Detention Stories (ft. CypherDen)

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I may be a well behaved adult now but apparently I was a rebellious and mischievous child who kept getting detentions.

Okay so as I'm typing this I realized my last video was 2 weeks ago and not one week ago, got damn time flies. BUT, I'm planning on uploading a video next week as well. Lemme tell ya, I'm writing this right now and it's 3 AM and I have a bus to catch in 4 hours and I haven't gotten any sleep yet. I have to get that second video done today becauseee I'm heading to Vidcon! That'll be a nice vacation although I highly doubt I'll get any sleep...


Don't really use these two but they're there:

SNAPCHAT: TheChillyPanda


Video Music:

Title: Aloha by Deon Custom from Monstercat 024 - Vanguard
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and she would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling adults!


I got detention for missing one question on the homework while someone missed two and didn't get detention


Me and one of my classmates got into a was bullying one of my friends and I stepped in the way and we broke one of the teachers supplies (whiteboard eraser) AND that’s the reason we are never allowed in the same class since grade 5


*0:37* the girl on the left looks like Seraphina form Unordinary


My stupid detention it was my first year of middle school and we were making a clay forest. But then someone tripped me and I fell in the clay destroying our Beautiful forest.... the teacher said it was ok and she went to get some wipes... but the helper teacher glared at me and gave me a detention pass.... the guy who tripped me got in trouble later don't worry!


Once in first grade my teacher handed out cupcakes for christmas to eat in class

When i got my cupcake, I licked all the icing off before my teacher could say 'bon appetit.' Apparently she thought that was rude, so she sent me to the principal's office.

When I got there, I told her exactly what happened. She had a surprised look on her face (probably because it was a stupid reason to go to detention) and told me to go back to class with no repurcussions.

When I got back to class, I found out that my teacher threw away my cupcake while I was gone...

R.I.P. half-eaten cupcake


Dang chilly you have some strict teachers for an elementary school


i was a goody-two-shoes in school (up until highschool where i dropped out because of social anxiety and my ADD) and any time a teacher asked me to stay behind to talk, i always panicked and thought "i'm in trouble aren't i?". i rarely got into trouble since i was painfully shy back then and wanted to be the good student.

the only times i remember where i got "in trouble" were when i was talking during a class and the teacher gave me a tick on this board that showed how good everyone was (it was to see who was able to go on a trip to see a hockey game.), which was kinda my fault since i didn't know class had stated; he understood and removed it since i was nice about it. (same teacher showed us how to make bracelets with clear toothbrushes as well as dreamcatchers)

2nd time was when i took out a notebook for a different class and a different teacher thought i was cheating on the test we had that day. AFTER i gave him my test. so he took it and said "you shouldn't be cheating". i told him "the notebook is for health class, and this is math class." but no. he took the notebok and labeled me a cheater because apparently, i can't check my notes for a DIFFERENT CLASS after finishing a test. told my friends about it and we had a good laugh.


Teachers over react way too much. Why do I feel like I'd be the only chill teacher when it came to things like that?

I got in trouble for singing in line while waiting to go home, I got a warning but I was bored and started singing again, which then I got in trouble. And then I started crying about it. Some of the kids tried to calm me down like one kid that always got in trouble was trying to tell me it wasn't a big deal, (it literally wasnt lmao, we had a weird chart where we had to move a star to the next level of trouble under our name. Mine was moved to warning) lol. It was so stupid.


2:14 This teacher predicting the release of Baldi's basics.

*N O R U N N I N G I N T H E H A L L S*


4:08 I saw what you did there 😏. Also, a ridiculous detention story was in Middle school. One day, a student decided to bring cigarettes to school, AND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL had lunch detention until that student came clean. Apparently, that student transferred, and he left for good. It took the teachers a full 2 weeks to realize this.


*inhale* I got a detention for not completing an assignment the week I had my tonsils taken out. She never even told me so I got into more trouble for not attending the detention I never even knew I had.

My principle got my situation and let me off the hook, thank gosh


I've been in detention only twice.

First was second grade: a whole class detention for playing with water. WATER. The principal came in and yelled at us with the teacher taking her side. We had to write 200 lines in cursive. 'I must not play with water' I was super annoyed and still am. All I did was talk to the girls playing with the water and they splashed me as I was coming out of the bathroom.

Second was fifth grade: because I didn't learn something totally perfectly off by heart, the teacher made me and 2 more girls stay inside during recess and learn it off and then tell her all the things we had missed on. So annoying.

What's wrong with teachers?! They never ever ever seem to want to listen to anyone but themselves with their fake ass rules. We have a list of rules in our school journals so we can weasel out of trouble by saying there was nothing about it in the list. Too bad that wasn't the way in elementary


Chilly: I had to take the bus to and from school

Me: I feel your pain...


Never gotten detention. I've gotten a referral or write up slip once before because I helped someone do their homework lmao


I gotten detentions for being late to school...I was like between 1st to 2nd grade so how was it my fault for being late?

Also, take care of yourself! I know you’re pushing yourself to do these videos but your health is important as well. ;u;


Holy cow these teachers had NO chill, lol! 😂


My sister got a detention for snezzing


One time in 7th grade I got my phone taken by a sub [who I thought knew about the phone thingy for locker rooms, the phone rule is if you accidentaly bring it the gym teacher will hide it 4 u ] I brang my purse to gym on accident because of my previous class ending late .i went to Change out 4 gym and asked the sub can she hold onto my purse cause duh I don't want to leave in ijn a locker without a lock and I couldn't bring my own .she looked at me confused then I told her I had my phone because of the rule. She told me to give it to her, I protested a tiny bit saying my parents let me have it on me and It was an accident .i gave it to her cause ima good kid .i cried so hard and had a hard time breathing/hiccup breathing cause I've never been in trouble. Then I spent most of the rest of the period trying to get the phone back wit h my pjone, such we didnr... my mom got it back tho!


I got silent lunch for walking. My crush did too. It was because i was the only girl at my table and the two boys that were there were really srupid and weird in general. Sooo, i moved to the table with my friends while the teacher wasnt in the room. My crush moved to a table with his friends then moved back. Then people thought i did that just to be with him. UGH I HATE 2017-2018! 6th grade was the worst year of my life, i as well was a goody two shoes until I moved back to ga. 😶
