Все публикации

TOP IDEAS from Optimal Studying Protocols by Andrew Huberman

How to get better at talking to camera in 30 days (awkward to confident)

8 tips that helped me get 40+ in the IB

EFFICIENT STUDYING: How I ACE Everything in a FRACTION of the Time

5 Essential Things to Do Before the Semester Starts

You’re not a lazy student. You just have low dopamine (How to fix it)

How I overcame my crippling fear of being on camera and making videos

How I Only Study 1-2 Hours Per Day (From a Straight A Student)

If you’re a high schooler excited to go to university, watch this video…

The HARDEST Part About Language Learning: Motivation

How to make your summer AWESOME

Studying LATE at night (the secret to success?)

The Math Study Tips They are NOT Telling You (From a Straight-A Engineering Student)

How I cram for an exam in less than 1 week (and still get an A)

How to study when you don't feel like it

How to stop being so bored on summer holiday

How I wasted 2,103 hours of my life on a stupid game

I didn’t listen to music for 3 months (a science experiment)

Just learn this skill and you’ll get ahead of 99% of people

Leave your house and you’ll level up

6 Popular Study Techniques That Are Actually LOWERING Your Grades

STOP DRINKING: Why alcohol kills self-improvement

Watch this if you don’t fit in at school

The PERFECT but REALISTIC morning routine for students