What happens at ASCENSION?

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How does ascension happen, when does it happen and what happens to the body when it undergoes the process. What does it feel like and what takes place. This is what I'm sharing with you in todays video.


00:44 Phase Shifting
01:38 Dimensions have many octaves
02:43 Raising the frequency body
04:41 Ascension is not Death
06:22 Awakening from the slumber
08:30 You are a 4D being already
10:44 How do you raise your frequency
12:20 Personal and Planetary Ascension
13:00 Can we go back to those who don't Ascend?
13:44 This is no ordinary ascension - false matrix collapse
16:00 The flash / micro-nova
18:00 Your body emits a force field at ascension
18:45 Remembering Ascension
25:00 What the bodies look like
27:00 What happens to people who are not spiritual


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With love
Kerry K

#ascension​ #5D #spiritualwisdom #currentenergy #currentenergies #soul #higherconsciousness
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Eyes closed listening to your voice I feel, the Presence within my body so strongly!❤️🙏rather than listening ….I Am aware of your voice😉🥰


Oh Kerry. My husband passed over 2 weeks ago and I have been so distraught I have lost everything. This helps. Thank you


Kerry you explain so clearly and so beautifully. Thank you for being here for humanity. Grateful that we get to lead one another home


I feel a lot of my fellow humans are in such a hurry to get to the ascension, that they are missing the whole reason . I am trying to take this wonderful adventure as slow as I can so I done miss anything. I am enjoying the path of learning, discovering and finding who I am, but I am going to enjoy every step of the way, even if it gets uncomfortable. I am learning that the distress of moments are an opportunity to reflect and turn it into a learning experience and suddenly it’s not so daunting anymore. The unknown can be a beautiful moment if you look hard enough. I think of this life of mine to be like an experience to be explored and expanded on . For the first time in my 61 years of life .


Thank you for explaining. You may say I was assigned to a particular Region. In 40+ years, I was "boots on the ground", as a Soldier. The more I left the ego, and began this high intensity journey, it became a remake of the series, "Highway to Heaven". I worked on temporary assignment for an Agency, and had no idea what I would encounter. One most prolific instance was of a 3 year old child that was being abused at a Daycare. Another time, out Heavenly Father brought a woman toward me who was grieving her 21 year old daughter who died from a terrible traffic accident. I allowed her to "adopt" me, as I walked with her healing.
She called one day after a candlelight service for MADD, Mother's Against Drunk Drivers, and said she released her in peace. When we allow our Maker to use us to lead others, "to the Light", the healing from the Divine, it makes heaven smile. I do not want to wade in shallow waters, but go deep in spirituality, to find the balance and harmony within myself as a Light Being. I upset people, because there are souls that like the darkness rather than light, and I must retreat, find my inner peace, and stay on the pathway of Master's plan. He clearly showed and explained my mandate thru my dream state and confirmation. The most important thing is to remember that each and every light worker plays a significant role, and when you step outside of your anointing, you must understand that closed doors are for our protection. I choose to remain in love, I am a Seer, , which society often has no clue as to how Father downloads to this sheep. I have an intimate connection, a sacred union, which was fostered all my life. I too was a sickly kid, twisted in the womb, placed in braces at birth, a 45 degree curve in my spine, overcame epilepsy, have a high intelligence, yet an more of a Savant. Thank you for teaching me, and explaining!!!! I send love, hugs and kisses, my dear Sister. Your message is right on time!


Like you Kerry I was also a very sick child with asthma and allergies. Add that to being in a family I didn't feel like I belonged and the man my mother married was both physically and emotionally abusive to me from the time I was 4 to 16 years old. What really struck with me in this video is when you talk about finally looking like yourself. A lot of my childhood memories are covered in grey fog. But I have one that sticks out so strongly that when I think of it I still can feel how I did in that moment. I was around 8-10 years old. I was walking the the steps at home and all of the sudden this feeling of anxiety and dread came over me that this was not right! How I looked was not right! Even my name wasn't who I was. It was so strong and powerful. But what child has thoughts like that? So I did what I always did in my childhood sucked it up, put those feelings away and moved on. I actually have never told anyone that story until today.


