here in the Netherlands and today we're talking about Things that are taken for granted here in the netherlands That I hear complaints about all the time. I love living here in the Netherlands and love The Dutch culture and believe when i say that... This is How The dutch are changing my mindset in the best way.

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Ayyyye Happy Thursday!! Help me out... Why on EARTH would the US allow these terrible things to be legal in America?


You can buy Skittles at Albert Heijn... probably not entirely the same as in the States


The rules about product safety are made by the European Union. You know, single market and all that. So, it is NOT the Netherlands that forbids it. Generally, the EU forbids everyting that is not proven safe. The US forbids what is proven UNsafe.


Its illegal in the netherlands to not have health insurance but it is legal in the states.


We had a student visit the NL for a year, from USA. He was overweight but hadnt been eating too much or unhealthy. When with us, he didnt work out or change his diet all thay much. He just had a fun time and traveled around. He did lose so much weight though. Went home looking healthier, average sized, no more overweight
just because of different food. He didnt diet or work out or whatsoever. It was just in the food


"Walmart is like... Action but like on crack" Hahaha that's the most accurate description I ever heard


@6:46 That is NOT fresh water. That is a rainwater collection barrel. Do not drink from it, you will probably get sick.
But it is useful for watering plants on dry days, if your garden is small enough.


That rainbarrel is just to collect water so you can use that later to water your garden without using fresh tab water


The food quality in The Netherlands is actually pretty decent, and I do not really understand the complaints of my fellow Dutchies on this.

We have some very good and tasty ingredients here too, but for things like oranges, tomatoes and salads it's not comparable to the quality you will find in the Mediterranean area of Europe. But we have some top-notch sea foods like the "zeeuwse mosselen", and you won't find a "stamppot" anywhere in the world as good as here.

Dutch food isn't bad, it's underappreciated...


In the Netherlands, it's illegal to differentiate health insurance premiums based on age, where you live, whether you smoke, or other factors. The only factor can be in the additional plan that you choose to take out. In the US, federal rules explicitly allow insurance companies to charge people in their sixties up to three times more than people in their twenties. And it's perfectly allowed to charge people for their children. Just blows my mind....


So cool bumping into you.. looking forward to the coffee meetup.. I'll choose the place and surprise you

But now everyone is wondering why I have a banana suit on haha


The successor to the, "banned"' deodorant you are looking for is Odorex extra dry. My brother has the same problem, that's why I know.


It is a rain barrel. The fresh water is for the plants... You know that, right?😂


I'm a soap and shampoo maker and I know from my US counterparts that they do not need to test their products, nor register them. They also don't need to put a lot on the labels like we do. In Europe we're also not allowed to make soap products that look like food. In the US nobody cares about that. And there's a lot of different legislation like that.


Hey @Itz SKY I can totally recommend " Aluin deostick" for your deodorant. It is a 100% natural Aluin/ salt (Alum Stone) stick which lasts a very long time and works great! Use wet and dry the stick after and it will benefit you for a long time.


Best deodorant to keep you dry is Rexona maximum protection crème. 96H antitransparant ( 3X plus efficase) Tip: always use a blowdryer to dry your armpit after using deodorant. Good luck!🍀


Hey Sky!! Catching up on all your vlogs! You’re killing it! Let’s go!


I’ll never forget when my now ex and I went out for dinner on our first night in New York. It was a nice restaurant, tasted great, but afterwards, and we were walking around for a bit, he had to run back to the restaurant to use their bathroom. The food flew through him, surprisingly I was fine. But it was 14 years ago, and I still remember it so vividly.


I used to suffer from "excessive" sweating as well. A colleague of mine recommended the brand "Deoleen" it worked very well for me.
p.s. When shopping for deodorant make sure it says something like "anti-transpirant" or "anti-perspirant" if it doesn't it's usually just a smell.


It is really quit simple in the Netherlands when it comes to real medicine: If you are really feeling sick and think you need medication for it, you first have to visit your local GP (no charge) to get medical advice. And if really needed you there get a subscription for the medication(s) you need. And after that you have to go to your local pharmacy to pick your medication up (with subscription of your GP the cost of that medication will be mostly/partly covered by your health insurance). In America you basically just playing your own doctor by just buying medication as you go along. Not knowing if it is really necessary (or even save) to take in. Not good (and more expensive) for your general health that is. And in that way your body is not 'learning' to fight against any minor diseases, like the common flew for example.
