10 TSA Checkpoint Tips | Flying Travel Hacks for Getting Through Airport Security

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0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Check your Food
1:44 - Obey the 3-1-1
2:47 - Pay Attention to Triggers
4:15 - Plan your Outfit
5:20 - Get Ready Early
6:06 - Master Your Pack
6:47 - Become a Trusted Traveler
8:11 - One-Bag It
9:15 - Choose the Correct Luggage
10:19 - R-E-S-P-E-C-T

You probably already know to take off your shoes when going through airport security. But did you know that goat cheese counts as a liquid? Or that some snacks can set off a false alert on the X-ray? These flying travel hacks cover all of this and more. So check out this video already and stop fumbling around at the TSA checkpoint.

#TSA #AirportSecurity #TravelHacks



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What’s the coolest airport you’ve flown out of? 🗺️👩🏻‍✈️👩🏽‍✈️👨‍✈️👨🏿‍✈️


Pro tip from me traveling both nationally and internationally, while digital boarding passes are convenient, having a paper backup is a great idea. I learned this the hard way when my phone died and I absolutely needed to show my pass. Thankfully I was able to resolve the issue quickly. Keeping your phone charged may be common sense to some people but with all the stress of traveling, it can be an oversight.


From a TSO:
The AIT (body scanner) don't go by metel, it goes by density. Highly recommend taking off any kinda belt (even plastic ones). They have a chance to still alarm the AIT, and you might get a pat down in the groin area.

Also, if you have pants on that are not form fitting (sagy, or bunching) pull them up all the way before putting your hands up in the AIT. This lowers the change of a pat down in the butt area.

Liquids is anything that can drip or spread.
If you want to bring oversized liquids make sure it's full frozen. It will still be looked at, but full frozen liquids, can go through.
If you bring Liquid medicine with you. Make sure you tell the TSO that it is medicine (even if you might think it's obviously medicine). We have different screening processes for medical needs.

Please be nice to your TSOs. We are there to protect passengers and make sure nothing harmful gets on the flights. Friendly reminder the people that caused 9-11 took down the planes with box cutters.
The shoe bomber is why (almost) everyone takes off their shoes. The failed Liquid bomb attempt is why liquids are a big deal. The underwear Bomber is why we pat people down in the groin area.
Some of the rules seems crazy, and most passengers have nothing to hide.
Doesn't change the fact that some individuals are waiting for the chance to harm people.

Thank you for your time,
Safe travels 🙏


Tip for traveling with someone who has mobility issues. Prearranged transport to & from the airplanes. Ensure you are noted as the companion because you may actually get through security & customs faster. When my father was alive, we made sure he received a wheelchair & escort or with the “go carts” as soon as we got to the airport. He usually walked with a cane but the escort sure did make things easier for him and for us.


Been flying business for decades: Never knew “spreadables” were liquids. Thanks for the tip


TSA Pre-Check has been a lifesaver for me since I've started traveling more


As a TSA officer, I want to say thanks for making this video. All of these tips are great.


I do about 200 flights a year out of a Tortuga Setout 35L and live by a lot of these rules, but here are a couple more worth mentioning...

1.When going through security look ahead at the lines. Avoid families with multiple children (as a dad myself, we just take longer). Follow business travelers we are always in a rush to go nowhere.

2. When going through security, if you have a jacket on, fill the jacket pockets with everything in your pants pockets, Keys, phone, wallet, watch, and even my belt. Then all I have to do is pop off my jacket through the scanner and on the other side grab one item that is carrying 4 or 5.

3. Don't use the end of the scanner line to get re-dressed. Grab your things and find a spot out of the way. Seems basic but part of R E S P E C T.

4. As you mentioned If you do a lot of travel, Clear with TSA pre-check can be a lifesaver. I can breeze through Orlando security in well under 3 minutes.

Love the content keep it coming


Getting a bum bag was one of the best hacks my wife and I could have done. Previously, I would wear a beanie and dump my pockets into it, go through security, and then grab it and resting my pockets as I walked. Now, it’s just drop, walk, grab and go.


How many large cheese wheels do you try putting in your carry on?


I usually keep some painters shoe covers so if I have to take off my shoes, I have something between my socks and the dirty floor. Also some airports will make you remove your shoes even though you are a trusted traveler (DEN as an example). Also Trusted Traveler can save you up to 30 minutes at busier airports (SFO as example). I’ve breezed through when the regular line is at the limits.


The plastic belts don’t always work, especially outside NA. I’ve been asked to put it in the bin, even after I explained it had no metal. I eventually went beltless. It’s just easier.


Another tip I’d add is put your bins in the cart at the end. I’ve see countless times where the person on the X-Ray operator has to stop and put the bins at the end slowing down the line. Might be like 15 seconds but someone could be late in that time lol. I’ve also seen airport employees like the airline or vendors do that for people so that their stuff can come through


As a TSA Officer I can tell you that this gentleman absolutely has his shit together and you should heed every word he says.


Also, with TSA items (like food/dense organic) don’t “set off” the X-ray, it’s an officer operating the X-ray who wants it looked at, the machine itself doesn’t decide what’s pulled for further inspection.


Here's a pro tip for you, you can bring ice... Frozen water bottles or a cup full of ice is allowed, just empty or drink the excess water before going through. Also don't forget to remove them from your bag so they are visible before putting it through the xray...


Hey man, great video ! As a newly certified TSA officer ( just got my badge and stripes yesterday ) I appreciate the “Human “ part more. It always strikes me when I make someone laugh or smile and they go “ oh wow there’s finally a nice one “ like y’all thought we was all just terrible people or something ? 😂😂


I would add that if you're a diabetic there exceptions to food and drink amount limitations. Great video!


Perfect timing! I am headed on my first holiday so low trip to Oregon in a few weeks. I was just looking up the liquids war. Great work, as always!


Get pre-check if you’re a frequent traveler… $85 for 5 years. Well worth the money.