I am a caregiver to my mother and I see her going through some ascension symptoms, but she doesn't understand. She's elderly (91) so I just help her as much as possible le and help her get through it while at the same time taking care of myself 😮. I know deep inside she's coming with me to the 5D. God wants us both. I am a fearless warrior and my mother, when she was younger, was also a fearless warrior. Who do you think I got my warrior spirit from!?! ❤❤ Yey!!


You worded exactly how I've been feeling. The things that used to entertain me, no longer interest me. Even movies and television, which I used to enjoy, now even my eyes seem to hurt. I can't look at any commercial without having to look away. I, at snap of a finger, feel so sensitive and emotional. I was always a sensitive person, but not to this level. OMG what an awesome time to be alive. Love you ❤


First let me say thank you for all your love and guidance on this amazing journey. The first time I watched this video I envisioned every word you spoke so deeply and profoundly. It was all I could think about. I lied down and had the most beautiful lucid dream of ascending into the most blissful state that felt so real. I was dreaming and I found myself in my childhood home in the backyard complex where there was a man who was selling drugs. Now let me say that I was addicted to drugs years ago, but this man said no, this is not for you and guided me to keep going. So I proceeded to climb up to different levels of my childhood home. I felt waves going through my body, like I was almost on a waterbed. I was just flowing with all this beautiful energy going through my body. There were two men in front of me and I asked if they were my guides and they smiled and giggled. Above me was a portal/mirror of different versions of me. The first had a mask on and the second one was so beautiful. I was so sure I was ascending as my body was feeling the waves and the motion like I was floating. As I came back into my body I remember looking at the ceiling and seeing something leaving through the wall. I started crying saying no, no please don’t leave. It was the most loving, beautiful and real experience as if I was awake. I love you and everyone reading this. There are amazing miracles and blessings all around us. I am incredibly grateful and full f love that it just pours out of me all the time. God bless all of you! 🙌♥️🙏🏼💯🥳


Well, I cried in my pillow when you said we would be surrounded by our spirit family and loving guides after we lay down. 💗💗💗 So very grateful, if I am on the ascension path.


Kerry, I wanted to share a story with you. I remember as a child growing up, my parents would always tell me there wasn't a time where I would not be sobbing (wailing almost) whenever they would take me to unfamiliar places like schools, malls, etc.. I was being dragged as a child to classrooms and my nanny would always have to sit beside me just so I wouldn't make a scene during those days. Today, I'm realizing that my childhood self just craved to feel a sense of familiarity in a very dense world. No one's made me understood this feeling/longing for familiarity or home. I remember my grandparents would tell me stories as a child too about the book of revelations in the bible and how they believe there will come a time wherein people will "go to heaven" and they told me how shocked they were as my response as a child then was "are you coming with me?"... in a way, I understood now why I had those experiences as a child.

I just wanted to say, that I do remember now. We're all walking each other home.💛


I don’t know how many of you can relate, but this has not been an easy life time today. Thank you for the confirmation that “there is light at the end of the tunnel” quite literally Kerry.


I have had dreams and visions of this very thing. The main commonality was of the pastel-colored lights in the sky, almost like aurora borealis coming down to touch us on earth.


