Prove that the Set of all Positive Rationals with Rational Roots is a Group

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Prove that the Set of all Positive Rationals with Rational Roots is a Group

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Рекомендации по теме

Brutally useful to write concise but formal proofs on group theory. Thank you for this valuable material! 🏵


This is great stuff as usual! Thank you!


Let (Q, 0, 1, +, ·) be the field of rational numbers. Hence (Q\{0}, 1, ·) is an Abelian group. Let f : Q\{0} —> Q\{0} be such that f(x) = x·x everywhere, and let f[Q\{0}] denote the range of f. Since f(1) = 1, and since f(x·y) = f(x)·f(y) for all x, y in Q\{0}, f is a group homomorphism. Therefore, if • is · restricted to f[Q\{0}]^2, then (f[Q\{0}], 1, •) is an Abelian group. Q. E. D.


A nostalgia from my 1st year math college.


Yep yep yep. Lets here it, the Cleveland browns need to hire him to diagram plays, right fellas?


I don't know why this was recommended to me, but I guess it's learning time.
