CNC Bits For Beginners / Upcut Vs. DownCut Vs. Compression Vs. Ball Nose End Mills!

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Today we'll be looking at CNC Bits for Beginners.
We'll be looking 4 different types of CNC router bits also known as End Mills or Spiral Router Bits:
- The Upcut Router Bit
- The Downcut Router Bit
- The Compression Router Bit
- The Ball Nose End Mill
These router bits are usually the first you'll encounter when starting CNC Woodworking.
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#CNCBits #EndMills #CNCwoodworking
We'll be looking 4 different types of CNC router bits also known as End Mills or Spiral Router Bits:
- The Upcut Router Bit
- The Downcut Router Bit
- The Compression Router Bit
- The Ball Nose End Mill
These router bits are usually the first you'll encounter when starting CNC Woodworking.
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#CNCBits #EndMills #CNCwoodworking
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