Ich möchte ein Erlebnis mit euch teilen, das ich sehr lange Zeit für mich behalten habe, weil ich nicht wollte, dass man mich für verrückt hält. Seit zwei Jahren habe ich den großen Drang, diese Erfahrung mit anderen Menschen zu teilen, weil ich fühle, dass die Zeit dafür gekommen ist. Ich bin mittlerweile fast schon 40 und hatte mit 5 Jahren ein äußerst seltsames Erlebnis, das ich mir heute immer noch nicht erklären kann, was da genau passiert ist und frage mich wie sowas möglich ist. Ich komme ursprünglich aus einem anderen Land, das ich nicht nennen möchte. Wir hatten zu der Zeit im gesamten Dorf nur zwei Fernseher und selten Strom, kein fließendes Wasser und lebten etwas abgeschottet von der Außenwelt. Eines Morgens begab ich mich auf die Suche nach meinen Freunden, die ohne mich losgezogen waren. Ich habe im gesamten Dorf nach ihnen gesucht, aber ohne Erfolg und stand dann etwas außerhalb des Dorfes in der Nähe eines Getreidefeldes und plötzlich machte ich eine äußerst seltsame Erfahrung. Es fühlte sich so an, als stünde ich für einige Sekunden unter Trance und war eins mit dem Universum. Sowas kann man kaum in Worte fassen, das muss man erleben, um es zu verstehen. Es hat sich so ähnlich angefühlt, als hätte ich eine Gedankenübertragung, so eine Art Verbindung über Telepathie. Ich habe mich dann erschrocken und stand etwas unter Schock und rannte zurück nach Hause und habe es meiner Mutter erzählt, aber sie hat nichts von all dem verstanden, was ich ihr versucht habe zu erklären. Ich sagte ihr: " Gott ist böse auf uns und will nicht, dass wir Menschen so leben." Sie fragte, was los sei und was ich meine. Ich habe ihr dann als 5 Jähriger so gut es geht, versucht zu erklären, dass Gott nicht will, dass es Armut auf der Welt gibt, dass Menschen Kriege führen und feindselig sind, sondern sich gegenseitig helfen und alles Leben beschützen müssen. Sie verstand mich überhaupt nicht und schaute mich so an, als wäre ich verrückt. Lange Zeit dachte ich, dass es daran liegt, dass ich als 5 Jähriger mit meinem begrenzten Wortschatz es nicht gut erklären konnte, aber als Erwachsener verstand ich dann, dass es nicht an meinem Alter lag, sondern dass es was mit der Bewusstseinsebene der Menschen zu tun hat. Wir Menschen leben gegen unsere wahre Natur und Bestimmung. Religionen, Nationalismus, Rassismus und Materialismus sind Manipulationen und lenken die Menschheit in eine falsche und unnatürliche Richtung. Wir müssen dringend alle Kriege beenden, Waffen niederlegen und anfangen uns gegenseitig zu helfen und alles Leben auf diesem Planeten schützen, ansonsten werden wir sehr bald, sehr große Probleme bekommen. Das ist meine Botschaft an meine Mitmenschen, ich erwarte nicht, dass man mich versteht, bestätigt oder eine Diskussion anfängt. Ich möchte einfach nur mitteilen, was ich erlebt habe.


I am blown away sometimes how things line up. In my meditations lately I have been asking to feel “home” and I do. I have also been feeling a crazy feeling during meditating like my skull and face is shifting. I thought I was just making it up and maybe it was how I was laying on my pillow. I think it’s already beginning. 🤷‍♀️ love these messages so much! ❤️💫😇


Wow! Just wow…. What an amazing and comprehensible explanation. Only you could explain ascension this way Kerry ❤️. You are such a gift to us 😘


Kerry, I had this very dream about 3 weeks ago. I was awake in the dream and I was lying down inside something. I didn’t know what it was but everyone was lying down inside their what looked to me like clouds. There was a peace and my guides were there. So very cool to hear you speak of this and in such detail. Thank you!


I had a vision once about this... In my vision i was sitting in my living room when it happened... I can see the wave of light you talked about... and so many colors and I could see through walls for some reason... and then I saw this helicopter landed in my living room and these people inside it asked me to go with them...and I stepped inside this helicopter... I clearly remember how difficult it was to breath and all sorts of dense emotions were emerging but then I remembered this is why i came here for, ascension is all i cared about...then my vision ended with me and my husband in this helicopter....


I love you in blue Kerry . I am so happy and content on our farm and today arrived 12 chickens, I never knew these beautiful little fluff balls could make me so happy, I collected eggs today and squealed like a little girl .... just happy, content and in love with our life . Now I will watch your video hahaha


This one definitely brought tears to my eyes. The excitement I felt, and the knowing or remembering! And when you talked about those ascending who don’t even know what’s going on, simply because they’re good—tears!! ❤
