How to make a Dovetail Joint - The Three Joints - | Paul Sellers

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Watch master woodworker Paul Sellers as he shows you how to cut one of the three most common woodworking joints, the dovetail joint, using only hand tools.

The dovetail joint an essential joint for box making. It is the strongest way to join two pieces of wood at the corner. Although there are many variations of this joint, mastering the most simple form is the most difficult and important step.


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As a child, I saw my father make dovetails like that __about 60 years ago in Egypt. He called those joints عاشق ومعشوق( 'ashe' we ma'shou')--literally "a lover and his beloved😊😀". That's the name they're known by--not his wild imagination😀.May he rest in peace.


So after mangling my first dovetail joined drawer pretty badly (it works, I mounted it today), I watched this video most of the way through last night, went into the shop after work today and slowed myself way down and tried to do a joint for my second such drawer following Mr Sellers's advice. It came out much better. Took me two and a half hours to make the first joint and it is not even close to what Mr Sellers does in this video, but it's a lot closer to a decent joint. I advise others to do the same to learn the craft: follow his technique advice and slow way down. I figure that, when I have cut a couple of dozen of these, I should be able to do a reasonable job of it and a little quicker. Not up the standard of this gentleman, clearly, but enough so that I won't be looking for ways to bury the work where nobody will ever see it.


I made my first dovetails today thanks to you. Its easy to find people who know a lot about a craft, its hard to find someone that knows a lot and knows how to pass knowledge, and its even harder to find someone that can do that with humbleness and enjoyment.

Your videos are a treasure, thank you for your hard work and for teaching people all arround the world.

With love from Argentina.


Im 52 and just started learning how to do dovetails, I find it to be so relaxing when I get home from work to go into my little shop and work on the things that I learn from your videos. I cant thank you enough, your no rush accuracy and precision is just what I strive for. Thanks again


Paul, I know this is one of your older videos now, but I just wanted to take the time to thank you for making this and all your videos really.

My Dad was a dovetail master, but sadly passed before I managed to glean the knowledge from him.

Today I spent a couple of hours with his tools and your video, and knocked out a terrible example of a joint, but one I'm proud of all the same!

Thank you again. Keep up the amazing work.


I have a two-stroke disability. I am a very slow learner now. However over the past two and a half years I have enjoyed making simple tools and projects. It’s been great having the opportunity to repeatedly view Paul’s videos. They give me encouragement to continue building my woodworking skills.


Absolutely amazing. People are rarely great craftsmen AND great teachers. Paul is clearly both. I don't know if the camera work is being done by a son or a brother, but it is extremely skilled as well. Excellent lighting, excellent videography. The total package is so good that editing must have been a breeze! The videos are captivating and addictive--just an absolute gift!


And Paul keeps using rulers and sliding bevels when we all know he doesn't need them. Every time he double checks he is spot on! He uses all these measurements and marking devices only so we can understand what he is doing.



I attempted this for the first time ever today, Paul's making it look easy which I think is the highest compliment you can pay any craftsman!


I promised my son I'd make some drawers to fit inside the under-stairs cupboard that I built. What I didn't tell him is that it might be 2024 and quite a lot of timber later before the first one is ready. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience. It's also so reassuring to find someone who explains things so well, using only hand tools. The number of times I've clicked on a video, only to find that if I were to follow along, I'd need a bigger workshop and a whole array of power tools and machinery. I'm a simple girl not wanting anything that's overly complicated


My soul gets filled with something I can't really explain watching this Master of Masters explaining his trade in such a soothing way with only his bare hands and simple tools. A first class teacher, so accurate, he makes it look so easy.


Paul is a master craftsman and a wonderful teacher. Not only does he show the correct way to cut a dovetail, his slow, trim here, trim there approach makes it more of an art form than joinery. I came for his series on chisels and stayed for this. I would love to be able to spend a week in his shop just observing.


Finally a good video on dovetails that isn't filled with confusion and supposed tricks!


What I love about this man is that there is not a power tool in sight. No sawbench, no radial arm saw, no router table. All done by hand. 


Am I the only one that thinks these videos are pretty relaxing to watch? :')


I'm not a woodworker, but somehow youtube seems to have picked up on my love for joints and recommended this to me


I have elmers glue, a serrated butter knife, and a crayon...I'm going for it


I'm fascinated that there are 57 people in the world that dislike this, I just cant understand how they think....
Great work Paul, Regards from Norway.


Beautiful work, you're the Bob Ross of woodworking - making everything look so easy!


I have cut a substantial number of dovetails but I saw little techniques here I never heard before or read in my books. That is the difference in a master craftsman and a self-taught amateur like me.
