5 METHODS TO TRACE A SEWING PATTERN... So you keep your original patterns intact!

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Want to know how to trace a sewing pattern? There are many ways... Here are 5 ways you can use to trace a sewing pattern to make your own copy and keep your original sewing patterns and sizes in tack!!

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I hope this gives you some new ideas for pattern tracing! 😀 So tell me, what is your preferred method of tracing sewing patterns??


The first thing I do when tracing is to trace the grain line. That way I can tell if the pattern piece or tracing paper has shifted and I can easily adjust and correct the tracing.


I think I've used all these methods at one point or another, but my favorite is to trace my pattern pieces on to clear vinyl using a sharpie. It's easy to trace on, durable, and in my area there are often pieces of it available in the clearance bin. Cheap clear shower curtains work really well too.


I fuse my patterns to feather weight interfacing and store them in 5 gallon zip lock bags in a tote 💜 soo much more stability and easier to trace from for sizes


My method of tracing patterns is to use a highlighter to highlight my size then put a medical paper (the one used in the doctor's office) on top and trace the highlighted line. The highlighter makes it easier to see the lines I am tracing.


I'm aware that this video is 3 years old; but I'm putting my vote in, just in case. I'd love to see videos on which markings to add to the interior of the pattern pieces.


l learned how to sew in Home Economics class back in the 1960s, and have always just bought a pattern and used it once, and didn't understand I could adjust it to fit me. Your teachings are very helpful to bring the past with the present, which is the whole idea!

Over the years, I didn't know what colors suited me were, or what styles worked best on my body shape, because I always wore a uniform at work, but that had to come first. I had put my sewing machine away for many years, but then I got older, changed careers, and discovered that it is hard to find clothes that are the right color, shape, size, and quality, and then I found you, . Now I am putting together everything I learned, and am ready to start sewing clothes that actually suit me and my new life. Thank you for helping me make my transition into my new life!


Not a channel I ever thought of subscribe to as a 36 year old male, but I find myself drawn to old clothing (think 1860s-1910s western United States) and not caring what anybody thinks. Honestly, picturing myself walking down the street in my frock coat and cravat tie gets me all sorts of excited. So here I am. Excited and eager to learn. I just subscribed. 9 patterns just arrived as an early birthday gift... 😁🤫


Love the window (light box) atm I'm using brown craft paper (which is cheap and comes on a roll) and love my tracing wheel... my biggest tip when tracing is to tape the sheets together securely and double, double check you have traced every outside and internal line and also every dart, notch, grainline and everything inbetween...
when I started sewing I didn't realise how important that was, I couldn't wait to cut it out and start sewing and would end up trying to re-match the lines to add tracing that I'd missed, inevitably I wouldn't be able to get exact matches and this would cause problems down the line when sewing the pieces I now take my time preparing my patterns, it can save so much time later on... x


I love the marker method but instead of permanent markers I use crayola’s washable ones, so I can trace a certain size directly onto fabric without worry. It also means no pinning pattern pieces to fabric! Yay!

Edit: oh and did I mention I get the scented markers? Who doesn’t want their project to temporarily smell like marshmallows and strawberries xD


I learned something new today. I never trace my patterns. I didn't know that I was supposed too! Being a novice sewer can be enlightening and at the same time embarrassing all at once! Thanks for this video. I hate using tissue paper for patterns, but I just went along with it out of ignorance. Thanks for teaching me something better.


I use non stick interfacing to trace over my favourite patterns, it cheap and sticks to the fabric your cutting out. It also keeps well and doesn’t tear, fold it and keep it in a plastic sleeve with original pattern and envelope. I then store them in a ring binder folder. It also irons flat when needed.


I've never seen a tracing wheel used without transfer paper to go between the pattern and the paper I was transferring to. It's just like carbon transfer paper, but is usually blue. I love the marker bleed through idea!


I never cut the original pattern tissue. I love the multi-size patterns and I use yellow or white drafting tracing paper (I get 18" or 24" wide rolls that are at least 20 yards long. 8# paper). I have ultra fine point Sharpies in black, blue, green and red so I can use different colors for different things (like alternate hemlines or other placement). I keep my drafted patterns in large (10x13 inch mailing envelopes with the original pattern number on the outside, I can also include any notes about changes I made to the pattern as well as keep altered versions (like a shorter skirt) with the rest of the pattern pieces, I've just started including a photo of the finished garment in the envelope. I love your videos and your friendly smile. It's like with sewing with a girlfriend.


Talk about timing! I just complained about this thin pattern tissue last night. Thank You!


With the tracing wheel method, I would suggest getting a set of the coloured tracing paper. I have seen it online. The set usually has white, yellow, blue and red. Placed between the pattern and the paper below, the tracing wheel literally prints little dots.


I basically use the bleed-through/Sharpie method, but I stead of tracing the whole thing (which I think runs the risk of tearing my pattern or obscuring some of the places where the lines overlap closely), I just mark dots around curves, corners, etc, and connect them afterward.


I use graphite transfer paper to put my patterns onto butcher paper. Lay out the sheets of graphite paper with the marking side down on the butcher paper, carefully weigh the tissue over the top of it. You can see if there's a gap in the graphite paper because the dark color really shows through. Then grab a blunt pointed object that can't cut through the tissue, such as an empty ball point pen. Then gently but firmly trace the lines you need. The markings are more durable than pencil and can come out if you use a kneaded eraser.
It's a technique used often in the art world. Painters will use graphite paper to accurately transfer a paper sketch onto a canvas.
I like this method because it's very precise, easy to set up, and you do minimal damage to the original.


I used Pellon 830 easy pattern nonwoven tracing material 45". It comes in yardage found in the interfacing section of the fabric store. I bought mine on sale. It is not a cheap way to go but I making my first garment since home ec when I was 13, 36 years ago. I am using an indi pattern with pdf. I hated all the taped edges of the copy paper and this woven tracing material was a dream to work with. Tracing the pattern was so relaxing for me. I could also use this as my mock up and sew it together to try my pattern for size. I am taking Vintage Sewing School and LOVING it so much. I made my 1920's bag this month for my challenge and found it so easy with your online classes.


All these years I've been sewing and I never thought of using a see through paper on top of the pattern - baking paper, how perfect is that! Thank-you!
