If you don't enjoy studying, you're doing it wrong

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If you are learning math or chemistry I really like a YouTuber called Organic chemistry tutor he explains in a simple and methodical way that is easy to understand


I don't hate study. It's the bad habit of procrastination and so many distractions like youtube, facebook, instagram and games constantly taking away my focus.


basically what he's saying is
1) if you can't understand a subject/concept, you're lacking fundamentals. start from the bottom and work your way up, that way it's a nice challenge to do.

2) don't expect fast results, understand that it's a process/progress and each time you study on it you understand something you didn't before, so just don't study it once and toss it away.

3)find something to be curious about in what you look at. learn to look at it in a non-school perspective, how and why is this used in real life, ask the basic questions. like a child.

4) change your source of information if you hate it. change your teacher, tutor, friend, textbook until you find something that fits you. this also connects with the finding something on your own level thing.

5) learn through mistakes. do make mistakes. like making mistakes because what's hard will become easier if you analyze your mistake. and this connects to it's about the progress part.

6) study it before the actual class, and after the class, and so on and so on. even if you don't understand anything, you'll develop a sense of accustomedness each time. when you do this before the class, you at least get some parts that you wouldn't if you didn't. and it gets better each time comes into play. so as you can see, everything is connected.

so it's not actually magic, very basic things you should already know. but some people might not be able to think these things. and i want to add that i actually saw these things in action while i was working out. you need to start from the bottom, it's a progress etc. so it's not just studying, it's like this in everything. and working out made me understand these principles more. so maybe work out as a side tip from me lol.


I am forty-one and in my final year of uni. Learning has always been a challenge for me - I have a slow processing disorder, so, once I finished high school, in 1999, I had no interest in continuing formal education. When I turned 36, I decided that I wanted more out of life, so enrolled at college. It required challenging my self-concept. Today, I enjoy learning but still find it difficult. Thanks for making this video, Penrose. I am sure it will have utility for many people. Best regards, C.


1 fulfilling happiness
2 try to be curious
3 do smthg difficult and its best feeling
4 challenge subject right level
First u understand the fundamentals of subjects then the chapter makes more easyy
5 slow down and understand so difficulty reduce
6 use different resource if its hard or youtube channel instaed of boting tex or teacher
7 can't learn thru class u should pre or post
If u hate so much leave the subject
8 get rewards now past paper s video game question right take it off
Testing is best even without mastering go for it
Not everytime fun
Break down and build positive momentum


It's also about having a growth mindset. Understanding that if you can't learn something right now is not a big deal. That over time if you continue to learn that you will eventually master it.


We're now taking study tips from Martinelli 😂😂


This could be a good ted talk honestly. Really good advice right there. Perfect timing for youtube to recommend this video to me too cus right now I'm actually trying to find a way to make learning/studying enjoyable to me. I'm a heavy procrastinator and now I'm on my last leg :')


I can vouch for this. The ameba sisters along with many fun professor videos helped me pass my sciences when I had lost hope. I couldn't use the material at all but just jotted down an outline of what the covered and went elsewhere for the information. I agree life needs to be looked at as a video game, especially learning, it really is and that's the thing, games/tech take our attention because it's easier but taking the reward system we used to have for the game of life and achieving real world goals. We also are in such a perfectionist society that fear of failure keeps us for progressing because we forget that in order to learn we MUST fail but how we frame that failure is EVERYTHING. WONDERFUL video, you get it! Got me excited to learn maths!


Every word you articulated was meaningful.


- Approach the subjects with the curiosity
- 1 of the greatest feelings is overcoming the difficult challenges
- Understand the fundamentals
- Take your time to understand the subjects. One of the best ways is reviewing other resources
- Make studying a game with instant rewards. For example: mastering the past papers, each test done is a reward that makes you want to achieve more.
- Some assignments might suck, too difficult for your level, just break it into small tasks


Much needed for me as I used to do these same things in highschool but got distracted in uni, still I have 2.5 years left in uni and gotta get back to the grind. Thanks


13:52 for people who can't find past papers, you can upload your textbook pages, slides, notes etc. onto chatgpt(other ai study apps work) and have it generate you one. Also you can make flashcards (either electronic or physical) for memorizing.


Wait this actually motivated me, and I went on and studied for a good hour! Thank you, i’ve been procrastinating all day


its not easy to motivate me because i have everything i ever wanted but you made me realize i wasted a lot of time by not indulging in things i always had an interest in and just live idly receiving money from my store. this one's for the algorithm


You are that one random video that changed my life, keep going boy💥


I agree to you whatever you said ... One of the best way for instant reward is ... Teach someone whatever you learnt, and ask him about feedback how to taught him. In that way, it'll revise and you'll love studying


I hated studying, and even now, I struggle with it sometimes. But these are some solid suggestions. Even my Master's advisor told us about the last suggestion. Thank you and wish you the best.


Great video and great points. It’s all about having a positive mindset. I find that as soon as I start feeling like I’m doing a chore it becomes 10x harder. But when I allow myself to be curious and approach it from a perspective of learning and growth I am actually engaged with what I’m doing. So to reiterate, you need to go from “i need to do this because i will fail if I don’t” to “i want to do this because i will feel fulfilled if I do so.” Fulfillment comes from overcoming the challenge and satisfying intellectual curiosity. Also good point about difficulty level because you can’t be engaged with something you don’t understand to begin with. Start small and utilize resources like YouTube to build foundational understanding


I never really realized it until i watched this video. I thought my lack of drive to learn was because of something fundamentally wrong with me rather than achieving a change in mindset. How i approach learning, having that spark of curiosity is what makes studying FUN. Actually becoming familiar with a topic or field rather than trying to be a book for it (aka memorizing at the little details). Thanks so much for this video ♥️
