How the brain changes during ascension | #AskChristina

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In this week’s ask Christina, I explain what is happening in the brain during ascension and energy upgrades. I delve deep into the biology of the brain during ascension and walk you through what shifts are made. There’s a reason why many people report feeling brighter and more alert after awakening, and after watching this video you’ll know exactly why. The changes in your brain made during ascension will help you see the world in an entirely new way!








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Not only did my senses and neurons get way more efficient, I went from 7+ meds a day to zero meds, replacing them w herbs and supplements. My mental health has been restored, going from Severe Mental Illness to normal moods and proficient emotional regulation. Thank you for your great videos and your balanced approach, they have been and continue to be so helpful☺💡


Thank you Christina . It's absolutely true . After my awakening, I don't know why but people and things started looking more beautiful to me.


My spiritual awakening started in 2020. Now I can see things more easily from a higher perspective and I can no more put up with drama. I have also had a lot of downloads and sudden realizations. However, I often experience brain fog.. sometimes I can express myself effortlessly, other times I am short of words.


I've experienced a huge amount of emotional maturity through my healing process and ascension. I can channel much easier. I can see solutions to big problems (like the phenomenon of homelessness) which seem to not be as clear to many others. My natural talents are much stronger, as well.


Thank you so much for this. I work in functional neurology and I'm going through a spiritual awakening, this is truly incredible. I'm very thankful for you. 🧘‍♀️🕊️🧠


Omg you are 100% correct. You are the only one I have seen hit the nail on the coffin with the explanation of what happens to the brain during awakening. This is actually like exactly what happened to me


I notice myself being more alert and being able to observe people‘s behaviors. There‘s less triggering at first, then the triggers show up really fast through people that are reflecting back these wounds to me. So then it‘s healing time… then I heal and it‘s hard work for the mind and the body. It‘s easy for the soul but harder for me as a human!

Then a phase is over and boom, another ascension!! And these cycles keep showing up :) it‘s actually quite fun and fascinating


Definitely gives me a different perspective to things, I’m getting more “aha” moments 😀. Feeling more peaceful, joyful and easier to let go of things! ❤️


YES YES & YES. Baggage was gone spirit was free to live, love & so excited to experience life again. Thank you Christina you have been monumental in my awakening! Such an inspiration. ♡


This is so true, before my awakening I was not very good at math, after my awakening I became almost as twice as good, now I can do things that I was never be able to do before, as more complex equations and different mathemathical calculus. 😁


Also thank you for this great video. I encourage people also to do Heart-Brain Coherence and look into the connection between heart and brain as when we bring the heart into coherence through magnified emotions of gratitude, compassion and love the brain also comes into more coherent brain wave patterns and in essence catalyzes awakening.


Yes to all of this and what’s even better I got a gift. I no longer need to wear my glasses for distance


As someone who just started 3rd year of her kundalini awakening, ... I can 100% relate to all of the things you talked about...


Definitely put more perspective on how I’m feeling.. I’ve always been one of strong faith but coming out of my deep dark places of depression everything hits me 10x more of Happiness & joy with nature and endless possibilities of experience new things in my life feels absolutely amazing 🥹🙏🏿❤️


I'm a neurological nerd so I love this inquiry!


Omg YES I have been on an awakening journey for over 2 years now I never had words to express how I felt now the words are flowing out and I have no idea were they are coming from.🙏💚🌠🎇


Thank you. This was great information and it definitely resonated. The blanket analogy reminded me of a weighted anxiety blanket we cloak ourselves in trying to ”protect” ourselves as a trauma response. As we heal these wounds, we gradually lay down the shroud and allow more light in. Layer by layer..
Thank you! ✨🙏🏻✨


I used to study an exes brain when they suffered from seizures … and then I’ve recently been given anti-epilepsy tablets ! They didn’t clear my headaches !!! And yet I’m aware of how they try to slow the brain down …..

Neuro pathways become clearer to help the synapses


I am experiencing everything you’ve mentioned. Lead to this video by fate (intentions sent for answers). My spiritual awakening was February 15, 2020. I’m a whole different person today and can’t get enough information or knowledge into my conscience mind. I was diagnosed manic bipolar 1 (rapid cycling), anxiety, PTSD, O.C.B, and the list goes on. Human conditioning, environment, rearing, and so much more predestined my life. I have been in college for a year now with a 3.96 GPA at 49. I stopped all medication’s (every medication OTC and prescribed). I sleep very little if that means I can be labeled bipolar. But I am great with that because I think I’ve missed so much time with my eyes closed up until this time. I have so much to do in such a short period of time. I’m grateful to be awaken to my true self. And to be led to people such as yourself Christina. As you have been a part of my journey from the beginning of my awakening. They labeled me as a psychosis patient when I told my psychiatrist what happened to me. My psychotic analysis was misdiagnosed when in deed it was my spiritual awakening. Since I was used as a test rat for every bipolar med there has been made since 1998. I stood up for myself and I will stand up for what’s morally right. Regardless of the negativity or hurt feelings that get projected at me daily because I’m rising up to my potential on my own free will. Thank you God for the true freedom I’ve always wanted to feel. Not having my mind/body controlled by the medical industry another moment longer. I offer my experience, strength, and hope to all those that can relate to my story. With the universe and God as we know hiim individually. Anything is Possible and I’m a living and breathing miracle. “We all are”… One love my fellow souls.


🔥🔥🔥I feel like my nervous system is raw right now. I had major intense energy entering during my sleep that woke me up and left me feeling like I was hit by lightning 😮
